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Tchr. Angie M. Articona Parent’s Signature:_________________
I. Multiple Choices. Write the letter of the correct answer before each
____1. The point of origin or point of reference.
a. 2 b. 1 c. 0 d. -1
____2. An integer with no sign.
a. 2 b. 1 c. 0 d. -1
____3. If n is greater than zero, what is n?
a. positive b. negative c. origin d. opposite
____4. If n is not greater than zero, what is n?
a. positive b. negative c. origin d. opposite
____5. An integer with no opposite sign.
a. positive b. negative c. zero d. opposite
____6. The actual amount represented by a number or term without the
algebraic sign.
a. zero b. arrow heads c. Absolute Value d. integer
____7. What is the value of l -19 l?
a. -19 b. 19 c. 0 d. 1
____8. What is the absolute value of - l 26 l?
a. 26 b. -26 c. 0 d. 1
____9. The numbers on the right side are called __ integer.
a. positive b. negative c. origin d. opposite
____10. The numbers on the left side are called __ integer
a. positive b. negative c. origin d. opposite
____11. The additive inverse of -62.
a. 62 b. -62 c. 0 d. 1
____12. What is –(- (- 5 )?
a. +5 b. -5 c. 0 d. 1
____13. What is the correct symbol for l -123 l __ l 23 l?
a. < b. > c. + d. =
____14. What is the opposite of -156?
a. 156 b. – 156 c. 0 d. 1
____15. What is –( - l – 4 l)?
a. 4 b. -4 c. 0 d. 1.
____16. Add -405 + - 280, the answer is ___
a. 685 b. -685 c. 125 d. -125
____17. What is 672 + -207?
a. 465 b. -465 c. 879 d. -879
____18. An elevator went up 5 floors from the first floor, went down 2
floors; went up 1 floor; and went down 2 floors. On which floor did the
elevator stop?
a. 4th flr. b. 3rd flr. c. 2nd flr d. 1st flr.
____19. Father saved Ᵽ 4,000. He spent Ᵽ 2,500 to buy garden tools and
Ᵽ 900 more to have his bicycle repaired. How much of his money left?
a.Ᵽ 500 b. Ᵽ600 c. Ᵽ 2,300 d. Ᵽ3400
____20. To add two numbers with unlike sign, subtract the numbers then
prefix the sign with the __ absolute value to the sum.
a. greater b. lesser c. zero d. all of the above
____21. Subtract -12 from -14.
a. -26 b. 26 c. 2 d. -2
____22. What is 18 - -3?
a. 15 b. -15 c. 21 d. -21
____23. Mother has 45 kg. She lost 2 kg when she was ill. After reco-
vering, she gained 7 kg and then lost 3 kg. What is the final weight of the
a. 49 kg b. 47 kg c. 39 kg d. 37 kg
____24. Which integers are arrange from least to greatest?
a. -101, 101 ,-91, 91, 51 c. -167, -125, 124, 456, 567
b. 121, 45, 0, -120, -145 d. 0, -167, -145, -435, -987
____25. Which integers are arrange from greatest to least?
a. -101, 101 ,-91, 91, 51 c. -167, -125, 124, 456, 567
b. 121, 45, 0, -120, -145 d. 0, -167, -145, -435, -987
____26. The product of two integers with the same sign is __.
a. positive b. negative c. origin d. opposite
____27. The product of two integers with different sign is __.
a. positive b. negative c. origin d. opposite
____28. The product of -4 x 12 =n.
a.48 b. -48 c. 58 d. -58
3 2
____29. What is 2 x -4 ?
a. 128 b. -128 c. 126 d. -126
____30. The quotient of two integers with the same sign is ____.
a. positive b. negative c. origin d. opposite
____31. The quotient of two integers with unlike sign is ____.
a. positive b. negative c. origin d. opposite
____32. What is – 48 ÷ - 4?
a. 12 b. -12 c. 14 d. -14
____33. Divide 52 by 5.
a. 25 b. -25 c. 5 d. -5
____34. Simplify 4 x – 3 ÷ 12.
2 2

a. 12 b. -12 c. 14 d. -14
2 2
____35. Simflify 12 - 8
122 - 82
a. 0 b. 1 c. -1 d. 2
II. A. Write >, < or =.
36. -l7l ___ l10l 39. -10 ___ -7
37. – 90 ___ -16 40. 15 ___ -19
38. l-120 l ___ l120l

B. Write positive or negative on the blank.

41. 50 above the sea level _________
42. 20 steps backward _________
43. expenditure of 2,000 pesos _________
44. deposit of 1,000 000 pesos _________
45. gain 1 kg _________
46. a loss of 20 pesos

C. Draw a number line and identify the integers. (2 pts. Each)

47-48. From 0, go 12 to the right __________

49-50. From -9, go 9 units to the right. _______


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