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IGCSE Biology Revision Questions

1. Explain why it is important for plants that carbon dioxide uptake during the day is greater than
carbon dioxide released at night.[2]

2. Explain the difference between self-pollination and cross-pollination.[2]

3. Discuss the long-term effects of self-pollination on the evolution of these plants.[4]

4. Describe how blood is moved by the heart from pulmonary vein to aorta.
Blood from pulmonary vein enters left atrium. The atria contract and atrioventricular valve opens due
to pressure from blood. Blood forced into left ventricle. The ventricle contract and atrioventricular
valves shut to prevent blood entering atrium. Semilunar valves open. Blood forced into aorta.

5. Explain how bacteria become resistant to antibiotics.

Bacteria have mutated. Variation in ability of bacteria to survive antibiotic treatment. Bacteria with no
/little resistance die, bacteria with resistance survive and breed ;

6. Describe and explain the distribution of rod cells and cone cells across the
There are more rod cells than cone cells in the retina. There is an uneven distribution of rod cells
either side of fovea. No rod cells and no cone cells at blind spot because that is where the optic nerve
enters /leaves retina at blind spot. Also there are only cone cells at the fovea / no rod cells at the fovea.

7. Describe and explain how a reduced concentration of water vapour in the air would increase the
movement of water through crop plants.[3]
Increased rate of transpiration. There is greater concentration of water vapour inside the leaf than
outside so more water vapour diffuses out of the leaf through stomata and more water is drawn up
through xylem/ transpiration pull.

8. Describe how water moves from the soil into the roots of crop plants.[3]
By osmosis. The soil has a higher water potential than the root cells. Water moves from an area of
higher water potential to lower water potential across a partially permeable membrane.

9.. Describe the role of bile in digestion.

For emulsification, increased surface area of fat globules, faster, digestion break down of fat by
enzymes (lipase) to fatty acids and glycerol, neutralises (stomach) acid

10. Explain how the products of fat digestion are transported from small intestine to the rest of the
fatty acids / glycerol / fats, enter / AW
1 (micro)villi ;
2 capillaries / blood vessels / blood / circulatory system ;
3 lacteals / lymphatic capillary ;
4 (travel via) lymph / in lymph vessels / in lymph(atic) system ;
5 lymph empties into blood ;

12. Describe and explain how coronary heart disease can be treated.
drug treatment ;
2 aspirin ;
3 to, reduce risk of / prevent, blood clotting ;
4 surgery / operation ;
5 (coronary) by-pass ;
6 described / a piece of blood vessel attached to carry blood around the
blocked artery ;
7 angioplasty ;
8 described / tube or balloon inserted into artery and inflated to widen artery ;
9 stent(s) ;
10 tube / AW, to, hold arteries open / stop arteries collapsing ;
11 to restore blood supply (to heart muscle) ;

13. Outline the role of antibodies in the defence of the body against pathogens.
antibodies lock on to antigens ;
2 ref to antigens are on pathogens ;
3 antibodies / antigens, are specific ;
4 antibodies (have shape) complementary to antigen ;
5 antibodies destroy pathogens (directly) ;
6 antibodies, mark / AW, pathogens for destruction by
phagocytes / phagocytosis ;

14. Explain how heroin affects the function of the synapse.

heroin is converted into morphine ;
2 heroin diffuses into synapse ;
3 heroin binds to receptors (for neurotransmitter) ;
4 ref to, endorphin / encephalin, receptors / neurotransmitter ;
5 ref to heroin being complementary to receptor ;
6 blocks neurotransmitter entering receptor site ;
7 (or) stimulates receptor ;
8 reduced / increased, pain perception ; as appropriate
9 AVP ;
morphine stimulates release of dopamine
acts on relay neurone even

15. Describe and explain the importance of diet when treating children affected by marasmus.
marasmus child lower mass than healthy child, initially / AW ;
2 initial (rapid) increase in mass of child with marasmus ;
3 then trend almost follows increase of healthy children ;
4 later / AW, marasmus child is similar to / heavier than, healthy child ;
5 comparative data in children’s mass with units stated at least once ;
6&7&8 comparative data of milk with units stated at least once ;;;
9 protein required for, new cells / muscle / repair ;
10 carbohydrates / fats, required for, energy / respiration ;
11 fats required for, insulation / cell membranes / protecting organs / neurones ;
12 treatment for marasmus / AW, has more, (named) nutrients / energy ;
13 marasmus child encouraged to drink as much as possible ;
14 nutrients are required (for children) for, growth ;
16. Describe how red blood cells are produced and explain how they are adapted to their function.
1 (stem) cells divide ;
2 by mitosis ;
3 to form, daughter / genetically identical, cells ;
4 nucleus buds off / AW ;
5 digested / broken down, mitochondria ;
6 only one of stem cells specialises / others continue to be stem cells ;
7 haemoglobin made prior to, mitochondria / nucleus removed / maturation ;
8 (loss of structures) gives space for, oxygen transport / haemoglobin ;
9 haemoglobin, transports / AW, oxygen ;
10 biconcave shape / described ;
11 large surface area (to volume ratio) ;
12 for diffusion of oxygen / gas(es) ;

