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Turkish cookings:

Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes - Menemen

❖1 tablespoon butter
❖4 medium tomatoes, skinned and
❖4 pepperones, chopped
❖Salt and pepper to taste
❖4 eggs
❖⅓ cup (20 gr) parsley (optional)
Melt butter in a pan, add tomatoes
and pepperones, salt and pepper.
Cover and cook until they are tender and ooze liquid. Beat the eggs in a bowl, gradually add into the tomato
and pepperone mixture.
Continue stirring. Add chopped parsley just before the eggs are set and stir once. 4 servings.
Meat Stew - Tas Kebabı
❖2 medium onions, grated
❖2 tablespoons butter
❖2 lb. (900 gr) meat, cut into 1-inch (2.5 cm) cubes
(lamb, mutton or veal)
❖3 medium tomatoes, skinned, seeded and chopped,
or 2 tablespoons tomato paste, diluted in ¼ cup
(65 ml) cold water
❖Salt and pepper to taste
❖½ teaspoon thyme
❖1 cup (250 ml) boiling water
Sauté onions in butter, stirring constantly for 5
minutes until they are lightly browned. Add meat
and continue stirring for another 5 minutes. Cover
and cook over low heat until the meat releases its
moisture and reabsorbs it. Add tomatoes or tomato
paste, salt, pepper, thyme and 1 cup of boiling water,
and cook over medium heat for 1 hour. Lower heat
and cook for another 20 minutes until the meat is
tender and has a thick gravy. A little hot water may
be added at a time if necessary. Serve hot as a main
course with pilaf, or eggplant purée.
6 servings.
Chahan Fried Rice

1. Chop the onions into small cube pieces. Dice the chashaorou/bacon and carrots
2. Fry the harder stuff first (onions, carrots, etc.)
3. Heat the frying pan, pour in the olive oil.
4. Then put the raw egg into the pan with the olive oil.
5. Before the egg becomes cooked, put in the warm rice, have the stovetop at medium heat.
6. Mix and cook/fry the rice and egg together (in a wok is best).
7. Add the long green onion, chashaorou/bacon, carrots and if you would like to - green peas
as well.
8. Add 1 tbsp soy sauce and mix it up.
9. Add 1 tbsp of sake and salt and pepper to taste.
10. Mix it up a little more and it's ready to eat!

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