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1- Buccal notch is present in the

a) lower denture bearing area

b) lower denture base
c) upper and lower denture bearing area
d) upper and lower denture base

KEY= d
REF=Boucher’s Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients by Zarb and Bolender.
12th edition
Page =237,238 figure

2- Contraction of masseter muscles effect which border of complete denture?

a) Distal border of lower denture

b) Distolingual border of lower denture
c) Distobuccal vestibule
d) Distobuccal border of the lower denture

KEY= d
REF=Boucher’s Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients by Zarb and Bolender.
12th edition
Page =239

3-Traumatic extraction of tooth specially effects the

a) height of the residual ridge

b) width of the residual ridge
c) height and width of the residual ridge
d) healing of the residual ridge

KEY= c
REF= Sheldon wrinkler. 2nd edition
Page =29

4- Which one of the following is not an indication to denture adhesive?

a. C.D that doesn’t satisfy a patient’s perceived retention and stability

b. Patient who have Xerostomia
c. Patient with sever neurological disorder
d. Retention of poorly fitting prosthesis
Key= d
pg 445 Zarb 12th edition

5. Which one of the following is not a common constituent of oxygenating cleansers?

a. sodium bicarbonate.
b.alkaline phosphate
d. Sodium perborate
e. Flavoring agents
Key= a

pg 204 Zarb 12th edition

6. To help control calculus and heavy stains, denture is immersed in a solution containing:

a. 1 teaspoon of hypochlorite and 2 teaspoons of glassy phosphate in half glass of water

b. 1 teaspoon of Clorox and 2 teaspoons of hypochlorite in half glass of water
c. 1 teaspoon of glassy phosphate and 2 teaspoons of calgon
e. 1 teaspoon of hypochlorite and 1 teaspoon of a glassy phosphate
Key a
pg 204 Zarb 12th edition

7. Rugae area of the hard palate contributes

a) To stress bearing role as well as retention
b) To stress bearing role as well as retention
c) To stress bearing role only
d) To stress bearing role as well as retention and support

KEY= c

REF=Boucher’s Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients by Zarb and Bolender. 12th

Page =212

Page =239,217
8- All of the following are indication for the removal of maxillary tori except ?
a) An extremely large torus that fills the palatal vault and prevent the formation of stable
maxillary denture
b) An undercut torus that traps food debris, causing a chronic inflammatory condition
c) A torus that extends the junction of the hard and soft palate & prevent the development of an
adequately posterior palatal seal
d) A small maxillary torus present since childhood
key: d

9. There are many landmarks in the oral cavity which helps in designing the complete denture.
Which type of landmark Incisive papilla is?

A. Unstable
B. Stable
C. Resorb able
D. Limiting

Key = B

10. 65 year Mr. Ahmed retired bank officer came to the department of prosthodontics for the
provision of complete denture after 3 weeks of his extractions. Intraoral examination reveals
unfavorable morphology of crest of the ridge. What is most likely cause?

A. Recent extraction
B. Traumatic extraction
C. Medical history
D. socket morphology

Key =A
11. All are consequences of edentulism except:

A. Prognathic appearance
B. Thinning of lips
C. Decreased length of lip.
D. Increase in columella-philtrum angle

Key =C

12. The gagging reflex indicates:

A.Thickness of distobuccal flange.

B. Over extended upper denture
C Too deep posterior palatal seal.
D. Under extended upper denture
Key =B

13. Fovea palatine is situated in:

A. Hard palate
B. Soft palate
C. At the junction of hard and soft palate
D. Their position is not fixed.

14. Extension of distolingual flange in retromylohyoid area is determined by:

A. Superior constrictor and Mylohyoid muscle

B. Tongue movement with Mylohyoid muscle
C. Superior constructor, medial pterygoid and tongue
D. Superior constrictor muscle and tongue musculature

15. Mandibular movement occurs during all of following except one: check

C. Sneezing
D. facial expression


16.Regarding the types of mandibular condylar movements, mostly mandibular motion is either
rotation or:

a.. Vertical
b. Horizontal
c. Translational
d. Circumferential

9. On the residual ridge the submucosa is composed of:

A. Fat or glandular cell.

B. No fat or glandular cell.
C. Collagenous fibers
D. Muscle fibers and Elastic fibers.


10- Contents of the Incisive foramen are

A. Nasopalatine nerve and vessels
B. Nasopalatine nerves
C. Nasopalatine nerve and elastic fibers
D. Nasopalatine nerve, collagen fibers and vessels