17. Some people have sickle cell anaemia. Describe the cause of this type of anaemia.
mutation ;
2 change in, base sequence / DNA ;
3 in gene / allele, for haemoglobin ;
4 inherit the allele (for sickle cell anaemia / mutated haemoglobin / HbS) ;
5 having the recessive allele(s) / being, homozygous
recessive / HbSHbS / heterozygous / HbSHbA ;
6 produce, abnormal / AW, haemoglobin ;
7 red blood cells have, sickle shape / described ;

18. Explain how vaccination provides active immunity.

(vaccine contains) harmless / attenuated / dead / AW, form of, (named)

pathogen / antigen ;
2 (antigens / vaccine) stimulate an immune response ;
3 ref to lymphocytes ;
4 lymphocytes / white blood cells, make antibodies ;
5 ref to specificity ;
6 production of memory cells ;
7 rapid, immune response / AW, if exposed to same, pathogen / antigen ;
8 gives long-term immunity ;

19. Outline the role of the liver in excretion.

Conversion of ammonia( a major toxic metabolic nitrogenous product) into urea which is excreted
through urine as uric acid. Production of bile juices that help in the breakdown of lipid molecules.
Breaks down haemoglobin and formation of new RBC's occurs. Helps in purifying blood

20. Describe two ways in which palisade mesophyll is adapted for maximum photosynthesis.
contain many chloroplasts / lots of chloroplasts ;
are tightly packed ;
are located near the top of the leaf ;
arranged ‘on end’/ vertically / lengthways / columnar ;
21. Describe where and how carbon dioxide enters a leaf.
through stomata ;
by diffusion ;
from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration ;
guard cells bend/ become turgid ;

22. Describe the process of dialysis and explain changes that occur in a person’s blood.
blood flows into the (dialysis) machine/blood is returned to the patient ;
2 blood passes over a dialysis membrane/ countercurrent flow described ;
3 the dialysis membrane separates the person’s blood and the dialysis fluid ;
4 dialysis fluid contains, glucose/ salts / no urea ;
5 movement (across membrane) by diffusion/ down a concentration gradient ;
6 urea leaves the blood/ enters the dialysis fluid ;
7 dialysis fluid is refreshed ;
8 excess / some salt, leaves the blood/enters the dialysis fluid ;
9 excess / some water, leaves the blood/ enters the dialysis fluid ;
10 glucose/ salts in dialysis fluid same concentration as (should be) in blood ;
11 no net loss of glucose ;

23. Function of the liver:

Breakdown of hormones and drugs.
breaks down/AW, dead/ damaged red blood cells ;
stores (named) vitamins /(named) minerals ;
breaks down amino acids into ammonia/ deamination ;
makes urea ;
stores glycogen ;
converts glucose to glycogen/ora ;
produces bile (salts / pigments) ;
makes cholesterol ;
makes (named) protein ;
maintains glucose concentration in blood ;
breaks down toxins ;

24. Describe two effects on the body of long-term, excessive consumption of alcohol.
cirrhosis (of liver)/(chronic) liver disease/ kidney failure/ liver failure ;

cancer of the liver ;

brain damage ;
stomach ulcers ;
heart disease/ high blood pressure ;
oral cancer/ mouth cancer/ throat cancer/AW ;
pancreatitis ;
reduced fertility ;
depression/AW ;
addiction/dependence ;
heart failure/stroke/heart attack ;
25. State one advantage and one disadvantage of asexual reproduction for flowering plants.
fast ;
colonise new areas quickly ;
if the parent is well adapted to the environment the offspring will be also/AW ;
only one individual needed ;
little/ no, variation ;
disease/ change in environmental conditions, likely to kill all organisms /AW ;
limited ability to adapt to environmental changes /AW ;
no dispersal, so competition (with parent/others) likely ;

26. Describe how tubers are formed from the underground stems in potatoes.
sucrose transported (to underground stems) ;
through phloem/ translocation ;
sucrose converted to starch ;
stem swells

27. State two structural adaptations of a flower for wind-pollination.

long filaments ;

anthers / stamens, hang outside/anthers / stamens, easily exposed to the wind ;

anthers loosely attached to the filaments ;
small/ light, pollen ;
large/ feathery / hairy, stigma ;
stigma/ style, hangs outside ;
no/reduced, petals

