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how to make a study guide using microsoft word

n one of my study tips posts, I mention making a study guide. This is one of the most beneficial things I
have done for my grades and overall learning in college, and it also helps save me time. A lot of students
are wondering how to study more efficiently, and I think making study guides can be a great solution. If
you're anything like me, chances are you study right before a test (because you're maybe a tiny bit of a
procrastinator/that way you'll remember it all.) It's a lot of work to peruse each chapter of the textbook
individually, but if you make yourself study guides throughout the semester, things go a lot more
smoothly. Personally, I find that study guides help me understand what I've learned in preparation for
quizzes as well.

A lot of teacher will post "study guides" that tell you which parts of your textbook you need to be familiar
with. Use these as a resource when you're making your study guides. Even if they don't publish a guide,
they will often mention during class what's most important to know for the test: jot down what they say in
your notes to review later.


If I have a study guide, I'll look at it before I start reading so I know what to pay the most attention to and
take notes on. I leave my laptop open to immediately take notes on each important section. For example,
if the study guide says, "Be familiar with the Pure Food and Drug Act," I pay close attention to the section
of my textbook that talks about the Pure Food and Drug Act, then immediately type up a summary in my
Word document to make sure I've understood what I've read. By doing it this way, I have a completed
study guide by the time I've finished reading each chapter.


It's a lot easier to read a condensed, typed version of my notes than the scattered, handwritten notes I
usually take. Reasonably soon after a lecture, I type up the most important parts of my notes while the
material is still fresh in my brain. This also helps me solidify what I've learned and prepare for quizzes.


If there are terms you either have a hard time remembering or the professor has stressed are important to
know, I would also include them in your study guide. This is especially important when there are a bunch
of similar terms you need to know the difference between (for example, I need to know the difference
between dependence and addiction, so those terms are included in my study guide.)


While copying and pasting is a lot easier, it's important to write definitions and explanations in your own
words so you can really understand what they mean.
If you missed a quiz question on something, consistently misunderstood a concept on the homework, or
really had a hard time grasping something, figure out what your misconception was and then include it in
your study guide so you don't make the same mistake twice!

To make my study guides seem manageable, I try to get all the information for one chapter or unit on one
page by using columns and not getting too wordy. (It also saves on printing costs.)

In case you're wondering what one of my study guides look like, here's a screenshot of one

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