11- Buccal notch is present in the

A. Lower denture bearing area
B. Upper denture bearing area and upper denture base
C. Upper and lower denture base
D. Upper and lower denture bearing area

12- Contraction of masseter muscles effects the

A. Upper distal border of lower denture
B. Distolingual border of lower denture
C. Buccal vestibule and buccal frenum
D. Distobuccal border of the lower denture and buccal vestibule


13. New denture wearer complains that when he smiles broadly his upper denture become
wobbly. What’s the most likely cause of this dislodgement is

A. Inadequate provision for buccal frenum

B. Excessive thickness of flange distal to buccal notch
C. Excessive thinness of flange distal to buccal notch
D. Excessive length and thickness of buccal flange

14- 56 year old female, first time wearing complete dentures came with complaint that whenever
she opens her mouth her Upper denture falls down. Which area of denture is causing this

A. Thickness of distal end of upper denture’s buccal flange

B. Thickness of distal end of lower denture’s buccal flange
C. Under extension of distal end of upper denture’s buccal flange
D. Over extension of distal end of upper denture’s buccal flange


15- Traumatic extraction of tooth specially effects the

A. height of the residual ridge
B. width of the residual ridge
C. height and width of the residual ridge
D. quality and quantity of the residual ridge


16--which one of the following is not an indication to denture adhesive?

A. Complete denture that doesn’t satisfy a patient’s perceived retention and stability
B. Patient who have Xerostomia or undergone surgery for oral neoplasia.
C. Retention of poorly fitting prosthesis
D. Patient with sever neurological disorder

17. Removal of the denture adhesive from the prosthesis is facilitated by:
A. Scrapping and brushing
B. Soaking the prosthesis overnight in water and then readily scrapping it off
C. Soaking the prosthesis overnight in water and then readily rinsing it off
D. Soaking the prosthesis in a solution of NaCl for 10 mins and then rinsing it off

18. Which one of the following is not a common constituent of oxygenating cleansers?
A. sodium bicarbonate
B. alkaline phosphate
C. Detergents and flavoring agents
D. Sodium perborate
Key = A

19. Which one of the following component decomposes releasing peroxide, which in turn
decomposes releasing oxygen?
a. sodium perborate
b. detergents
c. alkaline compounds
d. sodium bicarbonate
Key = A

20- To help in controlling calculus and heavy stains, denture is immersed in a solution
A. 1 teaspoon of Clorox and 2 teaspoons of hypochlorite in half glass of water
B. 1 teaspoon of hypochlorite and 2 teaspoons of glassy phosphate in half glass of water
C. 2 teaspoons of Clorox and 1 teaspoon of calgon
D. 1 teaspoon of hypochlorite and 1 teaspoon of a glassy phosphate
Key = B
21. Alkaline hypochlorite is not recommended for:
A. Acrylic dentures
. B. Dentures fabricated from cast base metal alloys
C. Implant supported dentures
D .Over dentures
22. Which of the following factor not help in stabilizing the dentures?
a) Cheeks
b) Lateral border of tongue
c) Lips
d) Ideal quality and quantity of saliva

23. Reduced saliva can occur in all EXCEPT

a) Radiation therapy
b) Diabetes
d) Tricyclic Anti-depressant therapy

24. Which is not a factor contributing to age related osteoporosis?

A. Genetic background
B. Hormonal status
C. Psychological disturbances
D. Inadequate nutrition
Key: C
25. Denture wearers are particularly vulnerable to

a) Trauma by denture wear

b) TMJ pain
c) Nutritional Deficiencies
d) Periodontal diseases

Key= C

26. Impressions of flabby ridges can be recorded mostly by

A. Fornet tuller technique

B. Open window technique
C. Campagana technique
D. Muller’s technique

27. Fluid wax is most commonly used to record the impression of the

A. Fovea palatinae
B. Retromolar pad
C. Post dam
D. Rugae

28. Disinfection of most impressions is carried out by
A. Immersion of impressions in 5% gluteraldehyde for 10 minutes
B. Immersion of impressions in aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite for 10min
C. Spraying kosolex for 10minutes
D. Immersion of impression in 0.2% chlorhexidine for 10 minutes
Key: B

