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Name: Ricablanca, Bless C.

Year and Section: BSEd-Science 1

Date: May 17, 2021


 What do you understand about the ASSURE model?
The ASSURE model is an instructional framework or rule that
instructors can use to create lesson plans which coordinate the utilization of
innovation of technology and media (Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell, 2008).
In this connection, I understand that ASSURE model made the students
emphasize the results of achieving their learning targets. This serves as a guide
and examination for the quality education of students.

 How does the teacher use the ASSURE model to integrate technology into the
The teacher uses the ASSURE model to integrate technology into the
instruction through evaluating and analyzing learners' attributes. With that, the
outcome for this instruction would be correlated to their characteristics and
would help them elevate for another process. Teachers at this juncture would
not felt so distressed about conveying lessons towards their students and
making things plain and under stable throughout the students.

 What do you think the impact on student learning resulted from the ASSURE-
based instructional lessons?
The impact on the students learning resulted from the ASSURE-based
instructional lessons would make them equipped and have the capability for
open innovations. This impact will serve as a motivation for the students to
have an active engagement towards the technology while learning throughout
the process.

 What are your perceptions of implementing the instruction and of student

learning with technology?
My perceptions of implementing the instruction and of student learning
with technology are various yet in general, it has great help towards the
teachers as well as the students for the teaching-learning process in this time
of digitalization. The implementation of this made the teaches and learners
elevate their competencies for innovation and can adapt, engage, and be
authentic in dealing with the technology.

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