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Champion 4 Truth

"...You are NOT in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; For you
are all sons of Light and sons of day. We are NOT of night nor of darkness; So
then let us NOT SLEEP, as others do, but let us be Alert and Sober!!!" ~1
Thessalonians 5 : 4-6
Stand For Israel?
Author : Bren4Life

Categories : Blog, God, NWO, Prophecy, Zionism

Date : July 29, 2014

What does Israel stand for?

As far as most people think, and what many Zionists or Israelis say, is that the Palestinians
(Hamas or Arabs) are the “Mortal Enemy” of the nation of Israel (Jews/Zionists), seeking to
harm them simply because they are Jews... and indeed it would seem as if that were true, or at
least what it has come to...

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But WHY are they such bitter foes?

What has brought about this contention between these people?

A look back into history shows that for thousands of years, the Jews and Arabs lived peacefully
together for the most part. They were neighbors, intermarried even and it would have been
difficult to tell them apart in many cases as both are Semetic and they even have very similar
DNA, cultures and religions.

After the destruction of the 2nd Jewish temple, most of the Jews living in the region were taken
captive by Rome and those who remained were used as labor force and for the most part these
same people remained all the way up to the present day. They had been what we know to be
the Canaanites of The Bible, but now they are usually referred to as the Arab people because
they come from many places throughout the region. For the most part these are the people
who presently live in what is once again called Palestine. It could be said that the Israeli people
are blood cousins, or even brothers to the Palestinians, as many descend from the Canaanites
and the Levants, as well as the Turks - as in the case of the Ashkenazi Jews.

So where is the "great divide" between these people who are so closely related?

I have been unable to find any direct conflict between the people of modern-day Israel and
Palestine prior to the late 1800's. And in fact, up until THIS century, most of those we know as
Palestinians, were primarily of the Jewish or Christian faith! The conversion to Islam has
mostly occurred in the past 60-80 years or so.

What is the cause for this conflict/hatred that so obviously exists?

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I think one of the reasons that things have escalated to the point that it has, is due to the fact
that Palestinians feel they are fighting for their lives - as well as for the only home they have
ever known. They are literally David fighting Goliath! And the Zionists have launched a (well
documented) direct and aggressive propaganda campaign against them, that makes them out
as less than human. With the sympathy of most of the west and billions of dollars being
pumped into Israel to strengthen their military, the Palestinians have almost no hope of survival!
Very rarely do you see the media show their side in the conflict, and America has little or no
love for them at all, especially since 9/11 and the "War on Terrorism" began! Propaganda and
disinformation has convinced nearly everyone of Israel’s (so-called) “right to exist” and "right to
defend" and the Palestinians have been most effectively vilified!

The Zionist controlled media have spun the story depicting Jews as the innocent victims of
these savage people, who simply hate them because they are Jewish and want nothing less
than to see Israel wiped off the face of the planet! They also are always tied to Hamas, when in
reality, less than a third of the Palestinians support Hamas. This kind of media attack seems to
be the norm in our present society - there always is an "enemy" for us to hate/fear, or one will
be provided for us! But that is a topic for another day!


It is extremely important to keep in mind that there is very little evidence to support these claims
by Israel of attacks and multitudes of suicide bombers, using children as human shields, having
multiple ammunition stores and weapons being hidden under hospitals, schools and mosques
and that they are in fear and need to use force to protect themselves and their borders! We
have yet to see Israel being invaded, conveniently the places where there are alleged weapon
stores are now nothing but piles of rubble. The reality is that Hamas has little to no resources
for these kinds of attacks and weapons.

Although they have in the past received weapons from Syria, Egypt and Iran, at this time (during
the 3 week-long conflict in Gaza) the majority of the rockets they have launched at Israel are
basically "HOME MADE" pieced together McGuyver-style. They have found ways to make their
own version of an anti-tank rocket launcher and their missiles only recently have been able to
travel as far as 90 miles, but most only about 25 miles. However, with Israel's missile defense
system, they have consistently been able to deflect any that might have reached any populated
areas. The point is, their weapons are unsophisticated and inaccurate and there is no
comparison to Israel's military power.

But even still, whether they are right or wrong, whether they believe in the God of Abraham or
Allah,.. They feel like they are protecting THEIR homeland. What you never hear on the
mainstream news is that for the past 1500 years, the Middle East has been exclusively
populated by Muslim Arabs. Put yourself in their place - America is a little over 200 years old. If
ANY group came onto U. S. soil and tried to claim earlier rights to our home, we would put up a
fight the likes of which the world has never seen! The problem is we have been brainwashed
about this...

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SO much of what has happened has been misrepresented by the media and by the Israeli
government. It is no wonder if these people turned to or allowed a "terrorist group" in their
community, at least someone is trying to defend them in some small way. Since their lands
were redistributed, the only people who have made a stand on their behalf have been the
Arabs. I am sure, they feel betrayed and hopeless in their present circumstances which makes
sense that the rising hatred for the Jews only began AFTER events took place that were
MEANT to inspire aggression and ignite hatred for their neighbors.