29. Muco-compressive impression material most commonly used to record edentulous

arches is

A. Impression compound
B. Silicone rubber
C. Alginate
D. Impression plaster
Key= A
30. Regarding functional impressions which statement is appropriate

A. It is a closed mouth technique

B. It is an open mouth technique
C. It records fine details
D. It is taken with silicone putty
31. The typical S-shape seen after recording mandibular impressions is due to the action of

A. Palatoglossus, Retro Mylohyoid fossa and superior constrictor muscles

B. Palatopharyngeus, buccinators and sup. Constrictor muscles
C. Mylohyoid tongue muscles and sublingual gland
D. Retro Mylohyoid fossa and masseter
32. First step in anterior tooth selection is

A. Examine the patient carefully

B. Palpate the patients ridge before any treatment
C. Listen the patient
D. Take the extra oral records first

Key =C
33) The average width of maxillary central incisor is

A. One sixteenth of the width of face measured between zygoma

B. One sixteenth of the width of face measured between alae of nose
C. Half of the width of face measured between zygoma
D. Thrice the width of face measured between zygoma.
Key =A
34. Resorption of mandible in anterior segment of arch is in

A. Lingual and vertical direction

B. Palatal and vertical direction
C. Buccal and horizontal direction
D. Lingual and horizontal direction
35. To determine the facial profile, what points are checked

A. The forehead, the base of nose, point of the chin.

B. The forehead, the tip of nose, point of the chin.
C. Base of nose and point of the chin.
D. The forehead, tip of nose, tip of upper lip.

36. The anteroposterior dimensions of the posterior teeth are determined by

A. Edentulous area between distal of mandibular cuspids and retromolar pad

B. Edentulous area between medial of mandibular cuspids to the ascending ramus.
C. Edentulous area between tip of mandibular bicuspid and aescending area of mandible.
D. Edentulous area between mandibular incisors and ascending area of mandible.
37. In sagittal view, what is the arrangement of posterior teeth?
A. Perpendicular to ala tragus line
B. Parallel to interpupillary line
C. Perpendicular to interpupillary line
D. Parallel to ala tragus line

38. Disadvantages of monoplane 0-degree teeth

A. Simplest of all recordings
B. Quick arrangement of teeth
C. Reported as less efficient in chewing tests
D. Reported as more efficient in chewing tests
Key =C

39. The occlusal surface of the upper record block is trimmed

A. Parallel to naso auricular line
B. Perpendicular to naso auricular line
C. Parallel to inner canthal line
D. Perpendicular to inter pupillary line
Key =A

40.In bilateral balanced occlusal scheme mediolateral compensating curve in horizontal plane of
which degree is required?
A. 5-10 degree
B. 1-5 degree
C. 0.5 - 3 degree
D. 3-5 degree

41. The lingual flange of the mandibular denture should have the least possible amount of the
bulk, except at:

A. Middle portion of the lingual flange

B. Border of the lingual flange
C. Lateral portion of the lingual flange
D. Medial portion of the lingual flange

42. Cross linking agent is used in denture base material to increase:

a) Hardness of the denture
b) Craze resistance n decreased porosity
c) Rigidity and craze resistance
d) Flexibility

