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We are living in 21st century, are we actually in 21st century? We need to analysis. After 73
years of independence, we are still fighting for independence, not only in case of Kashmir but
seeking independence from poverty, unemployment, dirty politics, women unsafety,
corruption and many more.

Today 31st oct 2019 becomes one of the important days of history. Country change its status
from 29 states and 7 union territories to 28 states and 9 union territories. Amazing of
course. Some of the country people are celebrating, some oppose it. But nobody is concern
about the Kashmiris outlook on this, what they actually want. In Kashmir their fundamental
rights were taken, nobody ask question, their life is always been in danger, they fight every
moment for their life, for their basic rights. Nobody concerns, because nobody cares. Each
and every body has some political motive to speak on Kashmir, they only follow, what their
parties said (that is another point whether they are agreed or not on that). Where is
individual’s moral consent? Or they talked about unity and integrity.

What I think doesn’t matters, what other thinks also. My point is very simple “ask them”.
They all should be the decision maker of their future. Let them decide how will their future
generation wants their own Kashmir. No one has right to take decision for their future. If we
are admitting “Kashmir is a part of India and hence we can make decision”, I want to draw
your attention that Kashmir did not wanted to be the part of both India and Pakistan, they
wanted to be independent. But the irony is, they have been fighting for that since long. I can
understand the circumstances was not favorable for them and they had to become the part
of India. Now question arises, what they get after such a long struggle? Question on their
identity, tear out their rights, death of relatives every second day, terrorism, unsafe
environment for female and children, uncertain future for generation to generation, stone
stakes, lockdown any time and many more. Kashmir is always been the “mukhya mudda” for
all political parties. They will always do what will be good for their vote bank strategy and
which is quite natural (in terms of Indian politics). My second point is, we are the citizen of
country (the gamechanger), should do something for that. We all should remember that we
made all these political parties and so-called leaders. We are the ultimate power, not they.
We should remind that constitution is made for us, not for some political agents to use that
according to their ideology, constitution is made to safeguard every Indians and provide
equality to them. Here Kashmiris is not Kashmiris but the citizen of India. When we said “we
the people of India’’, we meant it. Now it is time to prove this.

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