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Al-Oruba International Schools

Dept.: Islamic Studies

Section: Boys & Girls

Title: Grade 4 Practice Sheet - Second Quarter

Choose the correct answer:

1. Id-ul-Ad'ha comes on the 10th day of ………………………

(Zul-Hijjah - Shawwal)
2. Speaking …………..of others is very bad.
(ill - good)
3. While fasting, we must keep away from………………..actions.
(shameful - good)
4. Muslims ……………….pay Zakatul-Fitr.
(mustn't - must)

5. Allah has asked us to use His gifts…………………

(badly - correctly)
6. It is ……………………to be able to see and speak.
(wonderful - wrong)
7. It is bad to laugh………………………………
(easily - thunderously)

[Islamic Studies - Grade (4) - 2nd Quarter Practice Sheet] [2016/2017] Page 1 of 6
Al-Oruba International Schools

Fill in the Blanks:

Group (A)
Wonderful - yes - smile - lies - curse
1. The laugh of Prophet Muhammad was a.........................
2. It is very ……………………….to be able to see and speak.
3. It is very bad to tell..........................

4. Prophet Ibrahim always said……… whatever Allah commanded.

5. To ……………..means to wish evil for somebody or something.

Group (B)

four - protect - donkey - boasting - silent

1. The Qur'an says that the harshest of all voices is the voice of a


2. Some people have the bad habit of ……………………….

3. We can ………………………….our gifts by using them well.

4. We should keep …………………………about the secrets.

5. Id-ul-Ad'ha lasts for………………………..days.

[Islamic Studies - Grade (4) - 2nd Quarter Practice Sheet] [2016/2017] Page 2 of 6
Al-Oruba International Schools

True or False: For each statement, circle True or False:-

1. Id-ul-Ad'ha comes after Id-ul-Fitr. True False

2. Talking too much is good. True False

3. Id-Ul-Fitr is at the beginning of Ramadan. True False

4. The life of Prophet Ibrahim was not a life of sacrifices. True False

5. Prophet Muhammad never spoke unnecessarily. True False

6. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar. True False

7. Muslims begin Id-ul-Fitr by joining a mass Id prayer. True False

8. Our tongue should mention the faults of others. True False

9. It is binding on every Muslim to pay Zakatul-Fitr. True False

10. The animal sacrifice is on Id-ul-Fitr. True False

[Islamic Studies - Grade (4) - 2nd Quarter Practice Sheet] [2016/2017] Page 3 of 6
Al-Oruba International Schools

Answer the following questions:-

1. Allah has given us many wonderful things, what are they?


2. When did Allah begin sending down the Holy Qur’an?


3. What is Fasting?

4. What is cursing?

Al-Oruba International Schools

[Islamic Studies - Grade (4) - 2nd Quarter Practice Sheet] [2016/2017] Page 4 of 6
Muslims Only
Choose the correct answer:

1. Fasting can be ........................ if it falls in summertime.

(easy - difficult)
2. Salah is …………….. if body and clothes are clean.
(acceptable - not acceptable)
3. Blood is considered as ……………………
(Najas - not Najas)
4. We ………………. pay Zakatul-Fitr.
(must - mustn’t)

Fill in the Blanks:

Urine - tears - Arabic - three - water - impurities - Fasting

1. Najasah is an ………..........………. word.
2. …………….........…. and stool are Najas.
3. The …….......…….. of dogs is Najas.
4. We must keep ourselves away from all ………...............….
5. We can clean Najasah using ……..............……
6. …..….............. is to stop eating and drinking throughout the daylight.
7. The meat of the sacrificed animal is divided into……......... portions.

Al-Oruba International Schools

[Islamic Studies - Grade (4) - 2nd Quarter Practice Sheet] [2016/2017] Page 5 of 6
True or False: For each statement, circle True or False:-

1. Cleanliness is a part of Faith. True False

2. Khamr and alcoholic drinks are Najas. True False

3. A Muslim keeps himself away from Najasah. True False

4. Istinja is to clean yourself with water in the toilet. True False

Answer the following questions:-

1. Write two of the things that are considered Najas in Islam?


[Islamic Studies - Grade (4) - 2nd Quarter Practice Sheet] [2016/2017] Page 6 of 6

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