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Global warming is an increase in the temperature of the earth’s surface and are the

result of the green house effect. The green house effect is a term to define trapped
carbon dioxide which causes the earth to the heat. Then, the global warming will much
more and the climate on the earth will continue to be hotter. You certainly feel that the
current temperatures on earth are so hot during the day. Then, we all must be thinking
that there is a problem with the climate change where everything becomes
unpredictable. The season that occurs in our earth cannot be predicted anymore as
happened a few years ago. You need to know that those irregularities are caused by
global warming.

In detail, the global warming caused by human activity. Today, there are so many
factories are built. It means that they are going to produce carbon dioxide as their waste.
When they are built more and more, then the more carbon dioxide is produced.
Meanwhile, plant is the only element that can absorb the carbon dioxide and then
convert it into oxygen. However, the plants that are on the earth continue to decrease
due to illegal logging, forest fires, and the diversion of forest as a place of human lodging
area. All of those makes the number of plants continue to decrease and are not able to
absorb all the carbon dioxide maximally. As a result, carbon dioxide trapped in the earth
and makes our earth becomes hotter. One of the visible effects of global warming is the
polar ice continues to melt so they can flood the coast line in the entire world.

There are various things you can do to combat the global warming. First, planting at least
one tree on your yard. When one home has one tree, then from 1000 homes, there will
be 1000 trees. It was almost the same as a large forest area. Then, the tree that you
plant in the yard, can make your home comfortable and cool. Therefore, soon after you
are read this article, then plant any tree in front of your house and do not cut down the
trees carelessly.

Second, you are advised to reduce the use of private vehicles. Of course you know that
vehicles produce carbon dioxide. A growing number of private vehicles, makes the
carbon dioxide is produced much more than before. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide is the
main cause of global warming. It requires us to use public transport instead of private
vehicles so that the number of private vehicles using can be reduced. Third, you should
use a home ventilation rather than air conditioning. When you use the air conditioning,
then there will be a CFC gas and it makes global warming intensity increases. Use the
adequate ventilation, then planting a few trees in your yard, so it will make your house

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