43. Conventional Acrylic resins are processed at temperature of:

a) 140-180⁰F

b) 135-180⁰F

c) 145-160⁰F

d) 150-175⁰F

e) 130-180⁰F


44. The most common complication when denture base will have minimal thickness is:

A. Patient not accept it

B. Denture will dislodge
C. Greater risk of fracture
D. Biologically more effective

45. During setup of the teeth the most important position regarding occlusal load
management is:
A. Buccolingual
B. Labiolingual
C. Palatioincisal
D. Distobuccal
46. Patient returns a few days after complete denture insertion and complains of excessive
salivation while wearing his dentures. What should the dentist do
A. Check for over-extensions in the palatal region
B. Check for over-extensions in the mandibular lingual region
C. Prescribe atropine and Check for occlusal errors in the denture
D. Reassure the patient that it will settle down in a few more days
Key: D
47. Increased vertical dimension causes all of the following EXCEPT
A. Alveolar ridge resorption
B. Trauma and headache
C. Sad appearance
D. Old age appearance
Key: D
48. For monoplane occlusal scheme anterior teeth should be set with
A. 0 overjet,1-2 mm over bite
B. 1-2mm over jet, 0 overbite
C. 1 mm over jet, 1 overbite
D. 1.5 -2mm over jet, 1 mm overbite
Key= D
49. While recording the rest position of mandible the patient should in which position?
A. Head supported by rest
B. Back supported by dental chair
C. Head arms and legs are properly supported
D. Head and back without support
Key= D
50. Thin lean complete denture wearer after provision of his prosthesis reported to the
department of prosthodontics thrice in week with complaint. Intral oral examination with denture
shows poster teeth are in edge to edge relationship. What is the possible cause of discomfort?
A. Gagging
B. Cheek biting
C. Migratory ulceration
D. Increased salivation
Key =B

Major Connectors

1. Major connector
a. Unites components on one side of arch with other
b. Provides attachment for occlusal rests
c. Is of least importance in stability
d. Carries the direct retainer
e. Influences the denture base in retention

2. Functions of Major Connector include all except

a. Unification
b. Force distribution
c. Minimization of torque to teeth
d. Cross arch stability
e. Impingement of tissue

3. A flexible Major Connector would:

a. Provide better retention
b. More stable than metallic major connector
c. Jeopardize the supporting oral tissues
d. More bracing forces
e. Cross arch stability

4. Designing major connectors

a. Major connectors should be free of movable tissue
b. Impingement of gingival tissue is favorable
c. Bony and soft tissue prominences should be included in the design
d. Relief should not be provided for distal extension bases
e. There should a negligible amount of relief for tissues

5. Types of Mandibular Major Connectors include

a. Lingual bar
b. Palatal plate
c. Palatal bar
d. Occlusal rest
e. Reciprocal arm

6. An anterior posterior palatal strap:

a. Can be used in any maxillary partial denture design
b. Should be less than 4mm wide
c. Not joined with any connectors
d. Provides direct retention
e. Very flexible
7. Palatal plate type connector:
a. Broad contoured plate covering half or more of the palate
b. Irregular thickness makes it easy to bear by the patient
c. Corrugation decreases strength to the casting
d. Polishing can be done manually by polishing buff
e. Lack of intimate contact with the palate

BCQs for Midterm Examination.

1. Importance of an articulator:
a. It can simulate mandibular movements and save time
b. It bears no resemblance to the patient’s temporomandibular joint
c. Handheld casts can provide better information regarding occlusion
d. It does not simulate the mandibular ligaments
e. Muscles of mastication have no importance in occlusion

2. Classification of articulators:
a. It is based on instrument function, capability, intent, registration procedure and
registration acceptance
b. Instruments in class I can accept multi directional interocclusal record
c. Instruments in class II can permit only horizontal motion
d. Instruments in class II A can accept a facebow transfer
e. Instruments in class IV cannot accept a facebow transfer

3. Pontic design classification

a. Pontics are designed on the basis of tooth support
b. Pontics are classified on the basis of functional loading
c. Pontics are designed according to mucosal and non mucosal contact
d. A sanitary pontic is highly recommended for anterior bridge
e. It is easiest to maintain oral hygiene with ridge lap pontics

4. Recommended armamentarium for designing pontics is:

a. Paint brush
b. PKT waxing instruments no 1,2,3,4,5
c. Round pliers
d. Sticky way
e. Porcelain shade A-3

5. Class II articulators
a. Instruments in this class permit horizontal as well as vertical movements
b. Examples of class II – A include the Monson Instrument
c. Example of a class II – B articulator include the Gysi Simlex
d. Instruments in class III can accept a facebow transfer
e. In a class II – A articulator the condyles are on the upper member

6. Regarding Class III articulators

a. It is an arcon instrument and will accept a facebow record
b. Average horizontal condylar guidance is of 45 degrees
c. The Bennet angle is set to a fixed 30 degrees
d. Example is the Gysi Trubyte articulator
e. Class III – B instruments are Arcon type

7. Definition of a pontic:
a. An artificial tooth on a fixed partial denture that replaces a missing natural tooth
b. Regarding the biologic requirements there should be sufficient pressure on the ridge
c. It should be shaped to look like a square
d. It should appear to be placed over the mucosa
e. It should be flexible to permit movement

