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Karuna II Symbols Gnosa Gnosa heals the mind and links you more strongly with the Higher Self. Draw the propellers first, starting where the numbers are located, then the triangle, ending with the circle. Cirle is clockwise ‘and drawn last CONNECTS THE HIGHER SELF WITH LOWER SELF Gnosa brings the Higher Self into the physical body. Because of this, Gnosa can be used for very deep healing. It penetrates very deeply and lifts out emotional pain, often bringing an awareness of the true cause of the pain in a way that completes the healing. IMPROVES LEARNING ABILITY Gnosa opens the mind allowing new ideas to more easily integrate into the mind. Because it works with the nervous system, ithelps you leam physical things as well, such as dancing, martial arts, sports of all kinds, even playing musical instruments. It is great for studying and taking tests. => HEALS COMMUNICATION By improving mental clarity, Gnosa helps us organize our minds and improve communication. Its useful for both speaking and writing, It can also be used for research projects, guiding you to the best sources of information and helping you comprehend their meaning. INCREASES CREATIVITY Gnosa brings the higher mind into our everyday consciousness inereasing clarity and inspiring us with new ideas. Gnosa adds depth to all our projects and connects us with those enlightened beings who can guide us in their development and fulfillment. Gnosa works well with Rama allowing the Higher Self to manifest our creativity on the physical plane. Tava (ee-ah-vah) Draw the ¥3" first, then the swirl of i's back 5 Re CLAIM YOUR POWER ‘Sometimes there are others in our lives that try to control how we live. If we have a goal or a way of being that we want (o create for ourselves, but there are those who dont want us fo, it ean make our achievements more difficult. Our plans and goals can become clouded by the negative intensions of others. This could be happening now or there could be a residue of controlling thoughts and feelings inthe ‘subconscious mind left over fiom the past. This often happens because we have given up some of our power to those around us because of guilt and fear. Tava helps you break free from others expectations and projections and take back your power so you can create your life the way you want itto be. HEALS CO-DEPENDENCE ‘Sometimes people make unconscious agreements with those they are close to that are not healthy and actually encourage each other to remain unhealed. These unconscious agreements prevent those involved from improving themselves. Iava helps you heal co-dependence allowing you to break free from an unhealthy sense of responsibility you may have with those you are close to. HEALS REALITY AWARENESS Java helps us and those around us respect one another's independent realities. It helps us learn and understand what our reality should truly be based on who we really are inside rather than the expectations of others. EMPOWERS YOUR GOALS ava helps us act on our plans even if others are not happy with our decisions. It helps us connect with the joyous outcome of our goals which empowers us to achieve them. HEALS THE EARTH Tava is truly an Barth healing energy, and can help us connect with the consciousness of trees, flowers, crystals, clouds ete. Try Tava on your house plants Tava works well with Harth to heal addictions, Shanti Draw the angle first, then the curved lines. SHANTI BRINGS PEACE AND CREATES TRUST IN LIFE Shanti can work with our connection to the flow of life allowing us to heal the past, create harmony in the present and release the future. This process of letting go creates an effortlessness to our living process allowing us to enjoy life more deeply. People who have a tendency to worry because things seem to have gone wrong in the past often ‘grow (o expect things to go wrong in the future. Since Shanti helps heal the past, it brings peace into the now and helps free us from worry about the future, HEALS INSOMNIA Shanti releases fear and creates a gentle peaceful feeling. Because of this, it can help heal insomnia and help you get a good nights sleep. Itis also good for healing nightmares. HEALS FEAR AND PANIC Shanti i also very helpful in treating panic attacks or chronic fatigue. This is because it helps calm fears and bring peace. Many people with these disorders worry about the future, they think about all the things that could go wrong, rather than focusing on their goals. This is very draining, and they become weak and very tired. Shanti creates such a soothing state of being they are able to focus more on the now, and do so in a peaceful way. MANIFESTS THE BEST RESULTS ‘When combined with Rama or Kriya, Shanti can bring harmony to the realization of ones goals making them seem effortless to achieve. INCREASES CLAIRVOYANCE Meditate with the point of Shanti going into the third eye. Maintain this single pointed focus and it will clear the brow chakra enhancing clairvoyance. Kriya ‘This'double Choku Rei is used for physical manifestation and for healing the human race, GROUNDING To use Kriya for grounding, visualize each side of the symbol going down each leg. Place the upper part in your hips with the spirals in your feet. This will create a strong connection to the earth and bring your consciousness more fully into your body. This will also help guide your path through life ina very practical way. MANIFESTS GOALS Kriya can be used to manifest goals. One way to work with Kriya to manifest goals is to write your goal on a piece of paper in the form of an affirmation. For example, if you would like to have a Reiki practice where you see 20 people a week, you would create an affirmation like; "I have 20 Reiki clients every week." Then draw Kriya on the paper and hold it between your hands and do Kriya Reiki on it everyday. At the same time, you must be working to create your goal, by creating a plan and acting on it. If your goal is for your highest good, you will find valuable — = ‘oincidences” occurring that help you manifest your goal. Kriya Reiki will reach out to all the people and resources needed to help you create your goal and make it a joy to manifest. CREATES PRIORITIES Kriya is helpful if you feel stuck with many thoughts and have difficulty focusing on what you need to do, It will help you sort out your priorities and focus on the things that are important to manifest in your life now. It also helps you focus your energy on them. HEALS THE HUMAN RACE Kriya can be used to heal all the people of Earth, helping them work together in harmony.

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