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Weekly Report 17- 12/20 to 1/07

This past semester was not only exhilarating but also stressful. As compared to
last year, I found a mentor early on in the year, gathered more insight on the basics of
environmental engineering, and focused on new topics, such as geology and
seismology. Not only has first semester opened up new doors in environmental
engineering, it has also led me to grow my skills significantly in the professional world
through cold-calling and finding a phenomenal mentor. My mentor, Professor
Magnani, helped greatly in understanding vocabulary and precise concepts in
seismology. I cannot wait to explore new ideas in seismology with her!

Next semester, I have high aims of completing a thorough and well thought-out
Final Product. Similarly, I have already begun compiling information to put on my
display board. In the next week, I plan to focus on ISM Showcase and going on mentor
visits. Likewise, research and documentation is essential to organize and present
information in a professional manner. Over winter break, I compiled information into
my digital portfolio, such as weekly reports and assessments. In addition, I plan to
finish adding information to my portfolio.

Likewise, next semester I would love to focus on water engineering for my Final
Product. More importantly, I hope to schedule an interview with a waster engineer to
solidify my future research and ideas.

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