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Gomez 1

Marcos Gomez

8 November 2016

Saint John de Capistrano

Saint John de Capistrano was born on June 24, 1386 and was a Franciscan friar and

Catholic priest from the Italian town of Capestrano, Abruzzo. Famous as a preacher, theologian,

and inquisitor. He is known as the the soldier saint because of his role in leading a crusade

against the invading Ottoman Empire at the siege of Belgrade with the Hungarian military

commander John Hunyadi. Elevated to sainthood, he is the patron saint of jurists and military

chaplains, additionally he is the namesake of the Franciscan missions San Juan Capistrano in

Southern California and San Juan Capistrano in San Antonio, Texas. His feast day was included

for the first time in the General Roman Calendar and assigned to the 28th of March. John fell

victim to the bubonic plague, which flourished in the unsanitary conditions prevailing among

armies of the day. He died on the 23rd October 1456

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