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Muhammad Rio Ferdiansyah

D3 Manajemen Pemasaran A
1. A. Responden dengan pengasilan 25-49$ dengan masa kerja dibawah 5 tahun adalah
44,9 %

Income category in thousands * Years with current employer Crosstabulation

Years with current employer

Less than 5 5 to 15 More than 15 Total

Income category in thousands Under $25 Count 778 279 117 117

% within Income category in 66,3% 23,8% 10,0% 100,0


$25 - $49 Count 1073 1115 200 238

% within Income category in 44,9% 46,7% 8,4% 100,0


$50 - $74 Count 237 551 332 112

% within Income category in 21,2% 49,2% 29,6% 100,0


$75+ Count 128 419 1171 171

% within Income category in 7,5% 24,4% 68,2% 100,0


Total Count 2216 2364 1820 640

% within Income category in 34,6% 36,9% 28,4% 100,0


B. Penghasilan terbesat responden dengan masa kerja lebih dari 15 tahun adalah 1116
Descriptives (TABEL 1 B)

Years with current employer Statistic

Household income in Less than 5 Mean 35,5826

thousands 95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 34,5721
Mean Upper Bound 36,5931

5% Trimmed Mean 32,6268

Median 29,0000

Variance 588,427

Std. Deviation 24,25752

Minimum 9,00

Maximum 335,00

Range 326,00

Interquartile Range 19,00

Skewness 4,041

Kurtosis 30,440

5 to 15 Mean 54,3769

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 52,7207

Mean Upper Bound 56,0331

5% Trimmed Mean 49,5116

Median 44,0000

Variance 1686,196

Std. Deviation 41,06332

Minimum 9,00

Maximum 819,00

Range 810,00

Interquartile Range 33,00

Skewness 5,019

Kurtosis 59,664

More than 15 Mean 130,3522

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 125,0130

Mean Upper Bound 135,6914

5% Trimmed Mean 116,3559

Median 98,5000

Variance 13488,127

Std. Deviation 116,13840

Minimum 9,00

Maximum 1116,00

Range 1107,00

Interquartile Range 99,00

Skewness 3,039

Kurtosis 15,125
2. A. Harga mobil termahal responden pria adalah 99,90


Gender Statistic

Price of primary vehicle Female Mean 29,9493

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 29,1963

Mean Upper Bound 30,7023

5% Trimmed Mean 28,1554

Median 22,2000

Variance 468,900

Std. Deviation 21,65409

Minimum 4,20

Maximum 99,70

Range 95,50

Interquartile Range 24,80

Skewness 1,244

Kurtosis ,613

Male Mean 30,3051

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 29,5383

Mean Upper Bound 31,0719

5% Trimmed Mean 28,5565

Median 22,1000

Variance 492,611

Std. Deviation 22,19484

Minimum 4,20

Maximum 99,90

Range 95,70

Interquartile Range 26,60

Skewness 1,189

Kurtosis ,441
B. Yang memiliki mobil Luxury sebesar 49,6 % (1133 responden)

Primary vehicle price category * Gender Crosstabulation


Female Male Total

Primary vehicle price Economy Count 909 932 1841

category % within Primary vehicle 49,4% 50,6% 100,0%
price category

Standard Count 1137 1138 2275

% within Primary vehicle 50,0% 50,0% 100,0%

price category

Luxury Count 1133 1151 2284

% within Primary vehicle 49,6% 50,4% 100,0%

price category
Total Count 3179 3221 6400

% within Primary vehicle 49,7% 50,3% 100,0%

price category

3. A. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara penghasilan dengan harga mobil yang dimiliki
karena nilai sig = 0 atau Sig < 0,05


Model Standardized
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 14,799 ,223 66,319 ,000

Household income in ,221 ,002 ,792 103,814 ,000


a. Dependent Variable: Price of primary vehicle

B. Arah hubungannya positif karena nilai Sig dari kedua variabel positif (0)

C. Hubungannya tidak terlalu erat atau lemah karena nilai Sig 0 (Tidak mendekasi 1/-
D. Bentuk persamaan regresinya Y= 14.799 + 0,221 X

Model Standardized
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 14,799 ,223 66,319 ,000

Household income in ,221 ,002 ,792 103,814 ,000


a. Dependent Variable: Price of primary vehicle

E. Model regresi yang diperoleh signifikan karena nilai sig pada regression 0 (< 0,05)
sehingga dapat dikatakan signifikan.


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 1930513,413 1 1930513,413 10777,296 ,000a

Residual 1146059,754 6398 179,128

Total 3076573,167 6399

a. Predictors: (Constant), Household income in thousands

b. Dependent Variable: Price of primary vehicle

F. Koefisien regresi yang diperoleh signifikan karena nilai Sig pada tabel coefficient 0
(< 0,05) sehingga dapat dikatakan signifikan


Model Standardized
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity S

B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance

1 (Constant) 14,799 ,223 66,319 ,000

Household income in ,221 ,002 ,792 103,814 ,000 1,000


a. Dependent Variable: Price of primary vehicle

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