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LGBT culture in the


The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and

Queer (LGBTQ) people in the Philippines
have a distinctive culture in society and
also have limited legal rights. Gays and
lesbians are generally tolerated (if not
accepted) in Filipino society, especially
with the recent events that promote the
rights, general acceptance and
empowerment of the community, but
discrimination remains. Filipino gays are
known as "bakla", but are not limited to
this term. Filipino Lesbians are known as
Alfa, but not limited to this term.

Status Legal

Military Gays, lesbians and

bisexuals allowed to
serve openly since 2009

Discrimination None at the national

protections level but many anti-
ordinances exist at the
local government level.

Family rights

Recognition of None
Restrictions The Family Code of the
Philippines defines
marriage as "a special
contract of permanent
union between a man
and a woman". The
Constitution of the
Philippines does not
prohibit same-sex

Adoption Allowed for individuals

but not allowed for
same-sex couples.

According to the 2002 Young Adult Fertility

and Sexuality Survey, 11 percent of
sexually active Filipinos between the ages
of 15 and 24 have had sex with someone
of the same sex.[2] According to Filipino
poet and critic Lilia Quindoza Santiago,
Filipino culture may have a more flexible
concept of gender; kasarian (Tagalog for
"gender") is defined in less binary terms
than the English word;[3] kasarian means
"kind, species, or genus".[4]


Mount Iriga, historically referred as Mount Asog, was

initially named after an ancient Agta ruler according
to oral traditions.[5] Asog also refers to pre-colonial
feminized male shamans who usually marry their
partners, whether male or female.[6][7][note 1]

Gender crossing practices go back to the

history of pre-colonial communities in the
Philippines. The babaylans are typically
female spiritual leaders, akin to priests or
shamans, in native communities, whose
position can also be taken by males who
crossed genders, and were called asog,
among many names. According to J. Neil
C. Garcia, they were similar to women in
almost all aspects, except for childbearing.
The institutionalization of gender, and
gender roles in the Philippines begun
during the Spanish colonization wherein
oppressive, religious control was used to
regulate sexuality. This includes the
widespread use of the ‘homosexual’, and
‘heterosexual’ distinctions in society.[8]

Movements to promote the acceptance of

the gays in Philippine society include, but
are not limited to the establishment of the
Home of the Golden Gays by Justo Justo,
the 1980 Women’s Movement which
focused on the lesbian struggle of
Filipinas, the formation of The Lesbian
Collective which was the first formal
lesbian organization in the country, the
organization of the first LGBT Pride March
in Asia and the Pacific in 1996.[9] Beyond
this, there have been numerous efforts to
spread awareness of the LGBT. The
community has become generally
accepted in society, and have continued to
initiate efforts that move for the greater
acceptance, protection, and empowerment
of its members.

Representation in indigenous

Gongs of the Teduray people. The Teduray bases

their concept of gender towards their ethnic beliefs,
with a trans woman being called mentefuwaley libun
and trans man being called mentefuwaley lagey.[10]

In Tagalog mythology in Luzon, Lakapati, is

identified as the most important fertility
deity in the Tagalog pantheon. A record
entry from 1613 noted that during
sacrifices made in a new field, farmers
would hold up a child and say, "Lakapati,
pakanin mo yaring alipin mo; huwag mong
gutumin (Lakapati, feed this thy slave; let
him not hunger)". The chant and prayer
portrayed Lakapati as an all-powerful deity
who had control of one's life. Her prowess
on fertility covers not only human and
divine fertility, but also the fertility of all
other things such as wildlife, crops, trees,
and plants. She is also the goddess of
cultivated land. Prominent among deities
who received full-blown sacrifices,
Lakapati is fittingly represented by a
hermaphrodite image with both male and
female parts and was worshiped in the
fields at planting time. Her bodily
expression is notably feminine. The
ancient Tagalogs may have believed that
the hermaphrodite image of Lakapati
depicted the balance of everything. During
early Spanish rule, Lakapati was depicted
as the Holy Spirit, as the people continued
to revere her despite Spanish threats.
Lakapati's gift to man was agriculture, thus
she is also associated as an agriculture
deity. As the benevolent giver of food and
prosperity, she was respected and loved by
the people. From her came fertility of
fields and health of flocks and herds.
Modern interpretations have stated that
Lakapati was transgender, although in a
historical context, Lakapati was known as
a hermaphrodite or intersex.[11] Ikapati,
goddes of cultivated fields, may have been
a 'variant' of Lakapati.[12]