The following is a list of just some of the reasons they might feel betrayed and desperate:

The double dealings on the part of Britain with Arabs concerning lands promised to them
before Balfour
The broken British promise that Jews would not be able to settle anywhere but on west
side (1922)
Zionists began creating settlements in Palestine as early as 1917, and encouraged all
Jews to move
That the decision to give Palestinian lands to Zionists was made with no regards to them
and no notice
The outcome of the final decision (deal) was withheld from the Arabs/Palestinians for
several years
Although there was some allowances made under the Balfour Declaration concerning
provisions for the Palestinians, once the Jews “claimed their land” there was nothing
done to promote a productive or peaceful existence for them, in fact the opposite is true
Israelis have waged wars against Palestine, killing thousands
The Israeli Occupation of lands that legally were still held by Palestine that remains in
effect now
The lack of world representation on behalf of the well-being of the people of Palestine
The incremental takeover of Palestine lands by Israeli Occupation Forces using

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terrorism and military actions
Israeli settlements continue to be built despite the UN directives, refusal to adhere to UN
The forced compliance to living in an open air prison under Israeli military rule
Palestinians often are arrested, thrown into Israeli dungeons and often are tortured, for
no reason
The degradation, dehumanization and lack of any humanitarianism towards the
Attacks on civilians, women, children; the targeting of hospitals, schools, mosques by
Israeli military
Complete lack of resources and NO freedom, ALL activities must be authorized by
Much of the areas within Palestine have been without power and water, cut off from
Restrictions of movements within region, borders are closed to Palestinians
The rejection of and vilifying of Palestinians in general through the media and to the
The building/creating, funding and using of terrorist cells by Zionists to be used in their
war with Palestine
The later claims that affiliation with same terrorists make Palestinians a “willing” military
YEARS of oppression, tyranny and being treated like prisoners has impeded ability to
grow and develop
The fact that the Zionists hold or seek to obtain oil interests in Golan Heights, Gaza and
West Bank areas
The question still remains, what makes the lives of the Israelis more important than that
of the Palestinians and why/how could a whole nation of people be pushed out simply
because the Jews wanted or were claiming this particular land for themselves - For a
world where only half believe in the Torah, a "birthright" doesn't apply!

This list could go on and on…. But basically it boils down to this – The Rothschild/Zionist/Israeli

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regime has manipulated events since the last century, to get for themselves, the land that at the
time was Palestine. They gave no thought whatsoever to the fact that they are human beings
who (as individual persons) DO have a valid “right to exist”, who have a prior claim to the land
that some of them (or their families) had lived on going back nearly 4 thousand years, that this
was their identity, their history, their future… In the brutish takeover, they were cruel, lacking of

empathy or sensitivity towards the people and they carried out their intended “ethnic cleansing”
with the entire world watching and doing nothing!

In addition, they have orchestrated events and people in an attempt to drive out the
Palestinians, who have had nowhere else to go, and then when that hasn't worked out as well
as they wanted, the Israelis turned it around on them to make them out to be the “bad guys”
who were in cahoots with terrorists that were seeking to destroy Israel. All of this was pure
fiction, as there has been no violent threats to Israel at all! How could there be when nearly
their entire population is military trained and their army is funded by U. S. and the rest of the
world - their planes, tanks and weapons are the newest and best! Not to mention they have at
least 100 nukes as well! Yet, they constantly say this country or that group is ready to attack
them. We are regularly being told about some new enemy, something new to fear... This, I am
sorry to say, seems to be trademark tactics on the part of the Zionist regime and there can only
be one reason for that -- Manipulation!

The situation is not unlike when the Americas were colonized. The people who were indigenous
to the land were forced to comply with the occupying rulers and they were vilified, manipulated,
terrorized, killed, imprisoned, blamed for many atrocities and had their homes/villages
destroyed. There is nobody who lives in the United States and has been to a reservation that
can say that the Native Americans were treated fairly! It seems to be the motis operandi of
Colonialists... To destroy that which is being claimed with little or no regard to lives of the
people being occupied. It really is an outrage when you think about it - We are ALL equal under
a universal set of laws, yet simply by birth, geography or happenstance, some people think they

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are more entitled than others!

But you can only push people so far before they start fighting back in whatever ways
they can...

I think it is safe to assume that through their many nefarious acts, schemes and deceptions,
they have created their own enemy in the Arab people!

The following is posted on the True Torah Jews website and is a comment made in relation to
what is happening at this very moment in Gaza - and all over the world! There is, just as
was blueprinted by Albert Pike about 150 years ago, a division of people happening all over the
planet and innocent people are being hurt. Is this due to true persecution, anti-Semitism or
racism, or is it part of a much more sinister plan that uses deception, manipulation, policies,
people and their beliefs to gain control?