Explain how blood returns to the heart in the femoral vein against the pull of gravity.
contraction of muscles (in the legs)/ movement of legs ;

pushing/ squeezing, blood ;

(semi-lunar) valves, ensure blood flows towards heart/ prevents
backflow ;
negative pressure in the, chest/thorax /right atrium/ atria/ heart ;
idea of residual pressure from the heart ;

Describe the mechanism of inspiration.

external intercostal muscles contract ;
internal intercostal muscles relax ;
lifts ribs, upwards / outwards ;
diaphragm contracts ;
diaphragm, flattens / drops ;
volume of, thorax / lungs / chest, increases ;
pressure in, thorax / lungs / chest, decreases ;
air flows in down a pressure gradient ;
Explain how negative feedback is involved in the control of body temperature.\
change in temperature, is detected/ acts as a stimulus ;
to keep temperature, constant / at 37 °C / within limits / near set
point / at the norm/AW ;
corrective/ opposite, action by the body ;
return to normal temperature ;
correct ref to homeostasis ;

Oxygen Debt:
During strenuous exercise oxygen demand increases and it does not reach the muscles fast enough. So
anaerobic respiration takes place and releases energy. (glucose ---> lactic acid + energy). Lactic acid
diffuses from muscles into the blood where it is broken down to carbon dioxide and water in the liver.
This is because anaerobic respiration produces an oxygen debt which is used to oxidise lactic acid and
break it down to carbon dioxide and water.

Leaf’s adaptation for photosynthesis:

● The leaf is broad, lat and rectangular which increases the surface area for absorption of
sunlight and carbon dioxide.
● The leaf is very thin which means the carbon dioxide doesn’t have to travel a large distance to
reach inner cells.
● The large air spaces provide an easy passage for carbon dioxide to pass through easily.
● There are more chloroplasts on the upper palisade cells so that they receive most sunlight and
will reach the chloroplasts without being absorbed by too many cell walls.
● There are many stomata to allow the diffusion of carbon dioxide and oxygen.

Sexual Reproduction in Plants:

In plants, the male part is the stamen which produces pollen. It consists of the anther and filament.
The anther consists of pollen sacs. When the anther is ripe, it splits open and releases the pollen. The
female part is carpel which consists of the ovary, style and stigma. Insect-pollinated flowers produce
small, round and sticky pollen, so that it is easy to carry. Wind-pollinated flowers produce large and
smooth pollen grains because there is a lesser chance of it reaching another flower.

pollen lands on stigma ;

pollen tube grows ;
through style ;
to ovary ;
(pollen nucleus

/ male gamete) enters ovule ;

through micropyle ;
pollen and ovule / egg, nuclei fuse ;

Describe how the lack of nitrate ions would affect the production of sugar cane.
stunted / reduced / no, growth / yield ;
used to make amino acids / proteins ;
amino acids converted to proteins ;
named molecule containing nitrogen ;

less land required ;

crops can be used as food (rather than fuel) ;
less habitat destruction / less deforestation ;
less disruption to food chains / greater diversity maintained ;

Define the term sustainable development.

development that provides for the needs of an (increasing) human
(population) ;
without harming the natural environment / ecosystems / habitat ;

State two other features of all viruses.

genetic material ;
protein coat ;
parasitic / pathogenic ;
only reproduce in a host / do not show (other) features of living
organisms / AW ;
very small ;
they are not cellular / absence of named organelle;
AVP ; cannot be killed / cannot be treated, with antibiotics.

Describe how vaccination can prevent the spread of disease.

active immunity ;
harmless / dead / weakened / attenuated pathogen / microorganisms ;
injected / ingested ;
ref. to antigens ;
(antigen) triggers antibody production ;
by lymphocytes ;
memory cells (are produced) ;
rapid response to reinfection ;
long-term immunity ;
prevention of spread person to person e.g. no host for pathogen / herd
ref to programmes of mass vaccination ;

State two components of blood that do not pass through the filter.
red (blood) cells / erythrocytes ;

phagocytes ;
lymphocytes ;
named plasma proteins ;;
platelets ;
e.g. albumen / fibrinogen / insulin
/ glucagon / thrombin / antibodies
/ clotting factors

Describe how artificial selection differs from natural selection.

human choice (rather than environmental pressures) / AW ;

less, diversity / variation ;

faster change ;
AVP ; e.g. mating is not random
human choice (rather than environmental pressures) / AW ;
less, diversity / variation ;
faster change ;
AVP ; e.g. mating is not random

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