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Series of Event Chain

In summer 1933, Scout and Jem met Dill, their new neighbor from
The story was narrated by Jean Louise Finch who was nicknamed Meridian, Mississippi. Dill spends his summer in Maycomb and
Scout. In an old home in Maycomb, lived Atticus Finch, a lawyer, with befriended Scout and Jem. All summer, the three acted various
his daughter, Scout and son, Jem. His wife died when Jem was only six stories based on what they have read. When they finally got bored,
and Scout was two. Atticus took Calpurnia, a Negro cook to take care they attempted to make Boo Radley, their mysterious neighbor come
of Jem and Scout while he is away. out.

At school, Scout finds Miss Caroline, her new teacher, dealing with her
students quite poorly. Miss Caroline disliked Scout for she already
knew how to write and read which was what was something she was
supposed to teach first. During lunch, a boy named Walter
Cunningham did not bring any food, so Miss Caroline offered him a
quarter. However, Walter denied having it because he was too poor
to pay her back.

Scout tried to explain to her Walter’s side, but her teacher

The next day, Burris Ewell, from a poorer and less respectable clan,
misunderstood, got frustrated and slapped Scot’s hand with a ruler.
went to school only at the first day every year. Miss Caroline tried to
Later that lunch, Scout was angry to Walter for getting her in trouble
make him stay but he said unpleasant remarks on her, it made her cry.
and rubbed his nose in the dirt. Jem intervenes and invites Walter to
Scout, after school, and told her father she does not want to go to
dinner. During dinner, Scout criticizes Walter for pouring molasses all
school anymore. Her father bargained with her by telling he would
over his dinner. Calpurnia calls her out to the kitchen and scolded her
read to her every night if she will agree to go to school. Scout agreed
by telling her to be respectful of others.
to his conditions.
As the school year progresses, Scout was enduring the slow
The first things Scout, Jem, Dill did was to rol
curriculum which she considered a bore. While walking home, went first but she accidentally into the Rad
she passed by the Radley place and saw chewing gums in the went to help get outside the lawn. After that,
knothole of the Radley Oak Trees. She chews both them until Radley related games but eventually Atticus
Jem told her to spit them out. On the last school day, both Jem do so. As time went by, Scout felt distant to J
and Scout saw two Indian Heads at the same knothole. They her neighbor, Miss Maudie who told her tha
decided to keep them. Then, summer came, and Dill came back mad man and those were only rumors.
to Maycomb.

Chapter 4-6 Chapter 4-6

As the school year progresses, Scout was enduring the slow Dill, Jem and Scout made their final attempt to
curriculum which she considered a bore. While walking home, she went to the house and peered to the window. T
passed by the Radley place and saw chewing gums in the knothole of hat on and fled. Then they heard a shotgun fired
the Radley Oak Trees. She chews both them until Jem told her to spit fence, but Jem’s got stuck. He kicked the off and
them out. On the last school day, both Jem and Scout saw two Indian gathered around the street due to the sound
Heads at the same knothole. They decided to keep them. Then, Maudie informs them that Boo’s father tried to
summer came, and Dill came back to Maycomb. lawn. Late that night, Jem went out to retrieve

Chapter 7 -8
Chapter 7 -8
A few days later, Jem told Scout that when he went to get his pants
Near the business district in Maycomb lived a
back, they were mysteriously mended. When they got back from
Miss Dubose who always shouts at Jem and Sc
school that day, they found a gray twine, two carved soap that
by. She one day told them that their father
resembled Jem and Scout, spelling bee medal, and an old pocket
Negroes and his work were trash. This ange
watch. Since no one was claiming it, Jem and Scout claimed it as their
provoked him to thrash miss Dubose flowers
own. The next day, Boo’s father went out and cemented the knothole
must go by to her house every day to read to
on the tree saying that the tree was dying.
a little more than a month after Jem’s punish
him a white camellia bud as a gift.
Chapter 9-11 Chapter 9-11

School started and Scout almost got into trouble with her classmate,
For the first time in many years, Maycomb h
Cecil Jacobs, for declaring that” Scout’s daddy defends niggers”.
Scout and Jem decided to build a snowman. O
Christmas season, Uncle Jack Finch and his son, Francis and Aunt
told Jem and Scout to go outside and wait by
Alexandra, Atticus’ siblings. Francis called Atticus a nigger lover for
Maudie’s house was on fire. The neighbors help
defending Negroes in court. Scout felt insulted and turned into a fight.
Atticus went back to them and was surprised
The fight was then intervened by Uncle Jackson.
by Scout’s shoulder. They later realized that B
over Scout’s shoulder and decided to keep it.

Chapter 12-13 Chapter 14-15

Jem turned twelve and he acted more distant to Scout. Calpurnia
decided to take them into the church. Calpurnia was criticized by
bringing white children into a church for blacks but was then
welcomed by Reverend Sykes. Together, they heard mass. Aunt Alexandra decided to stay in the Finch house to give the children
some” feminine influence” and tried to convince Atticus that they
After the sermon, Reverend Sykes, the preacher, asked for donation
amounting up to 10 dollars. He then stated that the donation was for get rid of Calpurnia which he greatly disagreed. Later that
evening, Jem told Scout not to antagonize
Tom Robinson’s wife. Her husband was incarcerated due to
alleged rape of a white woman and was struggling with the
family financials.

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