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The letter that i wrote to Mr.

Marisi was intended to improving the bond between among teachers

and students. The reason why i wrote this letter is because I have seen a lot of students in Cita
Hati that are anti social towards one another. And this has to stop because our generation needs
more socializing. The reason why our generation socialize less than the previous generation is the
increase usage of social media, what i meant by this is that people especially teens tend to be
more socially active in front of their devices or gadget than in face to face conversation. So in the
letter I explain about many activities that can make students to be more socially active in their own
environment. The activities that I inform to Mr. Marisi are different games done in school and a
retreat or mountain top camp. All teens are different. Not all will be outgoing and socialise with a
big group of friends. If a student is like this , but seems generally happy and content, there’s no
need to do anything.But if a student has trouble making friends and is worried by that, there are a
few things we can do together: think about the student’s interests and strengths. Based on this,
you could look for new extracurricular activities for the students or encourage he or she to join a
club, sporting team or social group.Spend time with extended family and family friends. Think
about a part-time job. Working, particularly in a place with other young employees, can give
students a chance to practice social skills as well as building job skills for the future.
Give students lots of praise and encouragement to build self-esteem. Try not to pressure students
about friends or constantly discuss the situation.

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