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No Word Synonyms Antonyms

1 abandon forsake, leave, give up , relinquish retain, stay with
2 abase humuliate, disgrace, bring down, humle exalt , uplift, honour
3 abate lessen, reduce, diminish, decline raise, increase, rise, augment
4 abet help, assist, encourage discourage, hinder, block
5 abjure disclaim, forswear, repudiate, disavow accept, claim, avow
6 abortive futile, unsuccessful, fruitless,miscarriage of birth successful, effective , well timed
7 abridge condense, summarised, shorten, curtail expand, extend, enlarge
8 abscond decamp, run away, go away secretly remain, stay, live in
9 absolve acquit, release, pardon, set free from guilt condemn , sentence
10 abstain refrain, desist, forbear continue , permit
11 abstruse hidden, obscure, deep simple, open, revealed
12 accede consent, assent, comply refuse, resign, quit
13 accession addition, enlargement, extension diminution, loss
14 accord agreement, harmony, willingness discord, disagreement, unwillingness
15 acquaintance knowledge, cognisance ignorance, unfamiliar
16 adept skilful, expert clumsy, not expert/ inexpert
17 adjourn postpone, defer, delay, put off, suspend advance, hurry on schedule
18 aggravate intensify, make worse diminish, reduce, please , satisfy
19 allegiance loyalty, fidelity, fealty disloyalty, treachery, disaffection, rebellion
20 alleviate lessen, lighten, reduce enlarge, escalate, heighten
21 alliance union, combination, league, confederation separation, opposition, disunion, division
22 altercation quarrel, dispute, discord, friction, strife agreement, consensus
23 ameliorate improve, amend, meliorate worsen, spoil, impair, deteriorate
24 amiable lovable, charming, aggreable, affable unlovable, unattractive
25 amicable friendly, cordial, in goodwill unfriendly, cold
26 annihilate destroy, abolish, nullify, wipe out, reduce restore, ratify, improve
27 antipathy dislike, aversion, hostility liking, sympathy, attachment
28 antique ancient, old hoary, immemorial modern, fresh, new, young, recent, novel
29 apparent clear, evident, plain, conspicuous, manifest, obvious obscure, invisible, concealed, hidden, secret, implicit, inconspicuous
30 appease assuage, pacify, lessen, alleviate, lighten provoke, vex, enlarge, escalate, extend, heighten
31 applause acclaim, acclamation, plaudit abuse, disapproval, jeering, booing, censure
32 apposite pertinent, relevant, apt irrelevant, inapposite
33 apprise inform, acquaint, notify, advise, enlighten keep secret, misinform
34 approbation approval, sanction, commendation disapproval, censure, dissatisfaction
35 arbitrary tyrannical, dictatorial, absolute, imperious reasonable, mild, constitutional
36 arduous difficult, laborious easy, light, simple
37 ardent passionate, fervent, impassioned, zealous calm, cool, impassive
38 ascendancy superiority, mastery, upper hand inferiority, subjection
39 assail attack, assault, storm, besiege, charge defend, protect, uphold
40 assuage calm, tranquilize, lessen, alleviate, lighten, allay excite, disturb, enlarge, escalate, extend, heighten, toughen
41 atonement reconciliation, amends, propitiation derange, misfit, disjoin, dislocate, disarrange
42 audacious bold, daring, disdainful, insolent, scornful timid, shrinking, considerate, humble, polite, respectful
43 augment increase, enlarge, swell, extend decrease, lessen, reduce
44 avocation recreation, employment of leisure vocation, business
45 baffle defeat, puzzle, confuse, perplex, mystify clarify, inform, easy
46 barbarous uncivilised, cruel civilised, gentle
47 beguile deceive, cheat enlighten, treat, honesty
48 belittle depreciate, benign,
charitable, deprecate,discredit,
kindness, disparage, minimise credit, encourage,
malevolent, enhance,
uncharitable, exaggerate
49 benevolent generosity, unselfishness stinginess, egoism, merciless
50 betray disclose, divulge, deceive, treacher conceal, defend, be loyal
51 bewilder puzzle, perplex, confuse enlighten, illuminate
52 biased one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced, slanted, subjective disinterested, openminded, unbiased
