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Never take shortcuts in your life, shorter and unknown paths can cost your life;

In life, we are often tempted to take shortcuts which we usually mistake as something that can be a
convenience to us. We are usually drawn to things we don't know. However, more often than not,
shortcuts and unknown paths lead to unfortunate things. Once, I tried to take a shortcut in completing a
task. It ended up badly for me because I did not accomplish the task properly. By taking shortcuts, we
don't see the totality of the process. Also, paths that are unfamiliar to us are a gamble. We might
forget but taking the long way is still the better choice. In choosing the long way, we are able to learn
along the journey and garner wisdom.

Never be too curious, for curiosity towards evil can be deadly;

As a famous saying goes, "curiosity killed the cat". This goes true in life. Once, I was so curious about a
thing, I was not even being wary of it. This experience was unfortunate for me as it was a bad thing.
Curiosity is both a good and a bad thing. It can lead to evil as much as it can lead to goodness.
Sometimes, we become too curious about a thing that we forget to look into it, if it is good or bad. Our
curiosity blinds us from being critical which could lead us into danger. It slips our minds that sometimes,
it is alright to be wary of a thing.

Never make decisions in moments of anger or pain, because when you repent, it could be too late.
I believe this advice to be true. In my opinion, this advice is the most true out of the three advices. I
think it is important to remember this advice always. Decisions that were made during moments of
anger and pain are oftenly not well-thought. These decisions are driven by negative emotions, which
cause them to lead to negative outcomes. It could be already late when we realize what we have done
and try to undo it. By then, we could already be regretting the decision we made, and hating ourselves
jn the process. Decisions should be made when we are clear-thinking and rational.

Think, Reflect, Inquire, Pray

Situation: I failed to study for a test the night before and the next day, I was tempted to cheat.

Think: I will think about why I failed to study and think of my next actions. Because I did not study, I will
think about the consequences of my action, such as failing the test.

Reflect: I will reflect about what might happen if i fail the test. It might affect my grades badly and it
could lower my self-esteem.

Inquire: I will ask myself why I did not study in the first place. Also, I will ask myself about what I will do
to prevent this situation from happening again.

Pray: I will pray to God he guide me while taking the test. I will ask for God's wisdom. I will ask
him to let me answer decently and do the best that I can even though I did not study for the test.

Action: I will not cheat because it is morally wrong to cheat. I would rather fail because I did not study
than pass and get a high score because I cheated. I will just study harder next time.
Descriptive sentence about goal

My ultimate goal is to be an engineer. The image portrays a boy flying a kite. The boy is me and the kite
symbolizes the coal. By holding thekite, it means that I am taking control of achieving my goal, however I
am letting the wind which represents my experiences in life, guide me.

Personal commitment

My ultimate goal is to be an engineer. The image portrays a boy flying a kite. The boy is me and the kite
symbolizes the coal. By holding thekite, it means that I am taking control of achieving my goal, however I
am letting the wind which represents my experiences in life, guide me.


Heavenly Father
Creator of all
The Divine Provider
I ask that you always guide me in every decision I make.
Let my every decision lead me to the path of goodness and stray me from the path of evil.
Let my decisions be wise, moral and aligned with your teachings.
Where there is darkness in me, let there be light.
Don’t let me be blinded by my negative emotions and consumed by my negative thoughts when I make
a decision.
Let your teachings enlighten me.
Grant me wisdom in situations where I need to decide.
I ask forgiveness for all of the bad decisions I have made.
May the Holy Spirit guide me as I learn from my mistakes and reflect.
Heavenly Father, be with me in every step of the way as I journey through life.
I ask this in your holy name.

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