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Journalism is the production and distribution of reports on the interaction of events, facts, ideas, and
people that are the "news of the day" and that impacts society to at least some degree. The word applies
to the occupation (professional or not), the methods of gathering information, and the organizing literary
styles. Journalistic media include: print, television, radio, Internet, and, in the past, newsreels.

Journalism is concerned with collection and dissemination of news through the print media as well as the
electronic media. This involves various areas of works like reporting, writing, editing, photographing,
broadcasting or cable casting news items.


The purpose of journalism itself is to inform and interpret, educate and enlighten the people.

The media is one of the most powerful estates of society. They are
responsible for making or breaking the image of a public persona, and also for
making a persona well known to the rest of the world. They are responsible for
spreading news fast and accurately to all corners of the world, and for
shaping public opinion. Journalism is much more than straightforward
reporting; journalists investigate an incident and attempt to uncover hidden
truths, if any.


PRINT JOURNALISM: Print Journalism includes newspapers, magazines and journals. In print journalism
one can work as editors, reporters, correspondents etc.

ELECTRONIC JOURNALISM: Electronic journalism includes working for Radio, Television and the Web. In
the web, skilled people are required to maintain sites by web newspapers (which cater only to the web
and do not have print editions) and popular newspapers and magazines who have their own web
editions. In electronic journalism one can be a reporter, writer, editor, researcher, correspondent and

Medical journalism is the dissemination of health and medical information and related subjects in the
media. It targets regular people rather than professionals by releasing health related information
through media sources.

medical journalism can come from a variety of sources including:

 Television news programs

 Newspapers

 Internet websites

 Scientific journals (those that report health- and medical-related news)

Medical journalism can also influence an individual's quality of health care. Due to the relative ease
at which information can be obtained on the internet, many people will now question doctors on new
medications and treatments for their conditions. In more extreme cases, people will compare their
symptoms, real or imagined, to various illnesses in attempts to diagnose themselves. [13] There have
been a few recent studies that have tried to explore the availability of health information as
complement to health care or as a substitute yet no direct relationships have been found. This is
most likely caused by a lack of knowledge or a lack of the ability in the individual to apply the health
information once found resulting in seeking health care.


The role and status of journalism, along with that of the mass media, has undergone changes over the
last two decades with the advent of digital technology and publication of news on the Internet.This has
created a shift in the consumption of print media channels, as people increasingly consume news
through e-readers, smartphones, and other electronic devices, challenging news organizations to fully
monetize their digital wing, as well as improvise on the context in which they publish news in print.

The role of nursing journals in the advancement of

professional nursing.
From modest developments of 'popular' nursing journals many years ago, there has been a
prolific growth in the numbers of nursing journals published each year. This growth is particularly
noteworthy in the increase in the numbers of specialist interest and scholarly nursing journals.
The different types of journals have also tended to influence each other's contents, as well as the
contents of nursing textbooks. Over the years, nurses themselves have emerged as the main
contributors to the journals. Increasingly the focus of all the journals has been on nursing
practice--and the factors associated with professional practice and the professional education
and development of nurses. Whilst it is conceded that it is difficult to demonstrate that nursing
journals have made a direct impact on care, some indirect impact can be claimed. This claim is
based, among other things, on the contribution of nursing journals to the development of nursing
as a profession, their contribution to the individual development of professional nurses, and their
contribution to the documentation of the body of nursing knowledge.
Mass media refers to all forms of media that are open to and accessible by the public.
This includes newspapers, television, internet, magazines, radio etc.
As nurses, we’re primed with the knowledge and clinical expertise to deliver important health
information using mainstream media, including television, radio, and print, as well as the
internet. However, media puts the audience in a passive role to receive information, which isn’t
how nurses typically communicate with patients, so some training is needed. This training
prepares nurses to speak succinctly and address important points while being mindful of the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.


Nurses are health experts who can collaborate with journalists and media outlets to
ensure that health news is accurate and that important topics are addressed. They can
provide content expertise and address crucial information, such as quality of evidence,
costs, and risks vs. benefits that might be overlooked by a journalist.
Mainstream media and the internet allow nurses to meet people where they are—in their
living rooms watching TV and on their electronic devices—to provide benefits to those in
the community who may not have access to healthcare, are without health insurance, or
are afraid to go the doctor. The future of nursing requires us to embrace technology and
media to educate patients, families, and the public beyond the bedside.


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