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Test I. Read the selection carefully and answer the questions that follow. Shade the letter of
the best answer on your paper.
Iron is only one chemical element. Steel, on the other hand, is a mixture of at least 2 elements-
-iron and carbon. Steel may have as much as 1.5 percent carbon in it. But the steel we use most
often has only 0.2 percent carbon in it. Besides carbon, steel may have small amounts of other
metals that have been put into the "melt" on purpose. Metals like manganese, found in some forms of
iron, can improve the quality of steel. But there are also some elements found in steel which do not
belong. An element such as sulfur can ruin steel. Steel makers try their best to get rid of it. Without
the use of steel, the face of the world today would look a lot like the way it did in the middle 1800's.
We would not have tall skyscrapers, huge steamships, cars, planes, and large machines to make life
1. The manganese found in iron ore ________.
a. can ruin the “melt” c. is removed before steel is made
b. improves the quality of steel d. is something as high as 2 percent
2. The writer points out that _________.
a. manganese melts at a very low temperatures
b. steel is a mixture of several metals
c. steel is made mostly of sulfur and iron ore
d. tin is found in some iron ore.
3. The invention of steel ________.
a. has allowed some countries to become too powerful
b. has brought progress to the world
c. has helped put colonies on Mars
d. has lengthened the lifespan of man
4. The difference between iron and steel is that _______.
a. iron is only one chemical element
b. iron is stronger and sturdier
c. steel is only one chemical element
d. steel is stronger and sturdier
5. An element sometimes found in steel that does NOT belong is _______.
a. carbon b. iron c. manganese d. sulfur

In front of the house there was a beach. Peter liked to stretch on the stand when the sun was
warming it. From the back door of the house he would walk along a path as far as the sand, and
stand at the water's edge looking at the sea. When nothing very interesting was happening on the
water, he would go down on his knees and take a handful of sand. Through his fingers ran the sand
until only small stones and shells were left. Then, with a large sweep of his arm and with as much
strength as he could muster, Peter would throw them away as far as he could. At other times, he
would go on his back and gaze up at the clouds, his hands idly searching the sand at his sides. He
never stopped playing with the sand and feeling it run through his fingers, however much he was
absorbed by the changes in the clouds. Occasionally some fishing boats came close enough to the
beach for Peter to see what the fishermen were doing. Then with his hands clasped he would look
and look, while his whole body moved with the boat from side to side. When the fishermen drew in
their nets or cast them into the water, Peter would do the same with an imaginary net of his own from
his place on the beach. On this small beach, Peter had a world of his own.

6. This passage tells mainly about ________.

a. Peter’s love for the beach c. the fishermen
b. the beach d. the house by the beach
7. When nothing interesting was happening on the water, Peter would ________.
a. go back to the house
b. pretend to be a fisherman by playing with his imaginary net.
c. take a handful of sand and let it run through his fingers
d. watch the fishing boats
8. When did Peter like to stretch on the sand?
a. when it was cool and wet with the water c. when the stones and shells washed up
b. when the clouds were flying by d. when the sun was warming it
9. What did he do with the stones and shells left in the sand?
a. buried them in the sand as he gazed at the sky
b. put them in his collection at home
c. stuffed them in his pocket to play with later
d. throw them away as far as he could
10. In this passage, what was the last thing Peter did?
a. clasp his hands and looked
b. feel the sand through his fingers
c. move his body with the boat from side to side
d. use his imaginary net

Test II. Provide the Element of the story.

Read each sentence carefully and give the Element of Short story defined. Choose the best
answer by shading your answer on your paper.
11. It is the hero or the good person in the story.
A. Antagonist B. Protagonist C. Flat Character D. Round Character
12. The story is told in the first person and is a true story.
A. Poem B. Short Story C. Poetry D. Epic
13. It is a clue given in a story which means stands for something else.
A. Context Clue B. Pseudo C. Symbolism D. Sensory Images
14. The story is told from the point of view of the narrator who knows everything in the story.
A. 1st POV B. 2nd POV C. 3rd POV D. Omnipotent
15. The set of actions bringing the story to an end.
A. Falling Action B. Plot C. Theme D. Resolution
16. The author’s attitude toward the subject of his/her writing.
A. Tone B. Rhyme C. Climax D. Theme
17. The opposing force(s) between the protagonist and the antagonist.
A. Theme B. Connection C. Conflict D. Climax
18. This is where the story takes place.
A. Theme B. Setting C. Plot D. Exposition
19. It is the plot of the story that builds to the climax.
A. Theme B. Plot C. Rising Action D. Conflict
20. It is the high point of the story when the conflict is being resolved.
A. Rising Action B. Setting C. Climax D. Falling Action

Test III: Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer by shading the corresponding letter
on your paper.
21. In “Half a Day”, who is the author of the story?.
A. Anne Hathaway B. Ann Grifalconi C. Nelson Mandela D. Naguib Mafouz
22. Who is the first black president of South Africa?
A. Anne Hathaway B. Ann Grifalconi C. Nelson Mandela D. Naguib Mafouz
23. What type of conjunction is used to join an individual word, phrase, and independent clause?
A. Coordinating conjunction C. Assertive conjunction
B. Subordinating conjunction D. Cohesive devices
24. It is the blending of the words in a sentence.
A. mood B. juncture C. intonation D. tone
25. They are key words of a sentence. They are important words that carry the meaning or sense –
the real content.
A. structure words B. content words C. syllable D. intonation
26. They are small, simple words that make the sentence grammatically correct. They give the
sentence its correct form.
A. content words B. intonation C. structure words D. intonation
27. It is the emphasis placed on a sound, syllable, or word by saying it relatively more loudly and
A. intonation B. pause C. stress D. pitch
28. It is a break, temporary stop, or rest in speaking (or reading) to emphasize or clarify meaning.
A. pause B. intonation C. pitch D. stress
29. It refers to the way the pitch of the speaker’s voice rises or falls.
A. intonation B. pause C. stress D. pitch
30. These are words that describe or modify other words, making writing and speaking more specific
and interesting.
A. nouns B. adjectives C. adverbs D. verbs

