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Surigao State College of Technology

Claver Extension College

P-7, Tayaga, Claver, Surigao del Norte


Tolman's. Bandura

Purposive Behaviorism. Social Learning Theory

Goal - Directedness. Principles

Cognitive Maps. Modeling

Latent Learning. Four Conditions For

Intervening Variables Effective Modeling

Neobehaviorism is a behavior that cannot be full understood simply in terms of observable stimuli and
reactions. Neobehaviorism introduce mediating variables into the behaviorist stimulus response

Tolman's Purposive Behaviorism

Purposive Behaviorism has also been referred to as Sign Learning Theory. Tolman believed that learning
is a cognitive process. Learning involves forming beliefs and obtaining knowledge about the
environment and then revealing that knowledge through purposeful and goal - directed behavior.

Tolman stated in his sign theory that an organism learns by pursuing signs to a goal i.e. learning is
acquired through meaningful behavior.

Tolman's Key Concepts

Learning is always purposive and goal - directed. Individuals do more than merely respond to stimuli;
they act on beliefs, attitudes, changing condition, and they strive towards goal.

Cognitive maps. In his most famous experiment, one group of rats are placed at random starting location
in a maze but the food was always in the same location. Another group of rats had the food placed in
different locations which always required exactly the same pattern of turns from their starting location.
The group that had the food in the same location performed much better than the other group
demonstrating that they had learned the location rather than a specific sequence of turns. This is
tendency to " learn location " signified that rats, somehow formed cognitive maps that help them
perform in a maze. He also found out that organism will select the shortest or easiest path to achieve a

Latent Learning. Is a kind of learning that remains or stays with the individual until needed. It is learning
that is not outwardly manifested at once.

The concept of intervening variables. Variables that are not readily seen but serves as determinants of
behavior. Tolman believed that learning is mediated or is influenced by expectation, perceptions,
representation, needs and other internal or environmental variables. Example, in his experiment with
the rat he found out that hunger is the intervening variables.

Reinforcement not essential for learning. Tolman concluded that reinforcement is not essential for
learning, although it provides an incentive for performance. In his studies, he observe that the rat was
able to acquire knowledge of the way through a maze i.e. to develop a cognitive map, even in the
absence of reinforcement.

Bandura's Social Learning Theory

Social Learning Theory also called observational learning. A theory that emphasizes learning through
observation of others.

General Principles of Social Learning Theory

1. People can learn by observing the behavior of the others and the outcomes of those behavior.

2. Learning can occur without a change in behavior.

3. Cognitive plays a role in learning.

4. Social learning theory can be considered a bridge or a transition between behaviorist learning
theories and cognitive learning theories.

Four Conditions For Effective Modeling

1. The observer is reinforce by the model

2. The observer reinforce by a third person

3. The imitated behavior itself leads to reinforcing consequences.

4. Consequences of the models behavior affect the observers behavior vicariously.

Reporters: Realyn F. Paqueo

Jannifer Ruiz

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