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Adaptive Learning

The benefits of doing it with a Go1-LMS integration

What is Adaptive Learning?
Adaptive learning refers to how technology monitors a learner’s
progress and uses that data to adjust learning pathways.
It sounds similar to personalised learning, a term used to
describe how instructors and facilitators can customise learning
to suit differing abilities, but it’s really just a tool used to support
How is it achieved?
By leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to cater to what learners
know, what they need to know and how to best learn it – adaptive
learning shapes a custom experience by identifying individual
skills gaps, delivering relevant materials, gathering regular
feedback, and adjusting pathways.
Why Adaptive Training?
One of the biggest hurdles to employee training is time.
Employees don’t want to be trawling through pages of content for
answers. Adaptive learning is a short-burst approach that can
support and be supported by the L&D paradigm learning in the
flow of work.
Learning in the flow of work
Adults learn better when content is of immediate value. Placing
learning in the flow of work helps make employee training
ubiquitous, more personal, more relevant and works to mitigate
the forgetting curve.
Content aggregators
Even with an online learning tool, like an LMS, learning in the flow
of work is best paired with an extensive content aggregator like
Go1’s Content Hub. Doing so helps ensure the right content is
available at the right time.
Benefits For
Address Skills Gaps
The faster employees execute on new capabilities, the faster
corresponding business benefits can be reaped. If employees fall
behind, adaptive learning gathers performance feedback and
reroutes learners accordingly.
Optimal Use of Resources
Adaptive learning helps avoid teaching people content they
already know. It’s also a smart use of an L&D budget as less time
is spent creating in-house content or deciding between a plethora
of existing options.
Increased Business Value
Profitability, market share, revenue and innovation are all factors
that are driven not only by the collective knowledge capital of a
workforce, but also how they are trained for it.
Benefits For
Timely Learning Interventions
Instead of manual or predetermined pathways, adaptive learning
can identify gaps in a timely manner and support those gaps with
materials, adjusting accordingly over time. This way, each
employee’s unique pain points can be equally addressed.
Time Effective
Each employees’ time is maximised in an LMS by ensuring they
get materials that best match their current knowledge. It also
seeks to mix it up by delivering different styles of content e.g.,
videos, readings, graphics etc.
Confidence-Based Approach
Technology based learning helps learners feel more confident by
ensuring they’re progressing at a rate that’s right for them and on
a timeline that’s right for their organisation. For this to be
possible, the appropriate content must be only one click away.
You can learn more about this topic by
checking out the full article:

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