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Name : Chrispinus R Kojongian

NIM 16403046

School Name : SMP Katolik 1 Woloan

Subject : English Language
Class : VII
time : 15 minute
Theme : Expressing Gratitude

A.Competency Standards

1.1. Expressing meaning in transactional and interpersonal

conversation in the context of everyday life

A. Basic Competence
1.1 Expressing the meaning in official and informal transactional (to
get things done) and interpersonal (socializing) conversations
accurately, fluently and acceptable by using a variety of simple
spoken languages in the context of everyday life and involving
speech acts: thanking,
A. Indicator
Indicators of Competence Cultural Values and National
Achievement Character

 Identify the meaning of Communicative, Curiosity,

speech acts of Confidence

 Respond properly to
speech acts of

 Using various speech

acts in interpersonal
oral discourse
expresses gratitude

B. Learning Objectives
 Student can identify the meaning of speech acts of
 Student can respond correctly to speech acts: thanking
 Student can perform a variety of speech acts in
interpersonal/Transactional oral discourse: thanking
E. Subject matter
What would you say to express gratitude?
The followings are some expressions of thankfulness.

Thanking Response
Thanks It’s OK
Thank you very much You’re welcome
Thank you for your help It was my pleasure
That was very kind of you Don’t mention it
How can I ever thank you? That’s quite all right
I really appreciate what you’ve Not at all
done for me
I can’t thank you enough No need to thank me
Thanks a lot for your

Sample Entry (Thanks)


 I want to thank you publically

 I wanted to thank you as
soon as possible
 Wish to thank everyone who pitched in
 Your family will thank you
 No one grows tired of being thanked
 Thank each of you by name
 We are thanking all our loyal customers
 Thank you for the delightful
 I look forward to thanking you
in person
 Children round the world will thank you
 Thanking all who have helped and contributed
 Must thank you for your
support at this time
 Consider yourself heartily thanked
 If anyone deserves thanks,
it's you
 I thank you from the bottom
of my heart
 The committee thanks you in advance

F. Method/ Learning Techniques: Cooperative Learning / Pair

person technique

G. Learning Strategies :

Face to face Structured Independent

 Student listen to  Student complete  Student

various expressions the conversation respond
of gratitude given by the to speech
thourgh the teacher with acts given
teacher’s appropriate by the
explanation thanking speech teacher
 Student recite acts, in groups with an
expressions of  Student pair up appropriat
thankful speech to make e
acts dialogues of expressio
 Student understand thanks and n of
transactional/interp practice thanks
ersonal transactional/inte
conversation that rpersonal
contains expression conversation that
of gratitude contain
expression of

Activity Steps
 Initial Activity (5’)

1. Say greetings kindly when entering the

2. Check student attendance
3. Apperception
4. Motivate students

 Core Activities (5’)

Explorasi (15) :
 Students listen to various expressions of
gratitude through the teacher explanation
 Students recite expressions of thankful
speech acts.
 Students understand
transactional/interpersonal conversations
that contains expression of gratitude

 End Activities (5’)

1. The teacher asks students to draw conclusions
about the material they have learned that day.
2. Reflecting on the learning process on that day.
3. The Teacher presents an upcoming learning plan

H. Sumber/Bahan/Alat
 Laptop
 Internet
 Video Animation

I. Assesment

I. Indicator :- Respond to speech acts expressing gratitude

-Practice expressions of gratitude
Technique : Performance Assesment
Example : Responding Dialog
II. Instrument:
Suppose you are the girl. Your brother gives you a ticket to see
the show of favorite band.
What would both of you say? Make a conversation and practice it!

Key answer:
Roni: Whay do you look so sad, my beloved sister?
Rani: Yeach, I wanna go to concert tonight, but I can’t get a
Roni: I have two tickets, would you like to accompany me?
Rani: Of course, thank you so much, you know me so well

6. Assessment:
assessment techniques: Performance, oral tests
Examples of Instruments / Questions : Perform in front of the class !
a. Assessment rubric
Rating Score If the pronunciation is right, and smooth without
reading the text If the pronunciation is not right and is not fluent
without reading the text If the pronunciation is right, and smooth by
reading the text A B C
b. score.
A = 91 – 100 (Very Good ) B = 81 – 90 ( Good ) C = 71 – 80 (
Average )
Exercise: Answer the following questions!
Complete the dialogue below (for questions numbers 1
and 2)
Cindy: Oh, I have a headache. Can you get me "Paramex",
please? It's on the table.
Tiny: ___________ Here it is.
Cindy: Thank you.
1. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ...
A. Of course you are
B. I doubt it
C. Never mind
D. Certainly
E. I am grateful
2. You help someone with a heavy bag. They say 'thank you' and you
reply ....
A. No thanks
B. You're welcome
C. I appreciate it
D. I am grateful
E. You blame me

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