In Capiznon mythology, on the northeast

section of the island of Panay, it is
believed that a specific race of aswangs,
called the dangga or agitot, are generally
homosexual. There are more than a
hundred races of recorded aswangs
throughout the Philippines, but the dangga
race is the only known to possess a
powerful bloodline of homosexuality,
which is seen in pre-colonial beliefs as a
balance deemed by nature, and thus made
the race more powerful than the average
aswang. Pre-colonial people believe that to
escape the danggas, semen must be
offered by flinging them onto a dangga,
which would slightly distract the dangga,
thus, give more time for a human to

Itneg potters, the person on the right is a
mandadawak (Itneg shaman) wearing women's
clothes. Feminized male shamans, referred in
general as bayok, are important in indigenous
religions in the Philippines, especially prior to
Western colonization and imperialism, as having
both male and female expressions is interpreted as
a divine gift signifying a balance deemed by nature.
(c. 1922)[15]

Bakla and bading are Tagalog words for a

man who has feminine mannerisms, or
dresses or identifies as a woman.
Although the terms are not the equivalent
of the English "gay",[16] the bakla are the
most culturally visible subset of gay men
in the Philippines. They are often
considered a third gender, embodying
femininity (pagkababae) in a male
body.[17][18] Although bakla is sometimes
used in a derogatory sense, bakla people
have largely embraced it. In addition to
this, lesbians in the Filipino community are
called tibo or tibs, which are likewise often
used as derogatory terms. However,
lesbians too have recently embraced this
terms, and have used these terms jokingly
to refer to each other. But despite being
used to refer to lesbians, the word tibo or
tibs often refer to the more masculine
lesbian, otherwise known as the ‘Butch’.

In the Philippines, the word "gay" is used to

refer to any LGBT person. For Filipino gays
the Tagalog phrase paglaladlad ng kapa
("unfurling the cape") or, more commonly,
paglaladlad ("unfurling" or "unveiling")
refers to the coming-out process. Some
lesbians (butch and femme) use the words
magic or shunggril to refer to
themselves;[16] paminta describes
masculine gay men. Neutral slang terms
for gay men include "billy boy", badette ,
"badaf" and bading. Although many of
these terms are considered derogatory,
they are sometimes used casually or
jokingly by the Filipino gay and lesbian

Although legislation supporting same-sex
marriage in the Philippines has been
proposed several times in the Philippine
legislature, none has been passed.[19] The
Philippine Commission on Elections
(COMELEC) disqualified the Filipino LGBT
political party Ladlad from fronting a
candidate in the 2007 general election,
concluding that the party did not have a
nationwide membership.[20] COMELEC
again refused Ladlad's petition to contest
the 2010 elections on the grounds of
"immorality".[21] However, on April 8, 2010,
the Supreme Court of the Philippines
overturned COMELEC's decision and
allowed Ladlad to participate in the May
2010 elections.[22]

The Philippines has been ranked one of

the most gay-friendly nations in the world
and is the most gay-friendly in Asia. In a
survey of 39 countries (only 17 of which
had a majority accepting homosexuality),
the Philippines were the 10th most gay-
friendly.[23] The survey, "The Global Divide
on Homosexuality" conducted by the US-
based Pew Research Center, showed that
73 percent of adult Filipinos agreed that
"homosexuality should be accepted by
society" (up from 64 percent in 2002).[23]

LGBT Rights Bill (SOGIE Bill)

The House of Representatives approved

on the LGBT Rights on September 20,
2017. The lawmakers had voted 198-0 in
the approval of House Bill 4982, otherwise
known as the Sexual Orientation and
Gender Identity and Expression Equality
(SOGIE) Bill. Those who violate this bill are
required to pay a penalty of ₱100,000 to
₱500,000 and imprisonment for one to six
years. This bill prohibits and penalizes any
discriminatory acts against Lesbians,
Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgender people.