53 bigotry bias, intolerance, narrow-mindedness impartiality, objectivity, tolerance, open mindedness
54 blandishment flattery, coaxing bluntness, disrespect
55 blasphemy profanity, swearing, cursing, obscenity, vulgarity, obscene reverence, exquisite
56 blatant noisy, vociferous, clamorous quiet, gentle, soothing
57 bleak cold, cheerless, barren, desolate, weak warm, comfortable, luxurious, healthy
58 boisterous loud, blatant, noisy, clamorous, vociferous quiet,calm, soft, silent, disciplined, tranquil
59 brandish flourish, swing, wield arrest, hang, suspend
60 brashness brass, check, gall, hide, nerve civility, meekness, politeness
61 brusque abrupt, rude, blunt, bluff, curt, gruff, surely diplomatic, gracious, mannerly , urbane
62 caprice freak, whim, fancy, vagary steadfastness
63 cede give up, surrender, yield, relinguish hold , refuse
64 censure blame, condemn, rebuke, admonish, reprimand praise, commend, endorse
65 chivalrous heroic, brace cowardly, ungallant
66 circumscribe euphemism, euphuism, indirectness, periphrasis brevity, conciseness, condensation, directness, succinctness
67 clamour outcry, uproar silence, peace
68 clemency gentleness, mildness, mercy, leniency harshness, severity
69 coerce compel, force, subdue, oblige, constrain persuade, lead, free
70 colossal gigantic , huge, large small, diminutive
71 concede allow, permit, yield forbid, deny, unyielding
72 concise short, brief, succinct diffuse, lengthy, large
73 concord agreement, accord disagreement, discord
74 condemn blame, censure, disapprove praise, approve
75 confer give, bestow, award, accord, grant refuse, take back, withdraw, withhold
76 conjure adjure, implore, beckon, invoke, beseech command, injunction
77 conspicuous noticeable, remarkable insignificant, obscure
78 conspiracy plot, combination, league, intrigue counterplot
79 contemptuous audacious, disdainful, insolent, scornful, supercilious considerate, humble, polite, respectful, reverent
80 contravene contradict, interfere, oppose, refute, counteract stand aside, assist, affirm, corroborate
81 corroborate strengthen , establish weaken, disapprove
82 countenance favour, sanction, approve discountenance, disapprove, forbid
83 cursory transient, rapid, careless, hasty,scant leisurely, thorough, careful, minute, profound
84 dainty delicious, palatable, nice, delicate,neat unpalatable, inelegant, uncritical
85 daunt dismay, terrify, scare encourage, cheer
86 debase degrade, humiliate, disgrace, humble, demean, downgrade exalt, purify, praise, repect, compliment
87 debility weakness, infirmity strength, health
88 decorum propriety, decency, gravity, staidness impropriety, lack of dignity, levity
89 defame malign, asperse, libel, slander, vilify praise, commendation
90 deference respect, reverence, honour, homage disrespect, rudeness
91 deformity malformation, ugliness, blemish, defacement shapely, adorn, beautify, conserve, restore
92 defray discharge, liquidate, settle be in debt
93 deleterious harmful, deadly, killing harmless, innocuous
94 delusion fantasy, illusion, mirage, hallucination actuality, fact, reality, truth, verify
95 demur pause, stop, hesitate, recoil, shirk, shy agree, act promptly, accept, consent, accede
96 depose dethrone, degrade enthrone, exalt
97 depraved corrupt, evil nefarious, vile, wicked honest, innocent, moral, pious, chaste
98 desert abandon, run away stay with retain
99 desecration debasement, defilement,profanation, sacrilege, violation consecration, purification, sancitification
100 despotic unconstitutional, arbitrary, autocratic, tyrannical constitutional, reasonable, democratic,lawful, representative
101 destitute wanting, needy, poor well- provided, well to do
102 desultory rambling, casual, random steady, straightforward, orderly, systematic
103 devout religious, pious irreligious, profane
104 dexterity skill, facility clumsiness, not skilled
105 diffident hesitating, doubtful confident, trusting
106 dilapidated ruined, wasted restored, in repair
107 diligence industrious, care laziness, slackness
108 discern perceive, descry misunderstand, confuse
109 disconsolate sad, cheerless, disturb happy, cheerful, glad
