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New Home: Tips and tricks on how to make moving to a new home stress-free

Yvonne Grace Dolorosa

Moving is a huge decision to make. It could be overwhelming to uproot your whole life and start all over
again. But, we know that because you've finally come up with this decision, it is for something, and it
should be the best.
We would like to make your moving into a new home headache-free so here are some ways to ensure
that you have a much less stressful move than you thought possible.
There could be a lot of tips out there but in this article, we've broken it down into three processes: plan,
prepare and pack.
Plan by creating a checklist of the things that you need to do and the things that you need to bring and
dispose of. At this point, it should be clear to you why you are moving into a new home as it should be all
about improving your life and not adding a problem, especially if you are moving in with your family.
Stick with your non-negotiables. Keep in mind the things that you considered when looking for the
perfect place to settle in and be ready to adjust according to the situation. Ask questions like: Does the
place have everything that you need within the radius? Is it accessible for traveling from and to your
workplace or school? Are all the conditions (e.g.: child-friendly environment, security) met?
Also, don't forget to deal with the paperwork. It is included in the planning stage so you can think about
and estimate the time that you have to allot in making sure that all the requirements and applications
are complete before you settle.
Allot time for decluttering and minimizing. As much as possible, it is better that you only bring those that
are really needed for the transfer. Refer to the list that you made during the planning stage then
segregate the old items that need to go on trash or better yet, be donated. Don't forget to put a label on
the boxes so it would be easier to unpack later.
As to furniture, check what needs to be cut out depending on the size of your new home so everything
can fit. Architects would advise that you should have the sketch and the scaling of the house so that you
would know what and where to place the stuff that you'll be bringing in.
It is also in this stage that you might want to enlist help. Assign family members who may want to offer
their time to help you move in. There are also available service providers (Lipat Bahay vehicles, cleaning
services, and carpenters who can do the hard work) that are just one call away if you need them. Just
don't forget to have someone to administer them so they would know what to do and things will be fast.
If things are going well and easy, you can even prepare for the House Blessing which may be done in the
first few days or even before moving in.
There's always one thing that we should bear in mind: Pack light. The lighter you bring, the better and
easier for your journey of unpacking and organizing.
Do the Japanese method of segregation a.k.a 'Marie Kondo' method. You touch an object and feel if it
brings you happiness, then think if you are to give that happiness to others or want to keep it for
yourself. That way, you'll know which ones to bring to the transfer.

Pack according to their importance or how they will be needed at home. Have a full inventory of the
things that you placed in the boxes and bags so you will not have a hard time looking for them.
Pro tip: Have a 'First Day Kit' which will include the necessary things such as your toiletries, medicines,
important documents, chargers, few cold drinks and a kettle, and some snacks. Usually, these are the
things that you would need the day after the move so make sure to have easy access to it.
Once you're in, the next thing to do is unpacking and arranging things in their places. Remember, it may
take a lot of time and even days to do all of this from the start of your move-in so don't stress out. As
long as you have kept in mind the tips and tricks that were told, you'll be okay.

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