The SOGIE Bill penalizes the following


Gender Profiling
Denying or revoking a professional or
other similar kind of license, clearance,
except marriage license, issued by the
Denying access to public service,
including military service including
SOGIE as criteria for human resource
Refusing admission or expelling a
person from any educational or training
Denying a person access to public or
private medical and other health
services open to general public

Swardspeak, or "gay lingo", is cant or argot
derived from Taglish (Tagalog-English
pidgin) and is used by the Filipino LGBT
community.[24] It uses elements of
Tagalog, English, Spanish and Japanese,
celebrities' names and trademarked
brands, giving them new meanings in
different contexts.[25] Words derived from
indigenous languages, including Cebuano,
Hiligaynon, Waray, Bicolano and others,
are also used by LGBT communities.

A Swardspeak speaker could be identified

as homosexual, making it easier for
people in the LGBT community to
recognize each other. This created a group
of speakers, helping the community resist
cultural assimilation and marginalization.
Straight people have begun to use
Swardspeak, however, particularly in gay-
dominated industries such as fashion and

March 2018 rally at the People Power Monument by
supporters of the SOGIE Equality Bill, a proposed
legislation tackling LGBT rights in the country.

While there are no laws pertaining to

same-sex marriage or unions, the Open
Table MCC, the Metropolitan Community
Center’s local chapter in the country, cites
freedom of religion in sanctioning what it
calls holy unions. These ceremonies are
conducted solely for the purpose of
celebrating love and are not legally
recognized.[26] The Filipino Ang Ladlad
party, whose founders, leaders, and core
constituency belong to the LGBT
community, was recognized by the
government and participated in party
elections in 2013.[27]

Transnational networks such as LGBT non-

government organizations allow
connected brokers in the Philippines to
widely adopt goals and strategies that are
cross-culturally recognizable. Efforts to
pass an anti-discrimination bill that
prohibits using sexual orientation and
gender identity as a basis for
discrimination is an example. Goals and
tactics used in the Philippines such as
emphasis on “sexual orientation” and
“gender identity” as a distinct part of the
self, the idea of being “out”, and pursuit of
rights-based remedies are hallmarks of
transnational LGBT politics.[28]

The diffusion of LGBT subjectivities

affected by the shifts in the global system
allow studies exploring links between
LGBT advocacy and hegemonic
geopolitics to increase. An example is
through the non-relational diffusion though
media, technology, and shifts in
democracy and neoliberalism. According
to Oscar Atadero, one of the organizers of
the 1994 Pride in Manila, the decline of
interest in a style of mobilization that is
public and militant and the failure of mass
movement in the Philippines can be
attributed to “the sudden appearance of
the Internet at the same time gays and
lesbians were forming political

There are, however, notable movements as

well. One mobilization was Ladlad’s
“immoRALLY” in front of the COMELEC
office in Manila, two weeks after the
rejection of their petition for party-list
accreditation in the 2010 elections. The
protest rally was held after COMELEC
rejected the petition based on moral
grounds, claiming that the LGBT people
are not immoral. The event brought
together national organizations such as
Babaylan, Task Force Pride, and the
Akbayan party-list to protest the charge
against the LGBTs.[30]

Geraldine Roman is the first transgender

person to be elected to the Philippine
congress.[31] She has been a staunch
advocate of an anti-discrimination bill.[32]
Entertainers Aiza Seguerra and Arnell
Ignacio are the first LGBT-community
members appointed as government
officials; they were appointed by President
Rodrigo Duterte chair of the National
Youth Commission and vice-chair of the
Philippine Amusement and Gaming
Corporation, respectively.

The Philippine media and show business
scene—encompassing film, radio, and
television—comprises a vital part of LGBT
culture in terms of representation.
Prominent celebrities including Vice
Ganda and Boy Abunda are all featured in
major programs and are often tapped to
endorse major products and services.