Test IV: Determine the meaning of the bolded idiomatic expression. Choose the best answer
and shade the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.
31. After going to the zoo, the mall, and the movies, Cassie was sick of bending over backwards to
entertain her nieces.
A. Cassie was doing very little to entertain her nieces.
B. Cassie was making small efforts to entertain her nieces.
C. Cassie was trying very hard to entertain her nieces.
D. Cassie was not trying at all to entertain her nieces.
32. Bobby would have been playing ball until the cows came home if it hadn’t been for Suzie
dragging him home for dinner.
A. Bobby was just about to stop playing ball.
B. Bobby didn’t even want to play ball to begin with.
C. Bobby prefers nature to athletics.
D. Bobby would have continued playing ball for a long time.
33. Mr. Johnson was very particular about the arrangement of his classroom, so the thing he hated
most was when his students caused a ruckus with their wild horseplay.
A. Mr. Johnson hated when his students pretended to be animals.
B. Mr. Johnson hated when his students played sports.
C. Mr. Johnson hated when his students wrestled around with each other.
D. Mr. Johnson hated when his students made animal noises.
34. Eric wanted to fix his cousin’s computer, but he was already having problems setting up his Aunt’s
Wi-Fi network and he didn’t want to open a whole new can of worms.
A. Eric was sick of spending his time helping his family.
B. Eric wanted to go fishing instead of working on computers.
C. Eric was having difficulties untangling the computer wires.
D. Eric was not ready to begin working on a complicated new problem.
35. Even though Candace already had a new job, she submitted her two week notice and conducted
herself in a professional way at her old job because she didn’t want to burn bridges.
A. Candace didn’t want to ruin her positive relationship with her old employer.
B. Candace wasn’t ready to start her new job.
C. Candace was really going to miss her old job.
D. Candace was waiting until her last day to rub it in everyone’s face that she was leaving.
36. “My delight in my new clothes, however, was not altogether unmarred, for this was no feast day
but the day on which I was to be cast into school for the last time. Unmarred means?
A. Not busted B. Spoiled C. Destroyed D. Not injured
37. “And while the lady would sometimes smile, she would often scowl and scold”. Scowl means?
A. Frown B. Grin C. Beam D. Smile
38. “The throngs of children rushed toward the gate, which was opened again”. Throngs means?
A. Groups B. Couple C. Individual D. Single
39. It is an object, action, or event that represents a significant idea or message
A. Context clues B. Symbol C. Cohesive devices D. Collocations
40. A _______ usually revolves around a single idea and is short enough to be read in one sitting.
A. Novel B. Poem C. Short story D. Epic

Test V. Fill in the blanks with the correct transition word or phrase by shading the letter of the
correct answer.
41. _________ of the weather, the basketball game will be played tomorrow.
A. Therefore B. Regardless C. As a result D. In addition
42. I dropped my reading glasses and it broke it. _______, I need to either buy a new one or have the
lenses replaced.
A. In spite of B. Furthermore C. Likewise D. Therefore
43. I can’t help you with your homework since I am not really good at statistics. ________, I know
someone who can.
A. However B. In addition C. For example D. Subsequently
44. _________ it was terribly hot, I still walked to school.
A. Consequently B. Accordingly C. Although D. Furthermore
45. _________ of her good grades, Rebecca did not get the scholarship.
A. In addition B. As a result C. In spite D. On the other hand
46. Gerry is very active and enjoys working out; _______, Marvin plays video games all day.
A. Similarly B. In addition C. For example D. On the other hand
47. My sister is a very responsible person. ________, she tutors me in Math and walks me to school.
A. Likewise B. Additionally C. Hence D. As a result
48. Martha is sick; ________, she came to school today.
A. Nevertheless B. As a result C. Still D. Despite that
49. I love to write essays. _________, I really enjoy receiving writing assignments from my teachers.
A. Nevertheless B. In fact C. Nonetheless D. Despite that
50. ________ working as a consultant in a university, Miss Lucy also loves to write poetry.
A. Likewise B. In spite of C. Primarily D. Aside from

Test VI: Choose the letter of the best answer by shading the corresponding letter on your
answer sheet.
51. What do you call the literature that has been written for or by African people?
A. Literature B. African Literature C. Egyptian Literature D. African
52. Storytellers in Africa often tell stories using what kind of technique?
A. Cause and Effect C. Reading and Question
B. Cause and Response D. Oral and Response
53. When individuals are working on a project sit together and bounce ideas off each other until they
arrive at a plan or strategy, what do you call that strategy?
A. Discussion B. Brainstorm C. Groupings D. Assembly
54. When ideas and details fit together making a reading material easy to understand it is called?
A. Cohesive B. Coherence C. Parallel D. Simple
55. It is a kind of speech that explains a topic or describes how to do something.
A. Persuasive B. Informative C. Expository D. Desciptive

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”

-Albert Einstein-

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