1. A
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. A

Q1.Arcon articulators are those instruments that have:

a- Condylar guides on the upper member
b- Condylar guides on the lower member
c- Condylar guides on the upper and lower member
d- Condyle and condylar guides on the upper member
e- Condyle on upper member
Answer: A
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second
Q2. Condylar instruments are also known as:
a- Arcon articulators
b- Non arcon articulators
c- Hinge articulators
d- Barn door hinge axis
e- Teledyne articulator
Answer: B
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second

Q3. L= (H/8) +12 is known as:

a- Hanau equation
b- Bennet shift equation
c- Bennet’s equation
d- Condylar inclinaton equation
e- Arcon equation
Answer: A
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second

Q4. Simple holding instruments capable of accepting a single static registration are
a- Class 3 instruments
b- Class 4 instruments
c- Class 4 B instruments
d- Class 1 instruments
e- Class 2 instruments
Answer: D
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second

Q5. The primary purpose of an articulator is :

a- To act as a patient in the absence of the patient
b- Mounting of cast for diagnosis
c- Arrangement of teeth for dentures
d- Fabrication of occlusal surfaces for dental restorations
e- Simulate border movements
Answer: A
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second

Q6. A four inch equilateral triangle from condyle to condyle and to the lower central incisor
contact point is called:
a- Bennets triangle
b- Monsoon triangle
c- Bonwill’s triangle
d- Gritmann triangle
e- Hanau triangle
Answer: C
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second

Q1. Commonly used facebow is:
a- Arbitrary facebow
b- Kinematic facebow
c- Hanau facebow
d- Whipmax facebow
e- Denar facebow
Answer: A
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second

Q2. Facebow is used to transfer:

a- Axis orbital plane
b- Frankfort horizontal plane
c- Campers plane
d- Occlusal plane
e- Mandibular plane
Answer: A
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second

Q3. Facebow is essential when using:

a- Cuspless teeth
b- 0 degree teeth
c- Cusp teeth
d- Non anatomic teeth
e- monoplane teeth
Answer: C
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second
Q4. Beyron point is located at:
a- 13mm anterior to posterior margin of tragus on a line from centre of tragus to outer
b- 12mm anterior to posterior margin of tragus on a line from centre of tragus to outer
c- 09mm anterior to posterior margin of tragus on a line from centre of tragus to outer
d- 10mm anterior to posterior margin of tragus on a line from centre of tragus to outer
e- 11mm anterior to posterior margin of tragus on a line from centre of tragus to outer
Answer: A
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second

Q5. All are parts of faceboow except:

a- Bite fork
b- Ear piece
c- Condylar rods
d- Locknuts
e- Incisal table
Answer: E
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second

Q6. Kinematic facebow is used to locate:

a- Maximum intercuspation
b- Centric occlusion
c- Arbitrary opening axis of jaw
d- True terminal hinge axis
e- Protrusive record
Answer: D
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second

Q1: Willis gauge is used for:
a- To verify centric relation
b- To record free way space
c- to record centric relation
d- To record nasolabial angle
e- facial measurements
Answer: E
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second

Q2: in a complete denture the following surfaces are present:

a- Impression, occlusal and intaglio surface
b- Neutral zone. occlusal and polished surface
c- Impression ,polished and occlusal surface
d- Neutral zone, arch form and polished surface
e- Polished, impreesion and intaglio surface
Ans: C
Book: Zarb
Edition: 12

Q3: TDBs are preferably made of:

a- Baseplate wax
b- Autopolymerizing acrylic resin
c- Casting wax
d- Processed acrylic resin
e- Modelling wax with reinforced wire
Ans: B
Book: Zarb
Edition: 12

Q4: Clicking of complete denture can be attributed to:

a- An increase in occlusal vertical dimension
b- Poorly polished denture
c- Inproper finishing of dentures
d- A decrease in occlusal vertical dimension
e- Incorrect Centric relation record
Answer: A
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second
Page no: 190

Q5: Resting vertical dimension is:

a- occluso-vertical dimension minus inter-oclusal distance
b- Same as occluso-vertical dimension
c- Speaking space
d- occluso-vertical dimension plus inter-oclusal distance
e- Also called freeway space
Answer: D
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second
Page no: 189

