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J: According to Tommy Hilfiger “Good sportsmanship goes beyond the game; it starts with

JJ: To our beloved school principal, Dr. Gertrudes R. Marcellano, our very able head teacher, Dr.
Gilbert S. Baysic
J: Fellow teachers, our dearest students, friends, visitors
Both: Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning and welcome to Intramurals 2019.
JJ: I am John John Carino
J: I am Julio Bravo
Both: And we are your host for today’s intramurals event.
J: To formally start the program, please rise for the invocation followed by the singing of the
national anthem.
JJ: May we call in the ever beautiful and hardworking principal of GIS, Dr. Gertrudes R.
Marcellano, a resounding applause please.
JJ: Thank you very much Ma’am and now to present to us the participant in each game, may I
call in the high school sports coordinator, Sir Julio Bravo. A big big hand please.
J: Let us now lend our ears and open our hearts to the message of our head teacher, Dr. Gilbert
S. Baysic, a warm round of applause please
JJ: Thank you Sir, do you want some intermission number? Again, I can’t hear you, do you want
some intermission number? Okay, let us now witness the intermission number prepared by the
Olympus Club Officers, A big big hand please!
J: Ladies and Gentlemen, we have here our own pride who is a division qualifier for the sport
Sepak Takraw, we have Lebron P. Solomon for the oath of sportsmanship.
JJ: Thank you Lebron, and now to light the torch, may I call in Gio Posadas.
J: There you have it folks the torch has been lighted. And now for the declaration of the games,
may I call in Mr. John John M. Carino, a round of applause please.
JJ: We have just witnessed the releasing of the balloons, that signals the intramural is now open.
Let us enjoy this intramurals, but let us always remember the essence of sportsmanship.

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