Our Comment

"Zionism was originally proposed as a "solution to the Jewish problem" and today we
see more than ever just what a solution it was. Zionism today has become the central
cause of anti-Semitism around the world.

Blurring the boundaries between Jews and Zionists, anti-Israel demonstrations quickly
turn into anti-Jewish demonstrations, with violent attacks on purely Jewish targets like
synagogues and kosher shops.

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By calling themselves "Israel" and "the Jewish state" the Zionists encourage this
confusion. And then they reap the benefits by absorbing hundreds of new immigrants.
They capitalize on these incidents to hammer home their lesson that their state is an
"insurance policy" for world Jewry - a place to run when anti-Semitism breaks out again.

The Zionist visionary Theodor Herzl was the first to realize that anti-Semitism would
benefit Zionism, as he wrote, "The anti-Semites will become our most dependable
friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies." Anti-Semites would provide the push
necessary to get Jews to move to the Zionist state.

Thus, those who target Jews around the world are only helping to actualize
Herzl's plan. The Zionist state receives these Jewish immigrants with open arms
and settles many of them in the West Bank, where they become instruments of the
state in its war against the Palestinians.

In contrast, true Judaism teaches us to live peacefully in exile until the messiah comes.
We are to be loyal citizens of our home countries, as the prophet Jeremiah says, "Seek
the peace of the city to which I have exiled you, and pray on its behalf to G-d, for with its
peace will you have peace."

Furthermore, we must make it clear to our neighbors everywhere that not all Jews are
Zionists, not all Jews support the State of Israel and not all Jews support Israeli army
operations like the current one.

May there be peace in the Middle East and throughout the world, and may Jews and
Muslims live together once again in harmony as in times past."

WHY, you ask… Why would they do this? What do they have to gain?

To answer that, it is vital that we really understand WHO the nation of Israel really is! Because I
am not talking about "the residents", I am talking about those in power who shape the attitudes
and actions of the entire country. But, you are going to have to understand that almost all of
what you have been told is a lie! You need to be able to see the differences between
Abrahamic Judaism of the Bible and the system that is political Zionism. This is the ruling

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power in Israel today and what had intended all along that despite their Judaic religion and
traditions, they would have Palestine for their own and whose actions have led to a complete
destabilization in the Middle East.

Judaism has always been about faith, religion - It has never been determined by residence or
politics, or even entirely by blood. One can become a Jew if they agree to follow the Torah and
practice Judaism, as a Jew. Simple as that. The same as if I suddenly decided I wanted to
switch from Christian to Buddhist, or Baptist or even Islam. That is one of the most beautiful
things about all religions of today, there is nobody excluded who wishes to follow. But ZIONISM
is NOT Judaism, it is not a religion at all. It is a political system that has no regard for religion at
all. So think about this for a moment... How can a group of people who have always related to
the world through their religion, who stands completely on traditions that have been
imprinted into their DNA for thousands of years, be represented by a purely political system of
any kind? They cannot! The Most High says you cannot serve two masters! Instead what we
have is a political system that has systematically destroyed that which makes Jews Jews. It is
no surprise then that well over half of the Israelis are either agnostic or atheist. They have been
being lied to and indoctrinated for the past 60 years!

While many of you might gloss over these facts, or defend the actions of the Zionists because
you "feel bad" for Jews after all they went through during the Holocaust, I admire your
compassion and have genuine sympathy for those people. However, there is nothing that
guarantees a nation, a race, a culture or any group of people a "right to exist"!

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Throughout 6 thousand years of recorded human history, there have many a great number of
different civilizations that have been destroyed, conquered, absorbed and some have even
mysteriously just disappeared.

Just as with animals, stars, planets, etc. there is a cycle of life that is an intrinsic part of
existence, of our universe. Things and people do cease to exist, they die. But what is rare and
wonderful about the Jewish people is that since they came into existence, they have never
needed a state, nation or a particular place to survive or to stay relevant in the world, even
through 2000 years of exile. They believe what has made this possible is G_d and their FAITH!

Just to be clear, "Zionism" is NOT a religious identifier, but a Political one! The word Zion of the
Bible was used to promote the idea that it was related to Biblical Israel, to convince people of
the right of the Biblical Israelites to have their homeland restored to them as (misinterpreted)
prophesy has foretold! There is nothing further from the truth.

Zionist Stands For ‘State’

Which Is Against ‘The Judaic Torah’

I think it is quite possible that many of you have this picture in your head of some sweet, gentle,
Hasidic Jew walking down the streets of Israel, when out of nowhere he is surprised by an evil

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Hamas suicide bomber who hates Jews - Like this is how it is over there. Israeli people being
terrorized, living in fear of their enemies tunneling in and KA-BOOM! This image is probably
very much like the ones pictured above. The real images are far, far different. While
researching for this article and gathering documents and graphics, I was stunned when I simply
typed "Israeli army" in my search bar and saw multitudes of photos of Arab CHILDREN being
detained, beaten, restrained, etc. I thought it must have been because I used army in my query,
so I just typed in Israeli - It was more of the same. This is what my generic search turned up...