Q6:All are true for centric relation except:

a- is a habitual position
b- is a guided retruded position
c- it is a bone to bone relation
d- it is a repeatable position
e- it is a recordable position
Answer: A
Book: Sheldon wrinkle
Edition: second
Page no: 192

Q1) which of the following is not a general indication of Crown ?

a) Badly broken down teeth
b) Tooth wear
c) To alter the shape, size & inclination of teeth
d) Appearance
e) Primary caries
Ans: - “E”
Topic: - Indication of Crown
Book: - smith
Edition: - 5th

Q2) what are the alternatives to anterior crown

a) Multiple crowns
b) Silicate filling
c) Internal & external bleaching
d) Fluoride application
e) Scaling
Ans: - “C”
Topic: - Indication of Crown
Book: - smith
Edition: - 5th

Q3) What are the alternatives to posterior crowns ?

a) Bonded or pin retained composite restoration
b) Gold inlay & onlays protecting weak cusp
c) Internal bleaching
d) External bleaching
e) none
Ans: - “B”
Topic: - Indication of Crown
Book: - smith
Edition: - 5th

Q4) The most common indication for fixed partial denture is ?

a) Epilepsy
b) High caries rate
c) Patient ‘s preference
d) Xerostomia
e) Both “b” & “c”
Ans: - “C”
Topic: - Indication of fixed partial denture
Book: - Deepak nallaswamy
Edition: - First

Q5) Bridge are preferred in which type of patients ?

a) Uncooperative children’s
b) Physically handicapped
c) Poor patients
d) Very old patients
e) None
Ans: - “B”
Topic: - Indication of fixed partial denture
Book: - Deepak nallaswamy
Edition: - First
Q6) which of the following is not a classification of ceramics crown ?
a) Porcelain jacket crown
b) Serrated ceramic crown
c) Cast crown
d) Reinforced crown
e) Ceramic resin bonded crown
Ans: - “B”
Topic: - Types of Crown
Book: - smith
Edition: - 5th

Q7) The main disadvantage of ceramic crown is ?

a) Stability
b) Marginal fit
c) Plaque
d) Appearance
e) Cost
Ans: - “B”
Topic: - Types of Crown
Book: - smith
Edition: - 5th

Q8) The main disadvantage of metal-ceramic anterior crown is ?

a) adaptability
b) minimum palatal reduction
c) can be cast
d) laser welded
e) cost
Ans: - “E”
Topic: - Indication of Crown
Book: - smith
Edition: - 5th

Q9) Regarding three-quarter crown ?

a) four-fifth of tooth surface
b) two-third of tooth surface
c) three-four of tooth surface
d) two-four of tooth surface
e) one-four of tooth surface
Ans: - “A”
Topic: - types of Crown
Book: - smith
Edition: - 5th

Q10) what is the main disadavantage of bridge ?

a) appearance
b) speech
c) ability to eat
d) feeling of completeness
e) cost and discomfort
Ans: - “E”
Topic: - Indication of Crown
Book: - smith
Edition: - 5th

Q11) Define an abutment ?

a) an abutment is an artificial tooth as part of a bridge
b) an abutment tooth means either retainer or pontics
c) an abutment tooth is a space between natural teeth that is to be filled
d) a portion of tooth used for support of fixed partial denture
e) any type of device use for the stabilization or retention prosthesis.
Ans: - “E”
Topic: - Types of bridge
Book: - smith
Edition: - 5th

Q12) Which of the following is not a design of Fixed part denture ?

a) Fixed-fixed partial denture
b) Fixed-movable partial denture
c) Fixed-removable partial denture
d) Cantilever partial denture
e) Spring cantilever partial denture
Ans: - “C”
Topic: - types of Bridge
Book: - smith
Edition: - 5th


Q1) The main advantage of partial veneer crown for anterior teeth is ?
a) Some display of metal
b) Limited adjustment of path of insertion
c) Indicated for nonvital teeth
d) Easy acces to margins for finishing
e) None

Ans: - “B”
Topic: - Tooth preparation of fixed partial denture
Book: - Deepak nallaswamy
Edition: - First

Q2) The main disadvantage of all ceramic crown is ?

