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Class Syllabus Fall Quarter 2019

Biosci 12114 Nutritional Science

BioSci 12114 is a non-biology major introductory nutrition course intended to give a basic
knowledge of the chemical and biological basis of nutrition.

Lecture: M, W, F 10:30-11:20 am
Room: BSLC 001
Instructor: Paul J. Strieleman
Phone: 773.702.5076
Office: BSLC 338

Office Hours by appointment BSLC 338 (Feel free to come by my office without an appointment
but no guarantee I will be there)
Teaching Assistants
Lindsay Romano
Tivoli Nguyen
Kyle Tingling

Course Text and Diet Analysis software bundle

REQUIRED: Nutrition: Science and Applications WileyPLUS Learning Space Card Set
available online by clicking any WileyPLUS link in CANVAS. There is a 2 week free trial. If
you continue in the course you must purchase.

Exams: There will be examinations held on the dates listed in the class schedule. No makeup
examination will be permitted without prior approval from the instructor. The exams are not
cumulative but may rely on understanding previous material. Topics covered by the exam will be
announced in class. Exam regrades must be brought to the TA’s within 1 week after exams
are returned. No regrades will be accepted after one week. Your regrade request/concern
must be written out when presented to the TA.

Exam Protocol
Come to the exam prepared to remain in the room until you submit a completed exam to the TA.
Leaving to use the restroom is not permitted. You must sit with one seat between you and the
next student. Only the exam, a pencil or pen is permitted on your lecture desk.
Electronic Devices and Exams
No electronic devices (most commonly cellular phones but includes calculators) are permitted to be
out and visible during the exams. This includes use of a phone as a calculator. If you need a
calculator we will provide one. Any student in violation of this policy will have their exam graded
as a zero. It is a simple rule, either do not bring your phone or put it in your backpack or pocket
out of site.

Dietary Assessment: An analysis of your current dietary intake is required and will be completed
in 5 parts during the course. Dietary analysis assignments are submitted online to the CANVAS
course site. Note that the CANVAS site will close at 11:59 PM on the due date and assignments
will not be accepted. It is best not to attempt to submit minutes before the CANVAS site closes.
Lost internet connection is not a valid excuse. If you miss the deadline and want to submit the
assessment late it is your responsibility to contact the TA to arrange submission. Late
submissions will be penalized 50% (1 day late) 75% (2 days late) and not accepted later than 2
days. Assessments emailed to the TA or Dr. Strieleman will not be accepted or graded.
Class Syllabus Fall Quarter 2019
Biosci 12114 Nutritional Science

Text Critical Thinking (CT) Problems: These problems from the text are nutrition related
exercises. The date due and page of the problem are listed in the syllabus. A WORD template
with the assignment questions to be answered is posted to CANVAS. Completed CT problems are
submitted electronically to CANVAS by 11:59 PM on the due date. Assignments will not be
accepted after the due date so do not submit minutes before the the CANVAS site closes. Partial
credit is not given for late CT assignments. If you miss the submission date it will be
graded as zero points. Lost internet connection is not a valid excuse. Critical Thinking emailed
to the TA or Dr. Strieleman will not be accepted or graded. If you have questions on submitting
the assignment via CANVAS check with the TA for instructions.

Online WILEY Plus Assignments: Assignments from chapters in WILEY Plus are assigned most
weeks and will be due on the assigned day at 11:59 PM. Assignments will be posted to CANVAS
during the quarter and it is your responsibility to check CANVAS assignment listings. If you miss
the submission date it will be graded as zero points. Lost internet connection is not a valid

In class exercise/quiz: In class quiz/exercises related to the current lecture will be done
throughout the quarter. These are typically completed at the end of class.

Grading Policy
1. Students can take the course P/F (if asked for before the last examination). A letter grade
of C or better is required for a Pass (P).

% of Grade
Exam 1 15
Exam 2 15
Exam 3 15
Critical Thinking Exercises 15
WILEY PLUS Assignments 5
Diet Analysis Exercises 25
In class quiz/exercise 10

The course grade is not on a class curve. Final grades will be assigned based on the scale below:
You can calculate your grade using the formula below. Do not use the CANVAS assessment of
total percent grade, it is incorrect but unfortunately will always be posted on CANVAS.