(Notice the young Israeli children being encouraged and trained to handle weapons)

I want to stress that not ALL Jews are represented by either the Zionists or the Israeli
government! There are those who do NOT go along with the policy makers or their policies,
who do NOT want to serve in their military, who do NOT look for or create enemies and who still
embrace the traditions and nature of the Judaism of the Torah...

Please watch this heartfelt and passionate response from one of these Jews I have just
described in regards to the Israeli government's demand that the students of the Torah be
compelled to serve in the military...

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Zionism & The Illuminati

In order to understand the true goals of Zionism, we need to go back to the days after the Civil
War and look at a man by the name of Albert Pike. Pike was a Confederate soldier, Harvard
graduate, author, poet, lawyer, teacher and one of the most notorious Freemasons to have ever
lived. He was also a self-avowed Luciferian, a Satanist, who was a member of The Luciferian
Conspiracy and a very integral part of "The Illuminati" at that time. Now before you roll your
eyes, let me make this perfectly clear - The Illuminati is absolutely real and has been proven to
be a major force in what has shaped all major events that have occurred since 1776 (at least
the very least). You may learn a lot more about Albert Pike, Freemasonry and about the
Illuminati on my website at:

Albert Pike was recruited and used by the Illuminati/Rothschilds to act in various capacities to

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promote and aid in bringing about their collective vision of a New World Order (NWO) and he
was very instrumental in accomplishing their goals. In 1871, he wrote a letter to Giuseppe
Mazzini that illustrated the intended outcome of the joint efforts on the part of the proponents for
a system of worldwide domination. As he was a brilliant military strategist and, at his core, a
very evil man, his blueprint called for three world wars to be fought in the future. The result of
these wars would ultimately allow for the systematic and complete takeover of the world by a
ruling class who would then destroy anybody who might counter their authority and this would
lead to an eventual adoption of the complete Luciferian Doctrine by all. In other words, get rid of
everyone who is unnecessary and the rest serve satan.

His letter is posted below (please read carefully and keep in mind what has transpired and is
currently going on:

NWO Blueprint Letter written by Albert Pike

To Giuseppe Mazzini

August 15, 1871

This letter was on display in the British Museum Library in London,

and was copied by William Guy Carr, a former Intelligence Officer in

the Royal Canadian Navy.

“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow
the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic
Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati
between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of
the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments
and in order to weaken the religions.”

(ADDED NOTE: Students of history will recognize that the political alliances of England
on one side and Germany on the other, forged between 1871 & 1898 by Otto von
Bismarck, co-conspirator of Albert Pike, were instrumental in bringing about the First
World War.)

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“The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences
between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that
Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a
sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International
Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would
be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final
social cataclysm."

(ADDED NOTE: After this Second World War, Communism was made strong enough to
begin taking over weaker governments. In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference between
Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, a large portion of Europe was simply handed over to
Russia, and on the other side of the world, the aftermath of the war with Japan helped to
sweep the tide of Communism into China.)

“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused
by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of
Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic
World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight
to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall
unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social
cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute
atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority
of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude,
disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without
compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its
adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure
doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow
the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the
same time.”

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Quite the letter! Huh?

It is reported that Albert Pike was in communication with "spirits" and it is quite possible he was
even "demonically possessed", or at least influenced by them. It is chilling, the accuracy with
which he predicted the events that would occur throughout the next centuries. We can see that
the very things he talked about in regards to what he termed the "Third World War" are even
now coming to pass.

So, the “Great Plan” was set into motion while the “Political Zionism” ideology was being
pushed across the nations in preparation for certain events to unfold. The Rothschilds (Banking
Cartels or Illuminati) were firmly rooted in every faction of the major political systems across the
globe, they controlled all the money through the Central Banks and the rest of their joint
financial interests and effectively operated behind the scenes, as they had done since the 16th
or 17th century. A brief look at this family will give you some idea as to the scope of their
influence and power.

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Some of the key people and groups, who acted as “agents” during this time to help them
foment their agenda in regards to establishing a “homeland for Israel” AND to secure the place
of power in the oil rich regions, were:

Cecil Rhodes President Woodrow Wilson (via manipulation)

John Ruskin Arthur Balfour, British Foreign Secretary
The Fabian Society Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild
Trotsky Baron Edmond de Rothschild
Karl Marx Israel Moses Seif
Lenin The Kuhn Loebs
The Round Table Moses Montefiore
RIIA The Bronfmans
Bilderbergers General Julius Klein
CFR Rudolph Sonneborn
ADL The Schiffs
The United Nations Benjamin Freedman
Lord Alfred Milner The Warburgs
Christianity Adolf Hitler

And this list is nowhere close to complete, it only goes on and on and on…..

