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PEA Questions A. Russell Eng.


P – This where you answer the question being asked.

If the question is, “do you agree or disagree”, you might start your answer with “I agree….” Or “I

If it asks about the main idea, you could start with, “The main idea of __[the name of the
story]___________ is ….”

You might also give a context for the question to show that you have understood what has happened or
what is being referred to in the question.

E – Example – After you tell the reader what was happening in the story and, if applicable, who said it,
you can provide an example from the text to back up your answer.

If you are having a tough time finding a quote….

A good idea is to use a highlighter and highlight words or phrases that stand out to you and seem to
match up with what the question was asking. Then you can go through and see if you can use one or two
of these in your answer.

A -Analysis – Now that you gave a quote, you need to tell the reader why this quote/reference proves
your point.

In other words, once you give the quote, the analysis should answer the question, “so what? “ or “how
that quote/reference prove your point?”.

C/E - Now you can make a personal connection, if it is relevant or appropriate. Or you could extend your
understanding of the topic to introduce the reader to a new insight or idea you have.

Examples: You could compare it to books you have read, movies you have seen, or something that has
happened to you. This is where your personal voice is very important.

The c/e should show that you really understand the story and provide insight.

If it is a literary question, you could talk about another device or effect that exists in the same situation
or context.

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