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Name: Joshua U.

delos Reyes
Grade/Section: 11 STEM 1
Subject: 21st Century Literature
Teacher: Mrs. Queenie Lesiguez

Crazy Rich Asian

Reaction Paper

After watching the movie, it made me cry, laugh, clap and legitimately want to
watch the whole movie again and again. While watching the movie it was like I’m on an
adventure going to Singapore via “Crazy Rich Asian”. I really like the attitude and sense
of humor of Peik Lin who plays Rachels’s hilarious and wisecracking best friend, she gave
hilarious to the movie

As the film introduces me to Nick’s friends and family, I see the rich, crazy rich,
and insane aspects of their lives. Director Chu effectively features the luxurious and
unrestrained way of life the Young family has, while likewise capturing the wealth,
influence and classicism they radiate. In the movie, Rachel shows genuine wealth lies in
knowing where we originated from. In spite of her challenging background, she is not
lured by the prospect of marrying into riches. Rather she walks away confident in her
decision to stay true to herself. She is intelligent, polite and ready to carry herself in any
social circumstances. Yet, what stands out is her character, despite the fact that she has
the decision to marry nick, she turns him down as she did not want to drive a wedge
between him and his family, for whom her social background becomes a bone of

It is clear in the movie that Rachel’s strength comes from her relationship with
her mother. The last key to true riches that I hope to pass on to my kids is strong and
enduring parent-child relationship. True wealth is not about getting everything we
desire in the world. Sometimes it entails giving away a part of ourselves and learning to
step aside. It’s about understanding that when we strive to win something small, we end
up sacrificing something bigger that might be more important.

But the scene that hit me the hardest was a basic one, among Rachel and her
mother, when they were simply lying in bed, her mother comforting her after she got her
heart broken. I basically lost it when Rachel whispered “I’m sorry,” and her mom
responded, “Oh, honey don’t be sorry.” Watching Rachel go through all out of that on
her journey to Singapore and then having it come full circle with her mom at the end
that what made it the most moving for me

The lesson that I learned in this movie is “Money can’t buy Hapiness.” Like Nick,
he’s ready to walk away from it all to be with someone he loved.

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