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So, World War I went off without a hitch, according to Pike’s blueprint and through the
manipulations of the Zionist factions in Germany, a deal was struck with Britain in October 1916
that would give them the Palestine lands in exchange for the United States becoming involved
as Britain’s ally in their war against Germany.

This was accomplished in large part due to the absolute control they had over the Press in
America and the Zionist sympathizers that were posted close to President Woodrow Wilson.
Where the USA had been very pro-Germany up to this point, a propaganda campaign against
the Germans was launched that told of the alleged evils of the German people, calling them “No
Good” and “Huns” and eventually accusing them of atrocities like shooting Red Cross nurses
and cutting off the hands of babies. A letter from the London Zionists was sent to Justice
Brandeis urging him to “go to work on President Wilson” and it claimed that they “were getting
what we want from Britain”, but that they had to get the Americans “into the war”. President
Woodrow Wilson declared war on Germany shortly afterwards on April 2, 1917.

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Then in 1917, Arthur Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary, wrote to Lord Lionel Walter
Rothschild expressing his support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland on Palestinian
controlled lands. The Balfour Declaration was passed in 1919. Immediately Rothschild and its
agents began buying up land and getting themselves installed in Palestine. Israel, although not
yet legally established, was to serve as a lynchpin in the Rothschilds/8 Families control over the
world’s oil supply. Baron Edmond de Rothschild began construction on the first oil pipeline from
the Red Sea to the Mediterranean to bring BP (British Petroleum) Iranian oil to Israel. He also
founded the Palestinian Economics Commission, while their agents in Manhattan and Britain
helped develop a network that involved smuggling weapons to the Zionist death squads bent on
seizing Palestinian lands.

There is a great deal of documentation that reveals that Rothchilds/Banking Cartels ARE the
Zionists and it is estimated that they control close to 80-90% of Israel and its assets. It is

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indisputable that they are the shadow government installed there and the Prime Minister is but a
figurehead, or a puppet. There are a few reasons why I think that it was so important for them
to secure these lands, obviously the oil, but in part I believe it has to do with Biblical prophecy
AND the establishment of their own nation to rule from as well - up to this point they have had
no ties to any particular country. Regardless, it most definitely fits in with their plans somehow.

Concerning World War II, we find conflict between fascism and political Zionism, as predicted by
Pike. There is much documentation that proves without any doubt, that Adolf Hitler’s rise to
power was aided by the British, Americans, Zionists/Rothschilds and even the British Royal
Monarchy. Those same groups who were Germany's enemy during World War I, were now
funding and supporting (from the sidelines) his regime. But don't think he had forgotten...

Germany had been double dealt a bad hand during World War I because to secure the lands of
Palestine for the Zionists, the Americans had to be turned against them and to join forces with
Britain. The German faction of the Zionists however were very much rooted in Germany and
through various agents, Hitler’s insanity, egomania, rabid obsession with the occult and greed
for power were carefully cultivated and cultured. He was a follower of Madame Helen
Blavatsky, an occultist and Theosophist, who also had strong ties to The Illuminati and
influenced many!

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On a side note: It is speculated that Rothschild

had sought complete takeover of India and had,

through its agents begun a systematic brainwashing of Mahatma Gandhi,

however Gandhi refused to take office and be their pawn in the end.

It is alleged that is was a Rothschild "puppet" that murdered Gandhi in 1948.

There is an interesting article on this you can read at:

Let me back up some and point out that at the time of the renewal and implementation of the
“Great Plan” of the Illuminati/Rothschilds/Zionists/Banking Cartel/13 Bloodlines, it was clearly
understood that when and if, their blueprint for world domination (as documented in “The
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”) ever were to be publicly exposed and possibly

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believed, they would be willing to “wipe all the Jews off the face of the earth” in order to divert
suspicions from themselves. Even though they claim to be Jews, they have no loyalty to
them whatsoever.

It should especially be noted here that the Zionists/Rothschilds (Ashkenazi Jews), did in fact,
permit Adolf Hitler, who was a Liberal Socialist and who was financed by The Rothschilds,
Warburgs, Krupps, Kennedys, Harrimans, the Bush Family and others, to absolutely,
methodically incinerate at least 600 thousand Jews in the Nazi work camps during World War
II. While their own families who were Jews, managed to “escape” unharmed and unhindered,
where they scattered all over Europe, usually changing their names and some even claiming
European descent.

The blueprint devised by Albert Pike, as an agent for The Illuminati (Rothschilds/Zionists), once
again had gone exactly according to plan. Within a couple of years, Israel was recognized as a
sovereign state and Jews from all over the planet flocked to Israel, claiming their new
homeland. Just as was expected would happen. With the senseless slaughter of multitudes of
Jewish people under Nazi rule, the entire world was horrified that such atrocities could occur
and Israel’s Statehood finally became a reality in 1948.

