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Learning task 5 What I Can Do- #i-beg to Disagree because

State your reason why you beg to disagree to the given statements below. You have to remember that
you are a CULTURAL RELATIVIST; you have to place yourself in the shoes of these people in order to
understand them better. Culture is not good or bad, neither it is right or wrong, but instead it is relative.

1. One society can call another society as evil such as those nations where terrorist live. These places are
also called an “axis of evil”.
No one can call another society as evil just because of their own particular set of standards regarding a
society. There is a reason why terrorists occur such as political opposition and this is a part of their social
reaction. A group of people do not define the whole nation and so, a group of people can’t also label another
society as evil or good.

2. Western culture is superior and opposite of non-Western culture.

To say that one culture is superior to the other is a fallacy since we have no way to objectively prove it
because people judge cultures based on their viewpoints and cultural bias. In non-Western, family and religious
communities are more important than power or riches while in western culture, individual careers and
accomplishments are what generally defined them. These cultures can vary greatly from one area to another be
it in customs, traditions, and family as these were made by social creations.

3. When you don’t say “po” at “opo,” you are impolite.

For Filipinos, saying “po” and “opo” is one way to show respect and courtesy but it is not always the
same case for others. People who are raised in places, particularly, in Visayas and Mindanao were not
practicing this simply because it is not a part of their culture. Others may not be aware or familiar with this
certain word as this has no equivalent words in their language or dialect. Nevertheless, everyone has their own
way of expressing their gratitude and respect to one another because we differ in cultural backgrounds.

4. The Mangyan tribe of Mindoro are backwards people because they are uneducated.
I grew up in Mindoro, saw the Mangyan tribe every day, talked and interacted with them. I have high
respect for them as I witnessed how they pursue their studies despite the criticisms they always get. They prefer
to live a much simple life than most of us, living up there in mountains with no access to modern technologies.
Still, education is something they thrive on. Some Mangyans are licensed teachers, police, and even business
owners. Their culture is what they firmly preserved to keep their identity and pass it to the next generation.


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