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Marcos Gomez

Period 3


Focus Questions

3. What do we mean by globalization?

The intensification of worldwide interconnectedness which contributes to the increased speed

and magnitude of cross-border trade, investment and finance, as well as migration, cultural

diffusion, and communication.

9. What are the advantages of using a typology based on levels of adherence to democratic

practices? What are the disadvantages?

The use of typology organization of democratic adherence is beneficial in the sense that it allows

for simplification and organization although a downfall is that it excludes very specific and

complex examples.

2. Describe a discussion in which you used the comparative method to make a point.

In my English classes I often utilize the comparative method in Socratic discussions in that

analogies are often the simplest ways to convey ideas in literature or any other exhibition. One

specific example is comparing Huck Finn to be an angel of death to convey that by the ideals of

pro-slavery advocates he would be malevolent.

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