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The world celebrated this event and many within the Christian churches were and still are being
used to promote the idea that it was in fact their “God given birthright” and within the formation
of the Anti Defamation League (ADL) anyone who might vocalize their disagreement with this
notion were immediately labeled as an “anti-Semite” and shunned, if not worse. Furthermore,
over the years, people like Scofield, Jerry Fallwell, Pat Robertson, Hagee, etc have perpetuated
this way of thinking and have continuously misquoted Bible scripture to make people think that
to come against Israel was to certainly be cursed by God.

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While the truth is that the Abrahamic Covenant made with Abraham was technically fulfilled long
ago, but because of The Israelites ongoing rebelliousness and practice of paganism and
idolatry, God allowed them to be “punished” for their sins. And the prophecies about “Israel” in
the New Testament are made clear by Paul who clarified many times that there were “two
Israels” and that “Not all who are of Israel are Israel”. With the coming of Yeshua in human
form and His subsequent sacrifice, “Israel” was to be any who believed on Him and followed
the Most High! In other words, true Christians and Christian Jews were considered “God’s
Chosen Ones”. In Revelation it talks of God putting them in their own land and blessing them
during the latter days, but most people tie this with the event of Israel being accepted as a
nation and it shouldn’t be. This prophecy is clearly speaking of those who have turned away
from their rebelliousness and evil ways and have finally come to accept the Savior as Yeshua of
the New Testament gospel. That has not happened!

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God cannot lie and He has clearly told us in His Word that to deny Him is certain death, that we
must LOVE one another, that the greatest gift is to lay down one’s life for his brother’s… He
has required obedience from us and acceptance. Common sense should tell us that He would
NOT be blessing a nation or people who have continuously turned away from Him, who value
land over human beings and who still refuse to accept that Our Savior has come and that in
fact, their forefathers put Him to death! Honestly, in my opinion, to not hold Israel accountable
for their actions, their sins, is the same as condoning them and if we continue to blindly follow
and support them as a nation with what they are doing, we are doomed in more ways than one!

Please, let it be known right up front, I am NOT an enemy of the Jews… I have genuine LOVE
for ALL mankind, as we ALL are made in the image of the Most High and are His precious
creation! Neither am I a “supporter” of Islam and I do not sympathize with Arabs over Jews (or
vice versa), not by any means whatsoever!

But I do recognize that there is a distinct difference between Judaism and Zionism, and after
MUCH research, prayer and critical thinking, I have come to believe, without a shadow of a
doubt in my mind, that Zionism IS an anti-Christ system and NOT any part of being “God’s
Chosen people”. Which, incidentally is not what you might think anyway, and if you want to find
out more, please refer to a posting on my website at:

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These greedy, blood thirsty, corrupt people have hijacked the Jewish faith of the Torah, the
Abrahamic Jews of the Bible, and have USED them to perpetuate their evil agendas, just like
they have used the emotions and compassion of their fellow-man to manipulate us. There are
many Orthodox Jews who would agree with me as well and who have clearly stated their
opposition to Zionism and even to the establishment of Israel as a “State” as this is forbidden
by their religion! Jesus called these people the Synagogue of Satan and warned us of many
coming in His name that were not of Him. He said if we deny Him, He will also deny us to His
Father in Heaven!

One thing that I think is particularly relevant at this present time...

In 2010, Jacob Rothschild joined Rupert Murdoch in a shale oil extraction partnership in Israel
through Genie Energy - a subsidiary of IDT Corp according to an article in the Jerusalem Post
dated November 22, 2010. This was reported right on the heels of a major geological find
announced in April of that same year that claims the potential for 1.7 billion barrels of oil and
122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in the region. You can see from the map below that this area
covers Gaza, The West bank, Syria, and into Lebanon.

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Now remember the blueprint for world domination as related in Albert Pike's letter. He says of
the 3rd world war that it would pit the Arabs and Jews against each other and that the result of
these conflicts would be the extermination of both the Arab nations and the state of Israel
(Jews). Of course this would not apply to the "elite", regardless of their Jewish or Zionist
affiliation - because in truth, they are not Jews. They do not serve the God of Abraham, but
rather the fallen angel, Lucifer (otherwise known as Satan) and they have only used Zionism as
the vehicle in which they might achieve their end goals, by using the Jewish people as a
catalyst to create divisiveness.

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This last video is also a very important one for you to watch if you truly want to discover the truth
about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict - Many of you might think "what does it matter?", especially
if you are American, but I can tell you that it WILL matter! First of all, as an ally to Israel, we will
undoubtedly be involved in any major conflict that might occur about them. Considering the
enthusiasm with which the prime minister of Israel now seems to have about taking military
action against Syria, Iran and ultimately Russia -- We Better know what we are involved in!!
The following video is an hour-long presentation given by an Israeli Jew, Miko Peled, who is
also the author of "The General's Son". Watch video below Miko Peled's bio:

"Miko Peled was born in Jerusalem into a famous and influential Israeli Zionist family.
His father was a famous General in the Israeli Army, of which Miko also served his time.
When Miko's niece was killed by Palestinian suicide bombers, you may have expected
the family to put Palestinians at fault, but surprisingly they blamed the state of Israel,
and their violent torturing and persecution for driving people to such sadness that they
would take their own lives.

