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Schedule of the Day

Time Activity
8:45am Depart school and head to the Towards Zero Waste Educational
- Head count before leaving
- Transport children onto bus
- Make sure all seat belts are on
- Head count once everyone is on the bus
8:45 – Travel time to venue
9:20am - Make sure children remain seated and have seatbelts on
- Children have their backpacks under the seat
9:20 – 9:30 Briefing students prior to exiting the bus
- Rules and expectations
- Overview of what will happen
- Where toilets are/when they will eat
- Direct where students need to depart to when exiting the
bus before allowing them to get off
- Head Count
- Allow children off of the bus and complete head count
9:30 – Presentation inside the Towards Zero Waste Education Centre
10:20am (45mins)
- Once children are inside the building undertake another
head count
- Introduce Education officer to the children
- Observe and supervise children – keep children with
medical issues or behaviour issues near supervising
Topics covered:
 Liner vs. circular use of resources / cradle to grave
vs. cradle to cradle.
 What happens to waste – from kerbside pick-up to
the landfill or resource recovery centre
 The waste hierarchy
 Avoid, reduce, reuse and recycle.
Workbook completion and interview questions for educational
10:20 – Brain Break (in educational centre room)
10:30am - Head Count
10:30 – Tour of the landfill site with the BCC Environmental Officer
11:00am - Transport children back onto the bus.
- Head Count.
- State expectations (always stay seated with seatbelt on.
Listen to the instructions of the educational officer).
11:00 – Morning Tea
11:30am - Children depart the bus and head to the veranda for lunch
(make sure this instruction is clear to minimise confusion).
- Once all seated do head count and then get children to
present thank-you card/message
- Have morning tea

11:30 Depart venue

- Head count before leaving for bus
- Transport children back onto bus from veranda
- Head count once on bus
- Make sure all seat belts are on

11:30 – Travel home from venue

12:00am Arrive back at school

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