In 2004, the Republic of the Philippines

Movie and Television Review and
Classification Board (MTRCB) had
disseminated a memorandum calling
homosexual relationships—particularly
lesbian relationships—an “abnormality of
human nature”,[33] discouraging producers
from broadcast any sort of portrayals that
promoted these relationships. While there
are still several LGBT personalities in show
business as well as LGBT characters in
films and television programs in the
Philippines, notices such as this have
limited particular LGBT portrayals in

For the gay Filipino man, two main

stereotypes have been revealed in studies
to be dominantly presented in media.
There is the feminine gay who often cross-
dresses, demonstrates stereotypically
feminine actions and speech and is
attracted to stereotypically masculine
men. The following films have portrayals
of the feminine gay:

Markova: Comfort Gay

Aishite Imasu: 1941: Mahal Kita
Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros
Petrang Kabayo

In contrast to this is the masculine gay

portrayal, where the men still appear
stereotypically masculine but are attracted
to the same sex. A cited example of this is
the film In My Life.[35]

Lesbianism in Philippine media has also

been studied with two common
stereotypes emerging: the butch and the
femme. The two are often seen in a butch-
femme dichotomy, where in a lesbian
couple one assumes the traditional roles
of the masculine-male and the feminine-
female, respectively. Femme-to-femme
relationships, when depicted, have been
shown more often as abused or ridiculed
couples in a more heteronormative
society.[34] The following teleseries are
recent portrayals of femme-to-femme
lesbian relationships in the Philippines:

The Rich Man's Daughter (2015)

Baka Bukas (2016)

Die Beautiful, a 2016 comedy-drama

narrating the life (and death) of a
transgender beauty queen, was entered
into the 2016 Metro Manila Film Festival
and won two awards at the Tokyo
International Film Festival in 2016.[36]

LGBT representation outside of television

and films have been made through
existence of gay beauty pageants such as
Miss Gay Philippines. It is in this
competition that all manner of gays, men
or women, as well as transgender and
bisexuals are eligible to enter, granted that
they first meet the
qualifications/requirements of the
pageant. However, the organization of
these events have been met with
controversy in certain cases. For example,
in 2013, at the 9th Cinemalaya Philippine
Independent Film Festival awarding,
transgender woman Mimi Juareza was
still considered under the “male” category
as Best Actor and referred to with the
pronoun “he”.[33]

With the general tolerance of the country
towards the LGBT community, its
members have organized a number of
events in the past years to empower the
Filipino community in creating a safe
space for the LGBT.[37] Since the First
Pride March in 1994,[38] the LGBT
community has continued to celebrate this
event on the month of June.

The more recent Pride Marches have

become more visible to the public with its
organizers' use of social media to promote
the advocacy, and the event.

More Recent Metro Manila Pride Marches

2015 - Fight For Love

The 21st Metro Manila Pride March in

2015, entitled Fight For Love, was held on
the 25th of July. The turnout of the event
was an estimated number of 2,000

2016 - Let Love In

The following Metro Manila Pride March

was themed Let Love In. There was an
uncertainty whether or not the event would
take place due to the Orlando Nightclub
Shooting, but the event still pushed
through. The march began at Luneta Park
on the 25th of June 2016.[40]
2017 - #HereTogether

Pride March in 2017 was entitled

#HereTogether. On the 24th of June that
year, members and supporters of the LGBT
Community gathered at Plaza de los
Alcaldes, Marikina to begin the 2017 Metro
Manila Pride March.[41]

2018 - #RiseUpTogether

The 2018 Metro Manila Pride March, which

took place on the 30th of June 2018 and
began at Marikina Sports Center, was
themed #RiseUpTogether.[37] Compared to
the previous year with about 7,700
participants, this year’s Pride March round
up to 20,000 attendees.

