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Statement of the problem

Adolescence these days are much of the time encountering issues that are
rooted from academic, family and emotional problems. Some examples of these issues
are depression and anxiety. According to Vitasari et. al. (2010) depression is often
caused by stressful life or an experience of loss. On the other hand, anxiety is usually
from academic or social pressure (McBride et. al., 2006). Thus, the researchers
selected a topic that would be relevant to the experiences of Senior High School
Students. This study would benefit the students in general, especially those who are
experiencing anxiety and depression. This would be advantageous to teachers,
guidance counsellors and parents in such a way that they would become aware and
gain knowledge of this occurring issue. Also, this would be beneficial to students who
will be having a research with a similar topic to ours. The aim of this study is to know the
factors affecting depression and anxiety through the perceptions of Senior High School
Students of Xavier University of school year 2016 – 2017 on depression and anxiety.
The researchers would also aim to determine the underlying factors that cause such
problems based from the student’s perception. To ensure the validity of their views and
opinions on depression and anxiety, follow-up questions would be asked for
clarifications. Should the students who are being interviewed are having a difficult time
to open up. Need therefore arises to make the respondents feel comfortable before the
actual interview proper.

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