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A Lesson Plan in MAPEH 10

by: Mark Vincent S. Agan

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a) Understand the steps in developing a personal fitness program plan.

b) Create a one-week personal fitness program plan.

c) Apply the different factors and engage themselves in developing a personal fitness program


II. Subject Matter

Topic: Developing a Personal Fitness Program Plan

Materials: laptop,cartolina,glue,scissor,construction paper,and projector.

Reference: Darilag A, Vergara. L., snd Mateo, G Ph.D. Enjoy Life with P.E and Health IV

III. Procedure


A. Preparation

“Good Morning class!” “Good Morning Sir!”

Before we start our class, let us first have our


“Say present if your name is called.

“Present Sir”

B. Motivation

Okay, so before we will start our lesson this

morning I want you to form two groups.

Okay so on my right will be group one and on my

left side will be the group two.

Now choose a representative to get the envelope

here in front.

Okay class, here are my instructions:

First you need open the envelope and you will

see a jigsaw puzzle.

Next your task here is to solve it for you to

identify what is in the picture.

Lastly, after completing the puzzle you will

perform what is in the picture.

The first group to win the game will be given


Am I clear? Yes sir,

Okay, so are you ready? Yes sir!

Let’s start the game in three…two…one… GO!!!

(after the activity)

Okay class you may now go back to your

respective seats.

C. Presentation

Now let me ask you,

How was the game?

Fun sir,

Good, now what do you think is the purpose why

Sir, the purpose why you let us perform what is in
I ask you to perform what is in the picture?
the picture it is because you want us to apply
those exercises in the real world situation not
just in the classroom.

Very good julie.

Yes sir,
Do you think an exercise is important?

So what do you think is our lesson for today?

It is something that deals or relate to exercise sir.
Any guess?

Very good Jeo,

D. Discussion

So our lesson for today is all about Developing a

personal fitness program plan.
Now, what is Personal Fitness Program Plan? Sir it is a plan that needs to be follow in order for
you to be physically fit.

Very good Jes,

Sir , it is a guide for those who wish to maintain a

Another answer?
healthy body and a healthy lifestyle.

Okay , fitness program plan is a plan that helps

improve the health and physical conditions. A
fitness program must include physical activities
that will develop the five health related
components of fitness.

And now let us discuss about the benefits of

fitness program plan:

a) Improves the condition of the heart and


b) Increases muscular strength and endurance

c) Improves muscle tone and strength

d) Weight management

e) Increases physical confidence

f) Improves sleep

g) Improves brain function and health

h) Greater self-confidence and self-esteem

i) Improves social life

What are the benefits of fitness program plan

again class? Name at least one benefits. Cj: improves sleep

Aj: improves brain function and health

Very good.

Now let us proceed to the procedure in creating

an exercise program.

1. Set Goals

- what do I want from my fitness program?

2. Select Activities

The best thing you need to consider in

developing your fitness program plan is selecting
your activities. It is usually best to include
exercises to develop each of the health related
components of fitness.

A. Cardio- respiratory endurance

B. Muscular strength

C. Muscular endurance

D. Flexibility

E. Healthy Body Composition

If you select activities that supports your

commitment rather than activities that turn
exercise into a chore, the right program will be
it’s own incentive for continuing.

And these are the following factors in making

choices of exercise:

a. Fun and interest

b. Current skill and fitness level

c. Time and convenience

d. Cost
e. Special health needs

3. Set a target fit for each activity. FITT formula.

Frequency- the number of exercise per week

Intensity- refers to how hard an exercise bout

Time - length for each exercises

Type - kind of exercise

4. Set up a system of mini goals and rewards

5. Include lifestyle, physical activity in your


6. Develop tool for monitoring your progress

7. Make a commitment

So class, do you have questions or are there any

None sir,
part of the discussion that you want to clarify?

E. Application

So now, let’s try to check whether you have

learned something today.

My Personal Fitness Program Plan

So your task is to create a one week fitness plan

following the different principles discussed in this
lesson. You will use the format on the next slide
to better help you in the design of your fitness
program plan. Plan your activities according to
your own needs. Copy the format and submit
your fitness program plan to your PE teacher for
proper feedback. Include warm-up activities in
this lesson, your personal workout and the cool
down activities.

Yes sir,
Am I clear?

(the teacher will show the slide of the personal

fitness program plan)

yes sir
Do you understand?

Okay I will give you ten minutes to do it.

F. Generalization

So what are the steps in developing a personal

fitness program? Give at least two. Sir, set goals, and select activities.

Now why is it important to have a personal Sir, having a personal fitness program will lead
fitness program? you to a well rounded life. It will help you do
things more effectively.

Very good, so now we already know about the

personal fitness program plan.

Get a one whole sheet of paper.

IV. Evaluation

Direction: read the questions carefully and write

it in a paragraph form. Answer it in a one whole
sheet of paper.

1) Write and explain the five health related

components of fitness that will be develop
when designing an exercise program.

2) Explain why goal setting is important in

designing a fitness program.

3) Discuss the different factors you have to

consider in choosing your activities for your
fitness program plan.

V. Assignment

In this assignment you will need to create a one

week personal fitness program plan and make a
documentation of your exercises.

Goodbye and thank you class!

Goodbye and thank you sir, see you around!

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