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What is importance why we should respect individual differences?

According to Annie Gottlieb

"Respect is appreciation of the separateness of the other person, of the ways in which he or she is
unique". We believe that each and everyone created by God exceptional among indivual. The way the
person think, act, there intellectual capacity, beliefs opinion or thoughts, emotional differences,
temperanment and aptitudes are different from one another eventhough the twins, although there
physical outlook are almost the same but when it come in any aspects they are more differences.
Heredity and environment are the two main factors that explain the individual differences. Which means
each of us especially in school comming from different places and different families therefore we come
to school with diverse attitude, personality that we need to be aware and need to be respected as easy
to connect with our classmates and everything sorrounds us to build a good relationship as a result of
peace and unity. Unity and peace is imporatnt aspect to change the world the universe rather that we
wanted. Even though we are diversified individual we should give value for unity because by, this we
could really have an amazing world if the negativity cannot grow and poster like what Catriona Gray said
in her Ms. Universe journey.

Showing respect for everyone is the best thing and important thing that we can share to our
community why? Because by this we committe a peace not only into our mind but also to every person
that we enconunter as a result of having good environment. As future educator we need to give
importance about the differences of our students, for as to know how to be a good teacher and being
effecient teacher to them. We need to respect thier opinion and thier thoughts about the topic we
discuss to them. Approach them as a good teacher by simple doing that, you can create a good
environment to your classroom and aside from that, it will lead your student to became an effective and
be participative students inside your classroom, and we should need to educate our student what is
imporatnce having respect with one another especially the elders "elders is human dictionary" among
individual they have enough expercience in life therefore compare to us they have enough knowledge,
ideas about the entire living. That's the reason why we need to give importance to thier thoughts and
beliefs and use them as your lesson in creating your life.

I, as a part of LGBTQ plus plus community or Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and etc. Since
the very beggining of my life I always face a judgemet, discrimination from others regarding on what I
am, I feel sad, angry, feeling down and disappointed, I always ask my self if being a gay is a sin? For me
this not a sin because, its eithier you boy girl you can commit a sin, therefore in depends upon the
person on how they bring thier self as gay or LGBTQ member or a normal gender girl or boy. Sometimes I
want to slap thier face, punch thier shoulder to release my emotion for saying the words againts me.
When was in elementary, Grade 6 my teacher brough me into the principal's offeice because a commit
a fight with my classmat, we are both gays, I slap his face and punch her shoulder because he always
saying a words that can hurt my feelings like "bakla bakla, maitim" So since I am in my grade school I am
not mature enough to contro my emotions that is the reason why I can do those bad hings to him.
For now I continous encounter a judgement from other, but as mature person instead of slapping thier
face and punching thier shoulder. I always thought my self to look for the beauty of and I will make them
as my inspiration and motivation for pursuing to achieve my goal. I believe that acceptance of my family
is enough for continuing my life. This the reason why I am taking Values education major because I want
to promote 'Respect" because respect is the most important to commit a good values for each everyone.
I want to teach my student for valuing "Respect" in other to build a new character to became a good
member of the society.
Unity for Diversity

Subtitle:Valuing Respect for Individual differences

as a result of peace and unity.


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