110 disinterested fair, impartial, unbiased, objective interested, biased, partial, subjective
111 dogmatic authoritative undogmatic, vague
112 dwell reside, abide, live travel, move on
113 dwindle decrease, shrink, decline, reduce increase, grow, expand, extend
114 embezzle steal, flich be honest, sincere
115 encroach intrude, tresspass, infringe, invade, violate keep away from, desist, withdraw, respect
116 endorse approve, sanction, back, confirm, ratify, condemn, ok disapprove, oppose, censure, reject, reprehend
endurance continuance, persist, withstand, sustain cessation, forgo, relinquish, submit, bear, cope, put up with
232 ensue follow, succeed go before, cause
234 entice allure, attract, yield repel, repluse, resist
236 espouse betroth,marry, support refuse, oppose, resist
239 escalate increase, intensify, step up decrease, lessen, reduce, weaken
240 evasive shuffling, equivocal frank, honest, sincere
243 exaggerate amplify, magnify minimise, understate
245 exalt lift up, raise, elevate cast down, lower
246 expatriate exile, expel, foreigner repatriate, recall
251 exonerate absolve, acquit, vindicate, exculpate accuse, implicate
252 explicit express, definite implicit, vague
253 exquisite delicate, fine, graceful, polished, refined clumsy, unrefined, common, coarse, rough
254 extenuate lessen, reduce, decrease,decline heighten,intensify, enhance, exaggerate
255 extraneous foreign, extrinsic, immaterial, inessential native, intrinsic, relevant, significant
257 extricate emancipate, free enslave, bind
258 facetious merry, jesting dull, serious
260 fallacy deception, illusion truth, real
261 fervent glowing, vehement cool, unpassioned
267 flimsy slight, thin , trivial substantial, serious
271 fluctuate waver, vacillate, vibrate, oscillate, swing constant, uniform
272 forgo give up, sacrifice, waive demand, keep, preserve
275 fragile weak, brittle, frail,delicate, frangible, friable strong, solid, tough, flexible, malleable
278 fraudulent dishonest, cheating honest, candour, sincere
279 frivolous foolish, vain grave, serious
280 furtive stealthy, secret, sly, sneaky, surreptitous open, above board, overt, obvious
283 gale blizzard, breeze, cyclone, hurricane, tornado, typhoon peace, tranquility
286 ghastly spectral, pallid, horrible corporeal, alive, pleasing
288 gauche boorish, maladroit, tactless, uncouth,unpolished urbane, adroit, polite, considerate
289 gregarious affable, amiable, cordial, outgoing, sociable aloof, hostile, antisocial, introverted
292 grandeur splendour, greatness shabbiness, sordidness
295 gruesome ghastly, grim, grisly, hideous, lurid, macabre charming, delightful, pleasing
300 gullible credulous, trusting critifcal, doubtful, dubious, sceptical
301 hackneyed common, stale stop, cease, finish
303 hamper shackle, clog, hinder release, accelerate
304 hapless unfortunate, unlucky lucky, fortunate
305 hazardous adventurous, bold, dangerous, threatening timid, safe, protected, safeguarded
308 heed mind, pay attention disregard, neglect
310 homogeneous uniform, similar, pure heterogeneous, mixed
312 humane gentle, kind cruel, ungentle
314 hostile bellicose, unfriendly cordial, friendly, tolerant
315 humility humbleness, modesty pride, arrogance
316 husky beefy,stocky,brawny thin, lean, weak
318 immaculate spotless, stainless spotted, stained
323 impeach accuse,arraign,charge,indict, incriminate exonerate, pardon, forgive
327 impediment hindrance, prevention facility, liberty
328 imperative obligatory, commanding, important, essential unimportant, submissive, not compulsory
329 impertinent irrelevant, impudent pertinent, relevant
330 implicate entangle, involve exclude
331 implicit implied, inferred, covert expressed, reserved, exposed
333 imposter cheat, rogue honest person
335 imprudence thoughtlessness, heedlessness prudence, carefulness
336 incite arouse, exhort, forment discourage, hinder, subdue
342 indemnify compensate, reward, repay inflict, loss
343 inevitable unavoidable , necessary avoidable,unnecessary
345 induce cajole, coax, persuade, urge, wheedle hinder, repel, subdue, discourage
