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Guinto, Christian Pesimo

BSED 1A – Filipino


Activity 1

1. You may wish to do an introspection. Go through all the eight

intelligences by Gardner. Try to know, feel, and determine how much you
have of each of the eight intelligences, to wit;

None/nothing ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Much of this ability of this
much ability 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Intelligence Description (numbers
Bodily/ Ability to use one’s body and physical aspects well

Interpersonal Ability to sense other people’s feelings;
Ability to put oneself on other people’s shoes.

Linguistic Ability to communicate well, orally or in writing.

Intrapersonal Ability to know one’s own mind and body; and be

aware of one’s own desires, feelings, motives.

Logical- Ability to do science and mathematics.

Ability to handle complex problems and
mathematical discussions.

Musical Ability to learn, perform, and compose music.

Naturalistic Ability to know and understand different species,

recognize patterns in nature and life forms.
Visual/Spatial Ability to one’s location relative to fixed locations.
Ability to accomplish tasks requiring 3-dimensional

2, Determine if there is an area where you are good at, that makes full or
substantial use of that intelligence. For example, you may be good at
dancing. Is this your basis for wanting to become a P. E. teacher?

Activity 2
Group yourselves by 3’s. Discuss one theory of intelligence which
you can consider very important for teachers to know about and
understand. Go by these guide questions.

1. What are the reasons why you think the theory you have selected is important for teachers to
know and understand? (If you want to know more about the theory you have selected, you may
read other books.)

2. Examine the intelligence theory more closely. Cite the ways you think the theory will be helpful
in your teaching especially methods and techniques you will be using, as well as the instructional
materials you will use.
Activity 3
Observe a class in science, math or any of the core academic
subjects. Focus your observation on as many as possible while the lesson
is going on. Determine who among the students exhibit these indicators
of intelligence.
a. ____________ Always gives a correct answer to
teacher’s questions.
b. ____________ Leads the group in class activities
c. ____________ One among the first students to solve
problems correctly.
d. ____________ Participates actively in group or class
e. ____________ Finishes seatwork ahead of the others.
f. ____________ Able to answer difficult questions.

Now that you have identified who these students are, have you
observed other students who did not exhibit any of the above behaviors?
Who are they? Comparing those who exhibited these behaviors and those
who did not, what insights, have you developed or gained regarding
differences among these students?
Guinto, Christian Pesimo
BSED 1A – Filipino


1. Examine Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence. Take an example where you
have 40 pupils, and you would want to determine or have an idea as to what type of intelligence
each pupil possesses. What can you do to get indicators of their specific intelligence, even
without them having to take an intelligence test?

2. Taking a situation where your students have been tested for intelligence (using a valid
intelligence test) you realize that your student’s intelligence levels are so varied, meaning, some
have ‘high’ and some have ‘low’ intelligence levels, what methodological approaches in teaching
will you apply to address all the intelligence needs of your students?

3. Take an example where a science teacher would like to introduce the topic about simple
machines. (e.g. level, pulley, wedge, etc.). The teacher groups the students by fives and thinks
that the best way to do this is through project-based learning. If you were the science teacher,
how will you proceed, bearing in mind, Gardner’s, Sternberg’s and Perkin’s theories of
Guinto, Christian Pesimo
BSED 1A – Filipino


This part helps you to know if after going through the chapter, you
are able to analyze concepts of individual differences according to the
different theories of intelligence.

1. What behavioral indicators or abilities will you look for, if you want to understand
the concept of intelligence more fully? On the basis of the definitions of intelligence,
cite two of its indicators.

2. Cite the similarities as well as the differences in ideas or propositions among the
theories of intelligence. Is there a semblance of many theories measuring the same
characteristics? Different characteristics?
3. You have read the different of intelligence. Classify the theories if they assert that
intelligence is one general trait or whether it is a multi-trait.

Intelligence as One Trait Intelligence as Multi-Trait

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