a) Can be used as single restoration only
b) Considerable proximal caries
c) Stiffness of crown
d) Alignment can prove difficulty
e) Technically demanding
Ans: - “A”
Topic: - Tooth preparation of fixed partial denture
Book: - Deepak nallaswamy
Edition: - First
Q3) The main indication of partial veneer crown for posterior teeth is ?
a) Short teeth
b) High caries index of tooth
c) Bulbous tooth
d) Thin teeth
e) Clinical crown of average length
Ans: - “E”
Topic: - Tooth preparation of fixed partial denture
Book: - Deepak nallaswamy
Edition: - First

Q4) The main contraindication of complete cast restoration is ?

a) Nonvital teeth
b) Correction of occlusal plane
c) Aesthetic
d) Extensive destruction from trauma or caries
e) Existing restoration
Ans: - “E”
Topic: - Tooth preparation of fixed partial denture
Book: - Deepak nallaswamy
Edition: - First
Q5) When high esthetic requirement which type of crown preparation is preferred ?
a) Complete cast crown
b) Partial veneer crown
c) Pin ledge preparation
d) All ceramics crown
e) None
Ans: - “D”
Topic: - Tooth preparation of fixed partial denture
Book: - Deepak nallaswamy
Edition: - First
“Crowning for primary teeth”
Q1) The most common advantage of stainless-steel crown in primary teeth is?
a) Require no tooth preparation
b) No need of occlusion adjustment
c) Multiple visit procedure
d) Usually reduce sensitivity totally
e) Gingival margins are supra-gingival
Ans :- “D”
Topic: - Crowning for primary teeth
Book: - Richard welbury
Edition: - Third

Q2) the most common disadvantage of stainless-steel crown in primary teeth is?
a) Require no tooth preparation
b) No need of occlusion adjustment
c) Gingival margins are at gingiva
d) Gingival margins are sub-gingival
e) Gingival margins are supra-gingival
Ans: - “D”
Topic: - Crowning for primary teeth
Book: - Richard welbury
Edition: - Third

Q3) stainless-steel crown in primary teeth is usually cemented with which cement?
a) Composite
b) Glass ionomer based cement
c) Resin based cement
d) Compomer
e) Calcium hydro-oxide
Ans: - “B”
Topic: - Crowning for primary teeth
Book: - Richard welbury
Edition: - Third

Q4) the most common indication of stainless-steel crown in primary teeth is?
a) Caries on anterior teeth
b) Caries on incisal edge
c) Small carious lesion on molars
d) Pits and fissure caries on molars
e) Rampant caries on molars
Ans: - “E”
Topic: - Crowning for primary teeth
Book: - Richard welbury
Edition: - Third

Q5) which of the following is not the indication of stainless-steel crown in primary teeth is?
a) Restoration of teeth after pulp therapy
b) Abutment for space maintainers
c) Restoration of teeth with developmental defects
d) Pits and fissure caries on molars
e) Rampant caries on molars
Ans: - “D”
Topic: - Crowning for primary teeth
Book: - Richard welbury
Edition: - Third

Q6) The main risk of stainless steel crown in primary teeth is ?

a) Chances of pulpotomy
b) Less success rate than amalgam restoration
c) Difficult to adapt occlusion
d) Periodontal concern
e) Technique sensitivity
Ans: - “D”
Topic: - Crowning for primary teeth
Book: - Richard welbury
Edition:- Third

Q1) Regarding zinc phosphate cement ?

a) The cement is mixed on a waxed paper mixing pad
b) Powder & liquid are mixed as hot glass slab technique
c) The Cement is mixed with cool glass slab technique
d) Zinc phosphate cement react with water
e) Zinc phosphate have fast setting time
Ans: - “C”
Topic: - Cementation of fixed partial denture
Book: - Deepak nallaswamy
Edition: - First

Q2) The main disadvantage of Zinc polycorboxylate cement ?

a) It is thixotropic in nature.
b) Low pulp reaction
c) Lack of post operative sensitivity
d) Solubility
e) Slow setting time
Ans: - “A”
Topic: - Cementation of fixed partial denture
Book: - Deepak nallaswamy
Edition: - First

Q3) The main disadvantage of modified zinc oxide eugenol cement is ?

a) It is thixotropic in nature.
b) Low pulp reaction
c) Lack of post operative sensitivity
d) Solubility
e) Slow setting time
Ans: - “D”
Topic: - Cementation of fixed partial denture
Book: - Deepak nallaswamy
Edition: - First

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