346 infinite houndless, illimitable, limitless circumscribed, finite, limited
348 infringe break, violate submit, obey
349 insanity lunacy, madness sanity, sensibility
350 insipid tasteless, dull, flavoured tasty, well-flavoured
351 intermission suspension, stoppage continuance, resume
353 intricate involved,complicated, obscure, knotty straightforward, simple, clear, easy
355 intrude invade, encroach keep away respect
356 insolvent bankrupt, broke, impecunious affluent, flush, rich, well-to-do
357 intuition insight, instinct calculation, inference
358 invigorate strengthen, stimulate weaken, unnerve
359 intimidate browbeat, bulldoze, bully, daunt, dismay, terrorise blandish, encourage, induce
361 itinerant wandering, nomadic stationary, settled
363 jeoparadise hazard, endanger secure, preserve
365 jubilant exulting, rejoicing despondent, despairing
368 judicious discriminating, prudent, well-advised indiscreet, imprudent
369 juvenile youthful, young senile, old
371 kindle fire, ignite, inflame, light quench stifle, smother
373 knotty hard, intricate smooth, easy, simple
375 knack aptitude, faculty, gift ineptitude, incompetence
376 lavish excessive, extravagant, prodigal restrained, economical
380 laxity looseness, slackness tightness, firmness
381 legend myth, fable, tradition true story, fact, reality
382 lethal deadly, mortal, fatal harmless, enlivening, life giving, invigorating
383 lucrative profitable, paying unprofitable, losing
385 luminous light, bright dark , obscure
386 lunacy insanity, madness sanity, mental soundness
387 luxuriant abundant, profuse scanty,barren, scarcity
389 magnanimous generous, noble ungenerous,mean
390 magnitude size, bulk, largeness smallness
391 malign asperse,defame,libel,slander,vilify,lampoon praise,eulogise
394 melancholy sad,gloomy gay,joyous
398 mercenary hired,mean voluntary,generous
400 nugatory trifling,insignificant important,effective
423 oblivion forgetfulness,obsurity memory,remembrance
426 oblivious absent-minded,inattentive,abstracted aware,observant
427 obnoxious exposed,harmful,hateful,odious,offensive free,cheerful,harmless,humane,lovable,pleasing
428 obtuse stupid,dull intelligent,bright
431 onerous burdensome,laborious light,easy,trifling
434 oration speech,address silence
438 ostentatious boastful,pretentious reticent,restrained
440 outrageous atrocious,bold,daring,monstrous,scandalous timid,appropriate
441 overture offer,invitation withdrawal,finale
444 palatable tasty,appetising unpalatable,tasteless
446 paramount supreme,predominant,important,essential subordinate,inferior,irrelevant,unimportant
449 penitence repentant,remorseful obstinacy,stubbornness
451 perennial everlasting,perpetual temporary,unenduring
453 perseverance persistence,steadiness slackness,inconstancy
454 piercing sharp,acute,penetrating soft,low
456 piteous sad,sorrowful,mournful joyful,cheerful
457 precarious risky,uncertain safe,secure
462 precipitate hasten,expedite,impetuous,impulsive delay,retard,cautious,impassive,thoughtful
464 preclude prevent,stop,hinder,hamper help,allow,permit
465 prefatory introductory,opening concluding,final
467 proclamation announcement,ordinance silence
473 prodigal extravagant miser,economic
474 profane unconsecrated,impious sacred,religious
475 profuse lavish,prodigal meagre,sharing
477 progeny decendant,offspring ancestors
478 prolific productive,fruitful unproductive,barren
479 propel press,push,shove,thrust,urge discourage,pull,stop
482 proscribe outlaw,denounce pardon,forgive
483 prototype archetype,exempler,ideal,original copy,counterpart,duplicate
485 prudent judicious,cautious,economical,frugal imprudent,injudicious,incautious
488 quack charlatan,imposter professional,qualified
490 quell calm,placate,subdue noisy
492 quench extinguish,put out light,ignite,arouse
493 rational intelligent,reasonable irrational,foolish
500 recede retire,withdraw advance,retreat
502 redundant exuberant,excessive scanty,deficient
507 relinquish abandon,abdicate,cede,renounce,resign,yield retain,cherish possess,maintain
508 repudiate renounce,reject allow,admit
510 repugnant distasteful,offensive agreeable,pleasant