% Grade = (Exam1 * 0.15) + (Exam2 * 0.15) + (Exam3 * 0.15) + (In class Quiz Average%* 0.10) +
(Wiley Plus%* 0.05) + (Critical Thinking Average% * 0.15) + (Diet Analysis Average% * 0.25)

A = 90 →100% B- = 71 → 74% D+ = Not given

A- = 86 → 89% C+ = 68 → 70% D = 50→59%
B+ = 80 → 85% C = 65 → 67% D- = Not given
B = 75 → 79% C- = 60 → 64% F = < 50%

Class Syllabus Fall Quarter 2019
Biosci 12114 Nutritional Science

Week Date Class Assignments

Due Dates (Some dates may be adjusted during quarter always
confirm with CANVAS)
1 9/30/2019
10/4/2019 CRITICAL THINKING: Early Science page 21
2 10/7/2019
10/9/2019 CRITICAL THINKING: How GI Problems Affect Nutrition page 94
10/11/2019 CRITICAL THINKING: Using a food label (on CANVAS not in text)

3 10/14/2019
10/16/2019 CRITICAL THINKING: Becoming Less Refined page 138

4 10/21/2019 Carbohydrate intake dietary analysis Due

10/23/2019 Exam 1

5 10/28/2019 CRITICAL THINKING: Choosing Healthy Fats page 178

10/30/2019 Lipid intake dietary analysis Due

6 11/4/2019 CRITICAL THINKING: Getting enough protein page 509 (Athletics)

CRITICAL THINKING: Choosing a healthy Vegetarian diet page 230
11/6/2019 Protein intake analysis Due
11/8/2019 CRITICAL THINKING: Meeting Folate Recommendations page 327

7 11/11/2019 CRITICAL THINKING: How much Vitamin A is in your fast-food meal

page 351
11/13/2019 Exam 2

8 11/18/2019 Vitamin intake dietary analysis Due

11/20/2019 CRITICAL THINKING: Osteoporosis Risk page 420

9 11/25/2019 CRITICAL THINKING: Increasing iron intake and uptake page 447
10 12/2/2019 Mineral Intake dietary analysis Due

12/4/2019 CRITICAL THINKING: Balancing Energy Genetics and Lifestyle page

Class Syllabus Fall Quarter 2019
Biosci 12114 Nutritional Science
Week Date Topic ebook reading pages and tables
See lecture Handout
1 9/30/2019 No class
10/2/2019 Basic Concepts
10/4/2019 Food Intake Assessment
Dietary Analysis exercise
2 10/7/2019 Body Systems in Nutrition
10/9/2019 Standards, Guidelines RDA, DGA, Food Labels

10/11/2019 Macronutrients-Carbohydrate Basics Chemistry

3 10/14/2019 Macronutrients-CHO Quality and Glycemic Index

10/16/2019 Macronutrients-Carbohydrate HFCS

10/18/2019 Macronutrients-Carbohydrate Fiber
4 10/21/2019 Macronutrients-Lipid Basics Chemistry Digestion
10/23/2019 EXAM 1 (Topics thru Fiber)
10/25/2019 Macronutrients-Lipid metabolism

5 10/28/2019 Macronutrients-Lipid Health


10/30/2019 Macronutrients-Protein
11/1/2019 Macronutrients-Protein
6 11/4/2019 Vitamins: Water Soluble
11/6/2019 Vitamins: Water/Lipid Soluble
11/8/2019 Vitamins Lipid Soluble
7 11/11/2019 Water
11/13/2019 EXAM 2 (Topics thru Vitamins)

11/15/2019 Macro Minerals:Electrolytes & Hypertension

8 11/18/2019 Minerals and bone health
11/20/2019 Trace Minerals Focus: Zinc, Copper
11/22/2019 Minerals Focus: Iron
9 11/25/2019 Phytochemicals/Supplements
11/27/2019 Organic Foods
11/29/2019 THANKSGIVING BREAK No Class 🦃 🍽 ✈
10 12/2/2019 Energy Balance
12/4/2019 Energy Balance

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