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Focus on your strengths. Focusing on

your core values, beliefs and perceived
strengths can motivate people to
succeed, and may even buffer the
negative effects of bias.
Seek support systems. One problem
with discrimination is that people can

02 internalize others’ negative beliefs, even

when they’re false. Family and friends
can remind you of your worth and help
you reframe those faulty beliefs.
Help yourself think clearly. Being the

target of discrimination can stir up a lot
of strong emotions including anger,
sadness and embarrassment. Try to
check in with your body before reacting.
Seek professional help. Discrimination is

04 difficult to deal with, and is often

associated with symptoms of
In human social behavior, discrimination is treatment or
consideration of, or making a distinction towards, a
person based on the group, class, or category to which
the person is perceived to belong. Wikipedia
noun: discrimination; plural noun: discriminations
1. 1.

the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different
categories of people or things, especially on the
grounds of race, age, or sex.

 age
 carer and parental status
 disability (including physical, sensory and
intellectual disability, work related injury,
medical conditions, and mental,
psychological and learning disabilities)
 employment activity
 gender identity, lawful sexual activity and
sexual orientation
 industrial activity
 marital status
Where can discrimination 

physical features
political belief or activity
occur?  pregnancy and breastfeeding
 race (including color, nationality, ethnicity
Discrimination is against the law when it occurs in an area and ethnic origin)
of public life such as clubs, schools and shops, or in the  religious belief or activity
workplace.  sex
 expunged homosexual conviction
 personal association with someone who
has, or is assumed to have, one of
these personal characteristics.

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