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Group Assignment:

The product chosen for this assignment “Dawn” is dish soap. The following are the 4P’s
of the marketing mix in reference to Dawn Dish Soap products.

The Marketing Mix: Dawn

- Product: The product is Dawn dish soap products, which have many different versions.
These dish soaps are marketed as very “hardcore” and “heavy” products, meaning that
these products are targeted towards larger loads of dishes.
- Price: The price range is between $2-$7 Canadian, which pricing is dependent on the
retailers that carry these products. Stores / retailers who carry these products most likely
have the pricing power to mark these products up by a certain percentage depending on
sales volume as well as sales demand in those particular retailers.
- Place: The place element of the product pertains to the different types of retailers that
carry these products. The stores that carry Dawn products include grocery stores, home
stores, home improvement stores, supermarkets, and other mega retailers that carry home
cleaning and other misc home goods.
o Examples of retailers that carry Dawn products include:
§ Walmart
§ Giant Tiger
§ Dollar Stores
§ 7-11 Seven Eleven
§ No Frills, Loblaws, Food Basics, Longo’s, Etc.
- Promotion: Using some eco-friendly as well as environmentally conscious marketing
techniques, Dawn uses several mediums for advertising. These mediums pertain to
physical advertising, online advertising, and as well as television advertising – Which are
all the usual mediums for many other P&G brands.
o The specific promotional techniques include:
§ Television Advertisement
§ Magazine / Print Media
§ Online Advertisements (Video ads, Banner ads, and more).

Questions pertaining to the Marketing Mix:

1. Who is the Manufacturer?

a. The manufacturer of the Dawn dish soap products is Proctor & Gamble, which is
an American based FMCG company that specializes in household goods.
Although the actual factory location of where P&G produces Dawn dish soap is
unknown, it is most likely manufactured in the United States.
2. What are the features of the products?
a. The features of Dawn dish soap products include:
i. 50% less scrubbing required
ii. Tough cutting through grease
iii. Multi-Use (Not just limited to use on dishes)
iv. Tough oil fighting components
3. Who are its competitors?
a. The competitors of Dawn dish soap products include (Which may include its own
P&G brands) are;
i. Palmolive, Gain, Ajax, Cascade, and more.
4. What is its price?
a. The price for Dawn products ranges from $2.49CAD to $38CAD, with prices
increasing as the quantity increases in its packaging. Larger formats or refill type
products also exist, allowing users to reduce on purchasing more of the actual
liquid product.
5. Where can you find it for sale?
a. As mentioned before, the product is available for sale in many different types of
retailers which include but are not limited to:
i. Walmart
ii. Giant Tiger
iii. Dollar stores
iv. 7-11 Seven Eleven
v. Grocery Stores: No frills, Food basics, Loblaws, and more.
6. Where and how do you hear about this product?
a. Consumers can learn about these products through TV commercials, print
advertisements in magazines and on billboards. Their famous campaigns feature
Dawn products being used to help clean up the environment by saving animals
who become victimized by oil spills. These ads have resurfaced for years and
continue to push Dawn’s “clean” image across the consumer media landscape.
7. Is it a green product?
a. Dawn dish soap is not a green product. The dish soap markets itself as a product
used to clean animals after oil spills, but in reality the chemicals in their product,
including Phosphates, Triclosan, and Fragrance are not only harmful and toxic to
the environment, but actually breaks through tissue barriers and damage skin.
8. What is the product doing to the environment?
a. Despite P&G’s claims that Dawn Soap helps clean animals and save wildlife from
harmful oil spills, the soap actually has incredibly negative effects towards the
environment. Under the guise of being a green product, Dawn Soap contains
chemicals that damage skin, can hurt animals’ fur/feathers etc., isn’t a
biodegradable product (meaning when the soap suds go down the drain it stays in
the water forever), and the bottle is made from plastic. Besides being used for
cleaning up as well as a portion of sales going towards animal rescue in
environmental disasters (oil spills), Dawn Soap has a negative impact towards the

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