511 restoration recovery,reinstatement destruction,withholding
515 revive renew,reanimate depress,deject
519 ridiculous laughable,absurd grave,serious
521 righteousness uprightness,goodness ungodliness,dishonesty
522 robust strong,hale,stoud,lusty,portly thin,lean,weak,fragile
523 ruinous dilapidated,harmful whole,sound
524 sacrilegious profane,impious pious,reverent
527 saucy impertinent,rude polite,reserved
532 sarcastic biting,caustic,cutting,sardonic complimentary,flattering,favourable
534 scandal shame,infamy,slander credit,praise
535 scatter sprinkle,disperse,diffuse,disseminate retain,hold,gather,unite
538 sceptic agnostic,atheist,doubter,unbeliever believer,bigot,pietist,religious,zealot
539 seclusion separation,withdrawal publicity,union
540 seductive alluring,enticing,attractive,luring repelling,chill,dissuade
543 semblance resemblance,likeness unlikeness
544 servile slavish,menial masterly,lordly
546 shackle fetter,hamper loose,release
547 sloth torpor,inactivity,laziness activity,vigour
550 snug close,comfortable uncomfortable
552 smudge soil,besmirch,dirty bleach,clean,purify
553 solace console,comfort,peace vex,pain,irritation
555 solicitous anxious,apprehensive careless,unconcerned
558 spurious illegitimate,forged,counterfeit,shoddy genuine,authentic,accurate,sincere
567 squander dissipate,waste save,economise
568 staunch firm,resolute infirm,unsteady
571 stimulate arouse,stir calm,tranquil
575 stout strong,robust,portly thin,lean,weak
576 stringent astringent,contracting,tight relaxing,gentle
578 stubborn obstinate,unyielding,adamant,inflexible adaptable,docile,yielding,tractable
580 sublime high,exalted low,depressed
581 subservient ancillary,inferior unscrupulous superior,leading,scrupulous
583 subsistence living,existence starvation
584 subvert overthrow,destroy reconstruct,restore
586 sumptuous costly,expensive cheap,simple
587 superfluous redundant,useless,harmful,unprofitable useful,beneficial,profitable,serviceable
588 surmise suspect,suppose know,be sure,exact
590 susceptible sensitive, impressionable insuspectible,hard
591 tacit implied,implicit explicit,expressed
596 tangible tactile,substantial impalpable,unreal
598 tantamount equivalent,equal unequal,non-equivalent
599 tenacity adhesiveness,obstinacy looseness,inertia
602 thwart oppose,frustrate,balk,foil,inhibit help,advance,permit,allow
609 torment pain,torture comfort,easy,tranquil
611 tranquil calm,quiet,composed,peaceful disturbed,agitated
613 trifle toy,play,wanton serious
616 turbulent blustering,riotous,stormy,violent tranquil,peaceful
619 turmoil bustle,confusion,hurry quiet,peacefulness
620 tyrant despot,autocrat constitutional,sovereign
622 urbanity civility,politeness rudeness,harshness
629 utopian ideal,imaginary pratical,real
630 vacillation hesitation,wavering decision,firmness
631 valiant brave,gallant cowardly,unherioc
635 vehement violet,boisterous weak,cold,lean
638 venerable reverend,grave trifling,light
641 verbose wordy,diffuse,long-winded,repetitious terse,silent,speechless
642 vexatious annoying,harassing,irritating,knotty satisfying,pleasing,soothing,easy,simple
644 vicious faulty,defective,corrupt,depraved perfect,incorrupt,moral
645 vigour power,strength weakness,sickness
648 vindictive revengeful,spiteful,malevolent,malacious benevolent,kindly,forgiving, friendly,generous,humane
649 vulnearable weak,exposed,untenable,defenceless fortified,strong,invulnerable,guarded,invincible
654 wander meander,ramble,range,roam,rove,stray remain,rest,settle,steady
655 wariness caution,circumspection,vigilence,watchfulness incautious,careless
656 wearisome fatiguing,irksome,tiring,tedious refreshing
658 whimsical freakish,fanciful,eccentric,capricious serious,staid
659 wistful pensive,thoughtful,dreamy,moody,nostalgic cheerful,happy,heedless,airy,flippant
660 yearn hanker,long,pine,crave,covet,long for be satisfied,be contended
663 yoke link,bondage,slavery freedom,liberty
665 zenith top,apex,climax,pinnacle,summit base,bottom,foot,low
667 zest brio,dash,drive,energy,gusto,pleasure,spirit dullness,blandness,exhaustion, dislike,weariness,distaste

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