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Name: _________________________________ Hour: ______

SSR In-Class Reading Log

Directions: For each day we read in class, fill in the title of the book you read, as well as the date.
Complete the task in the right column. You will have 2-3 minutes for this assignment. Sheets will be
given on Monday and are due after the SSR time period on Friday.

If I could ask the author of this book one question, it would be ______
Date: ______________ because ________________________________________________
Title: ______________________________________________________.
What is a prediction you can make about this text? ______________
Pages: _____ to _____ _______________________________________________________

What was the author purpose in writing the section of the book you
Tuesday read today? (Circle One)
Date: ______________ Persuade Inform Entertain
Record a quote from the text, complete with page number, to support
your answer: ____________________________________________
Pages: _____ to _____ _______________________________________________________

What connections can you make from this book to your life? _______
Date: ______________
What other books or stories might you compare to this one? Why?

Pages: _____ to _____

Date: ______________
Title: Main Idea…

Textual Evidence… Textual Evidence…

Pages: _____ to _____

If you could change one thing about the book, what would it be and
Friday why? __________________________________________________
Date: ______________ _______________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________
Pages: _____ to _____ _______________________________________________________

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