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Jude Michael E.

Jorsa 12 - ABM (A)


"Diversity is a form of appreciating the differences in individuals. The differences can be

based on gender, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and social status. Companies have

realized the value in acquiring a diverse workforce in a workplace."

1. Having diversity in companies is important. For example, in a certain company, there are

two employees whose one is black and the other one is the American (white). The American

treated the black so badly because of what she came from and what skin color she have.

Yet, the black one do hardwork and ignore the ones who discriminate her. Neither they

know, their know is keeping its eyes to the employees. After a year, their boss chooses the

black, promoting in a higher position which he had seen a lot of hardwork and

determination to do work, instead of the American. This situation tells that a company

should have diversity and practice mutual respect for qualities and experiences.

2. A company hired employees from a variety of ethnical and racial backgrounds. It means

that they have different languages, so instead of pulling themselves together, they do

teamwork and became productivity until they treated and respect each other. This

situation tells that a company should know how to relate to those qualities and conditions

that are different from our own and respect individual rights to self-identification and

recognize that no one culture is superior to one another.

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