Through his father's deep knowledge of the Israeli war of terror, together with his own
research, Miko Peled ruins the myths surrounding the Israel and Palestine situation, and
delivers a truth so damning that many Jews and Israel supporters will not be able to
bear it. He reveals facts such as the original expelled Jews are not the ones returning,
and they are not their descendants either, covers the double standards regarding the
right of return, which doesn't apply to Palestinians, and dispels the myth that there has
been a conflict for ages by producing proof that it was peaceful up until 1947 when Israel
launched their illegal attacks.

Miko is just one of the many modern day Jews against Zionism and the state of Israel,
and with the information he delivers in this astounding talk, it is not difficult to see why
more and more Jews are rejecting Zionism and calling for the dismantling of Israel. It is a
true eye-opener for anyone who has for too long been blinded by the fake
misinformation given by the mainstream media, and the truths come straight from the
heartland where he has spent many years documenting the real story."

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WHY have you not heard of this before?
Or why do I think I know better than you?

First of all, as you should have figured out by now, everything we hear, read, watch and witness
has been to a great degree manipulated purposefully! You can check yourself (or ask me and I
will send you some links) and find out exactly who owns all the press agencies, media outlets,
news reporting agencies, TV stations, metropolitan newspapers and magazines and the movie
studios. I can tell you that there are only 6 major corporations (at the most) in control of ALL of
these sources and what do ya know, they ALL are controlled by, owned by or are partnered with
these same exact people I have told you about! NO, this is not “Conspiracy Theory”, this is
PROOF of Conspiracy and every single thing I have stated can be backed up with
documentation – It is all out there for us to see, but we don’t bother because we have assumed
we have been told the truth. We are conditioned to think that way! When you begin to break free
from the delusion you will find that the rabbit hole goes SO MUCH FURTHER EVEN, but you
are going to have to be willing to see…

And finally, I definitely don’t think I know better than anyone, but the difference between you
and me, lies only in my purpose! For some reason, unbeknownst to me, Our Creator has
opened my eyes at this particular time… When I prayed for His Will to be done in my life a few
years ago and made myself a willing vessel to be used according to His good purpose, He
listened! It has only been by the willingness He instilled in me to shed all of my long-held notions
and traditions, to FOLLOW HIM blindly in Faith and by allowing my pride and stubbornness, my
tendency to think I know it all, to fall away so that I might see what He wanted me to see… That
is what has brought me here today! MY GOD! The ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD! It is very
difficult to see the forest for the trees on our own, if not impossible! And with the MANY
influences in the world today whose intended purpose is to deceive, distract, divide, dissuade
and delude us from THE TRUTH… Well, I am sad to say that most of us won’t ever see it! The
comfort zone we live in is all that most of us know and it is REALLY hard to admit that you have
been duped – like it is our fault or something! THAT is just our own self-pride ruling us, which
we must let go of!


There are a lot of things I wasn't able to cover here, but will be writing more about this general
subject in the near future, so be sure to subscribe and join my Facebook page too at:

I would like to include a comment I posted on YouTube related to this subject and will maybe
give you more of an idea where I am coming from and why it is so important for me to present
this information to all of you...

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Posted Comment to YouTube on July 29, 2014

I would debate with you the point that the land rightfully belongs to the "Israelites". I also
am a Christian (not just by religion, but in all ways) and I too believed this for my entire
life, until I finally followed up on my "gut" feelings that told me that it didn't really make
much sense and so I began to study the Bible more carefully..... What I found is this…

There is scriptural evidence to prove that first of all, God's promise to Abraham and his
descendants (The Abrahamic Covenant) has been fulfilled as confirmed by Solomon
(see 1 Kings 8:56), Joshua (Joshua 21:34) and also in Neh.9:7-8.

The purpose of this covenant, was basically to reward and show the Hebrews that
FAITH and OBEDIENCE to God's Law would be Blessed and Abraham was repeatedly
praised by The Most High for his faithful obedience.... Another aspect was to ensure a
bloodline for Yeshua to come through -- There had been so much mixing of the
bloodlines (which is a whole other topic) and with them following after paganism, false
gods and fallen angels, it was imperative that there be a group of faithful and "pure" (in
spirit) people that would give birth to Our Savior. God CHOSE the line of Abraham for
His Son to be born through and specifically... by way of Issac, Jacob, David, etc... - The
tribe of Judah!! There were many other descendants of Abraham that were NOT given
this blessing, and that's why!!