2019 - #ResistTogether

Held at the Marikina Sports Complex, the

2019 Pride was themed #ResistTogether,
which fashioned the march as a
celebration of the country's diversity and a
protest against homophobia, biphobia, and
transphobia. The pride also focused on the
passage and support for the SOGIE
Equality Bill in Congress. Attendance in the
2019 march peaked at 70,000 people,
almost thrice the number from the 2018
Alpha Nu: Begun in 2014 and considered
the Philippines' first openly gay
fraternity, Alpha Nu is recognized by the
University of the Philippines-Diliman and
advocates non-violent initiations, gender
sensitivity and psychological support. It
holds annual forums on HIV awareness.
USeP Maharlika: The first LGBT student
organization at the University of
Southeastern Philippines, established in
PUP Kabaro: A gender-equality activist
organization at the Polytechnic
University of the Philippines
UP Babaylan: Established in 1992, UP
Babaylan is the first LGBT student
organization in the Philippines and is the
only LGBT support and advocacy
student group at the University of the
Philippines Diliman in Metro Manila.
Doll House: A community group for
open-minded individuals at Ateneo de
Manila University
ProGay Philippines (Progressive
Organization of Gays in the Philippines):
A gay-rights organization in Metro
Manila that led the Asia and Pacific's
first Pride March in the Philippines in
Metropolitan Community Church: A
network of LGBT-affirming churches in
Quezon City, Metro Baguio, Makati and
Open Table MCC - the Quezon City
chapter of Metropolitan Community
Can’t Live in the Closet: Lesbian activist
group in Metro Manila
Lesbian Advocates Philippines (LeAP):
Metro Manila
Lunduyan ng Sining (Sanctuary of Art):
Registered lesbian art studio, providing
a venue for lesbian art. The studio has
produced a lesbian literary and art folio,
What These Hands Can Do, and holds
monthly music, film or art performances
at Mag:net Katipunan in Quezon City
IWAG: Social and support group in
Davao City
Northern Samar LGBT Community
(NSLGBT): Northern Samar
GAHUM: A gay support and advocacy
group in Cebu City
Rainbow Rights (R-Rights) Philippines
(formerly the Rainbow Rights Project):
Non-profit, non-partisan, non-
governmental organization to create an
environment which upholds human
rights and equal opportunities for all,
regardless of sexual orientation and
gender identity or expression (SOGIE).
Society of Transsexual Women of the
Philippines (STRAP): Metro Manila
PinoyFTM: Founded in July 2011 as the
first organization for transsexual and
transgender men in the Philippines.
Based in Metro Manila, it has members
throughout the Philippines.
Order of St. Aelred: Spiritual gay center
in Metro Manila
AKOD: Gay support group at the Davao
Oriental State College of Science and
Gorgeous and Young (GAY): Support
Philippine Forum on Sports, Culture,
Sexuality and Human Rights (Team
Pilipinas): A forum promoting human
rights, sexual and gender diversity and
equality through sports, culture and
UPLB Babaylan: LGBT organization and
support group at the University of the
Philippines Los Baños; promotes gender
equality among the student body and
beyond. Sponsors Pink Flicks (a film
festival focusing on gender issues),
symposiums, educational discussions
and gatherings with other LGBT
Metro Manila Pride: Umbrella
organization for the annual Metro
Manila Pride events[43]
Quezon City Pride Council (QCPC): A
pioneering initiative of the Quezon City
government and the first of its kind in
the country, it is a council to enforce
LGBT rights and gender-based policies
and programs. Created by Mayor
Herbert Bautista with an office order, it
was launched on 25 March 2013 to
highlight the city government’s support
for the implementation and enforcement
of gender-based policies, programs and
Equality Philippines (EqualityPH): Non-
profit organization to promote and
safeguard the rights of LGBT members
and allies in the Philippines
True Colors Coalition (TCC): Political
LGBT organization to continue the
community's struggle for equality,
acceptance and freedom by organizing,
educating and mobilizing the
community and its allies and
campaigning to end all forms of
discrimination. TCC is a member of
Kilusan para sa Pambansang
Demokrasya (KILUSAN).

See also
LGBT culture

1. Early colonial accounts point out that
same-sex sexual relations were
common for precolonial Filipinos of
both sexes, not only the asog. In
general, there was a great degree of
sexual freedom in precolonial Filipino
societies. Virginity was not valued,
adultery was not perceived
negatively, and there was wide use of
genital piercings (tugbuk and sakra).
(Brewer, 1999)

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External links
Barangay Los Angeles - Filipino LGBT
organization in Los Angeles.

Wikimedia Commons has media

related to LGBT in the Philippines.

Outrage Magazine - publication for the

gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender,
queer, intersex and asexual (GLBTQIA)
communities in the Philippines.

Retrieved from
Last edited 2 days ago by Elsa Versailles

Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless

otherwise noted.

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