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Even though Raavan is a symbol of evil, however, there many things one can learn from his defects.

Raavan has outlines several Tantrik upays (measures). Here are some of his upays, which can
suddenly make you rich.
Attainment of wealth measures: On any auspicious day, get up early in the morning. Do the morning
routines and visit the edge of a sacred river or reservoir. Look for a quiet and secluded spot under a
tree and spread a leather seat. Sitting on the pedestal chant this wealth mantra.
Mantra: ऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊ: ऊऊऊ: ऊऊऊ: ऊऊऊऊऊऊऊ
You should chant this for 21 days. Use Rudraksha beads for chanting mantra. After 21 days you will be
surprised by a sudden income of wealth.

If a person is facing money problem again and again in life, he should chant this mantra. This mantra
has to be chanted in such a case for 40 days. This upay can be done at home only, but the mantra has
to be chanted 108 times.
Mantra: ऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊ, ऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊ
ऊऊ ऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊऊ
This mantra will solve the money problem.

If you want to get money from all the four directions then this upay should be done, but on the day of
On the night of Diwali, worship Goddess Mahalaxmi and then go to sleep. Get up early the next
morning. After waking up, don’t leave the bed and start chating this mantra 108 times.
Mantra: ऊऊ ऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊ ऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊऊ
ऊऊऊऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊ ऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊऊ

Bring white flowers and allow them to dry completely. Now, churn the dry flowers in cow’s milk and
put a tilak of it on your forehead. This increases one’s dominance in the society.

According to the scriptures, lawn grass is miraculous. It is also used in many ways. If a person crushes
and mixes this grass in cow’s milk and put tilak, he will never fail in anything he does.

To obtain the grace of Mahalakshmi immediately, do this Tantrik upay.

This upay can be done on any auspicious occasion like Diwali, Akshaya Tritiya, etc. however, the best
results of this upay come if done on the night of Diwali.
According to this upay, on the night of Diwali write this mantra with saffron on a plate.
Mantra: ऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊऊऊऊऊ, ऊऊऊऊऊऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊ
ऊऊऊऊऊ-ऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊ:ऊ
This mantra should also be chanted 108 times sitting in a clean place. This upay will rain grace of
Mahalakshmi in your home.

If you want to impress the treasurer of Gods, Kuber and become rich, then do this upay.
Mantra: ऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊऊऊऊऊ, ऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊ
ऊऊऊऊऊऊऊ ऊऊ ऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊ ऊऊऊऊऊऊऊ
Chant this mantra 108 times.

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