But even still, Paul tells us many times in the NT that there are TWO ISRAELS... One
who "are OF Israel, but are NOT Israel" and the other ARE Israel (aka: God's Chosen)
who have kept His commandments and accepted His Son. With the
birth/death/resurrection/sacrifice of Yeshua, that (so-called) birthright (more
appropriately called Blessing) was given to the gentiles also - Basically ALL who are part
of "God's Church" - or like I said above, who OBEY His commandments and ACCEPT
His Son As Savior... Who CHOOSE HIM – are ISRAEL!!

Therefore, the covenant, although at the time it included bountiful lands for the Israelites
(or Hebrews) to enjoy and prosper in, it is NOT about the lands, not a place - ISRAEL is
a group of PEOPLE period! The TRUE BELIEVERS!

Prophecy in regards to "His People" or "Israel" like in Revelation, etc. is talking about
the Jews who have turned away from their rebellious and wicked ways and have
accepted Yeshua (the converted) AND TRUE Christians who obey God!!

This prophecy has NOT been fulfilled YET, although many would have us think it was
fulfilled with Israel becoming a sovereign state for the Jewish people!! That is just NOT
factual or Biblical. Furthermore, according to the Judaic religion of the Torah - The Jews
are not even able to hold title to lands in this way as they are "in exile"...
* (Please see notes below)

When you think about it, it doesn't make any sense for The Most High to bless a
"nation" over every other one of His creations, especially people who have continuously

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denied Him, disobeyed, rebelled and worshipped other gods - no matter how He blessed
them or rescued them from near extinction... And then for them to finally deny His Son
and put Him to death...??? Does it??

Does it make sense now when we watch the inhumane treatment of the displaced
people of Palestine and Israel never showing an ounce of compassion - only screaming
that they are the victim... Yet we are to blindly accept that THEY are THE Chosen by
God and are to be rewarded and placed above all the rest of us, regardless of their
crimes or disobedience?? NO! There is NOTHING in their actions that reminds me of
Yeshua, but there is much that reminds me of the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin of the

We MUST hold the WORD OF GOD up to all things to determine what is TRUTH and
what is just another false teaching or doctrine of the anti-Christ systems. Something
else to think about it - The enemy is wise and cunning and it certainly will not be easy to
fool MOST of the people on earth ("even the elect")! I am finding that those things that I
have believed since I was a child, the traditional things... (trinity, iconic Jesus & virgin
mother, birth of Christ, etc) are exactly how we have been fooled. CHALLENGE
EVERYTHING and don't let habit or tradition prevent you from coming to your OWN
conclusions!! Our Father tells us that much will be revealed in the last days - But we
MUST be willing to see these things clearly NOW!

I realize that it is a lot to take in, as I am just beginning to come to grips with these
realizations myself - It is a hard pill to swallow when you find out that nearly all you have
been taught to believe and think you KNOW, has been a lie!! But it has!

Which is why I am committed to sharing THE TRUTH at every opportunity that God
provides for me to do so! I have created a website for this purpose as well and hope to
reach as many as possible to at least make them think -

Please check it out and share with others, so that people can finally see beyond the

Blessings from The Most High to you and yours!! Thanks ~ Bren


This Illegal Annexation For A Jewish State, Is In Violation Of The Torah Since The
Jewish People Are In Exile [70 A.D. Deuteronomy 11: 13-17] And Only God Can Grant
His People Divine Redemption Romans 11:23.

Zionism is based on a distorted and erroneous reading of Scripture, and began with the

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English preacher John Nelson Darby. Zionism was perpetuated in America by Cyrus
Scofield during the early 20th century, who published the [Heavily Distorted] popular
Scofield Reference Bible in 1909.


Here is a comment from someone else that I happened to come across on the same

People who actually read and believe the Bible would know that the covenants with the
Hebrew were broken and that the actual seed of Abraham are the followers of Christ.
"And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."
Galatians 3:29. Additionally, Israel, is the state of being God's children, as much or more
so than a geographical place. As God's Word repeatedly states, it has enemies, factions
will lie against it, it will be falsely represented and false teachers of it will come and go.
The "Jews" that are in Israel today are largely agnostic or atheist, not Bible-believing. So
Rothschild is in alignment with the Bible now? lol. The Bible makes quite a statement
about "Jews who say they are Jews, but are not... Read it for yourself sometime,
especially if you intend to pass yourself off as being qualified to make defamatory claims
about it.

There IS a possible solution to this very important problem and there are notable Jews who are
advocates of it.

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That is: The conversion of Israel from a ZIONIST nation, to a true Democratic one.

Without the expulsion of the Zionist ideology and policies, the violence will continue. Israel in its
present state, will NOT make concessions for the people of Palestine to peacefully reside in
their land. It is just as simple as that. Furthermore it is quite possible, even probable that once
they Palestinians are either exterminated or completely expelled, Israel will move on to the next.


Albert Pike

The Illuminati

The Illuminati Conspiracy

The Protocols (The Plan)


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