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CMS ID: 45239 March 19, 2019

Experiment No 1:
Electronic lab fundamentals, an introduction to the components and
About This Experiment:
 In this experiment we will know that how to use the electronic components. In this experiment we
will know that how to use the several types of meters used for measuring the current, voltage,
resistance etc. In this experiment we will also know that how to build the circuits and design the

The following list is meant to be an introduction to the terminology that may be unfamiliar.

The conductor is used to conduct the material.

This material is used to not conduct any type of current.

This is the type of current that flows in one direction.

This is the type of current that moves in sinusoidal wave means it alternates in one direction.

A drawing or map of any type of circuit.

Safety in the Laboratory:

1. The every lab always start with safety means we means the students always know that which
equipment, component or processes are dangerous and how to use them without any kind of
2. The second safety is that if you are tired or felling sleepy so don’t work at that time.
3. Don’t be hasty while working.
4. Always be careful for any type of component.
5. We must consider all the circuits as hot unless we test that circuit.
CMS ID: 45239 March 19, 2019

6. Keep your hands far away from the circuits where the wires are attached or connected otherwise
it will be dangerous for all of us.
7. Keep your workplace clean as possible and always make yourself clean.
8. Always check the switch before connecting any type of wire in it.
9. When you want to disassemble the circuits first we always remove the source of power.
10. Don’t hesitate to tell the instructor at any kind of components damages.
11. If I or any student is in doubt so don’t hesitate to ask the question to the instructor.

Tools and equipment’s:

Power supply:
Power supply is as similar as the battery but we can adjust the power supply.

A breadboard is utilized to assemble and test circuits rapidly before finishing any circuit
structure. The breadboard has numerous openings into which circuit segments like ICs and resistors can
be embedded. A regular breadboard is appeared as follows: The bread board has portions of metal which
kept running underneath the board and associate the gaps on the highest point of the board. The metal
strips are spread out as appeared as follows. Note that the best and base lines of openings are associated
evenly while the rest of the gaps are associated vertically. To utilize the bread board, the legs of segments
are set in the openings. Each arrangement of gaps associated by a metal strip underneath structures a hub.
A hub is a point in a circuit where two segments are associated. Associations between various parts are
shaped by putting their legs in a typical hub. The long best and base line of openings are generally utilized
for power supply associations. Whatever is left of the circuit is worked by setting segments and
associating them together with jumper wires. ICs are put amidst the board with the goal that half of the
legs are on one side of the center line and half on the other.

Connecting the lead or the insulated wire is used to connect the component to the meter to being

Digital multimeter:
Digital multimeter is an instrument intended to quantify the electric flow, voltage and obstruction
regularly more than a few scopes of significant worth. A computerized multimeter (DMM) may look
convoluted and threatening at first look, however once you comprehend the showcase, dial, and port

An oscilloscope (or CRO) is an instrument for watching electrical flags and is basic for anybody
structuring or fixing electronic hardware. The essential preferred standpoint of utilizing an oscilloscope
rather than a computerized voltmeter is that the flag can be seen straightforwardly on a screen,
CMS ID: 45239 March 19, 2019

encouraging direct estimation of AC qualities, for example, recurrence, crest to crest (p-p) voltage and
stage edge.

Function Generator:
A capacity generator is vital and adaptable instrument that has the ability of creating a few
distinct sorts of wave frames over a wide recurrence scope of 0.001 Hz to 20 MHz Most capacity
generators can produce sine waves, square waves, and triangular waves. Different models are fit for
creating beat, slope, and trapezoid or saw tooth wave shapes just as three basic kinds of waveforms. Since
a capacity generator gives sine, square and triangular wave yields, any of these might be the essential
wave structure created by the instrument. The essential waveform would then be able to be connected to
the correct hardware to produce the rest of the waveforms.


Most axial resistors use a pattern of colored stripes to indicate resistance. SMT ones follow a
numerical pattern. Cases are usually brown, blue, or green, though other colors are occasionally found
like dark red or dark gray.


Capacitor is used to block the DC and allow the AC current. It normally work like battery
because it also used to store the charges.


Sometimes the value of an inductor is printed directly on it. If no units are given, µH can be
assumed. If it looks like the system used by SMT resistors, it is probably that system, except that the
value represented is in µH. Inductors as a class of components are current and magnetic sensitive devices.
Inductors work by creating a magnetic field around the windings. The current of a electron flow causes
energy to transfer into the field. Similarly, if there is a no current but a field present, coiled wiring
responds by creating a current in the wiring. This is the original source of the name Inductor, it induces a
current when exposed to a field, or a field when exposed to a current.
CMS ID: 45239 March 19, 2019

Written Lab Report

Experiment # 1: Electronics Lab Equipment’s

Questions for this experiment:

1) A meter for measuring the resistance.

Ans: Ohm meter is used to measure the resistance.

2) A component that opposes the flow of current.

Ans: Resistor is the component.

3) A meter for measuring the current.

Ans: Ammeter is used to measure the current.

4) A map for the electronic circuit


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