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Yasen Mae L.


Critique: Crazy Rich Asian

The film follows Rachel Chu, an American – born Chinese economics professor, who
travels to her boyfriend Nick’s hometown of Singapore for his best friend’s wedding. Before
long, his secret is out. Nick is from a family that is impossibly wealthy, he’s the most eligible
bachelor in Asia, and every single woman in his extremely – rarefied social class is incredibly
jealous of Rachel and they want to bring her down.

London 1995, Eleanor Young and her family came to a private hotel and want to check
in at the lancaster suite – but hotel’s manager didn’t welcome them kindly. So they bought the
hotel and the hotel’s manager was ashamed on his foolish acts. Rachel is unprepared to learn
that Nick has neglected to mention a few information about his family and his wealth. Rachel
Chu is innocent and she is not an opportunist. Innocent because she didn’t know that her
boyfriend, Nick is badly rich. She is not an opportunist because on the time that she knew that
her boyfriend is freaking rich, she did not grab the opportunity because of the wealth of her
boyfriend or of her boyfriend’s family. Literally, she is not a gold digger. Nick has a jealous
socialites and, worse, he owns disapproving mother taking aim.

They were at the Singapore for spring break and it was really disappointing because of
the internet – the dissemination of information or issue between Rachel Chu and Nick Young is
extremely fast. It annoys me seeing people meddling with other people’s lives. Rachel and Nick
explore the Chinatown at the Singapore and yes, it is an advantage if you came from the
wealthy family because you can order different kinds of foods and drinks anytime and anywhere
you want because they are Crazy Rich. They had a wonderful day spending their time with each
other and also with their friends. Nick and his friend ignored whether the helicopter will fall or not
because as you can see on the movie they land the helicopter at the edge of the rock and it is
very dangerous.

Yes they are freaking rich and as you can notice that the only thing crazier than love is
family. Nick Young’s mother told Rachel that she will never be enough but despite of being
degraded by Eleanor Young, she fought back for the love and she fought back because of Nick.
I knew what the purpose of Nick Young’s mother is, why she belittle Rachel because she wants
a prosperous life for her son but at the end of the day she gave her blessings to the both of
them and Nick proposes to Rachel on the plane and the expensive ring that was inside the box
was from Eleanor Young, his mother.

This funny and romantic story taught us that everything change. Like what Nick’s mother
did. Her personality changed from stone-hearted to soft-hearted and it is not bad if we give them
a chance – a chance to change.

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