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Infrastructure as as Service (IAAS): You manage the server which can be physical or

virtual as well as the OS, usually the data center provider will have no access to
your server.

Platform as a service (PaaS): Some else manages underlying hardware and OS, you
focus on applications.

Software as a Service (SaaS): Software provided by a provider that maintains data

center, servers and networks while you only consume the software provided.

Public Cloud: AWS, Azure and GCP.

Hybrid: Mixture of Public and Private
Private Cloud: You manage in your datacenter.

6 Advantages:
Trade cap expense for variable expense
Benefit from econ of scale
Stop guessing about capacity
Increase speed and agility
Stop Spending money running and maintaining data centers
Go global in minutes.

Good Cloud Design: Build your systems to be scalable, use disposable resources,
reduce infrastructure to code, and, please, assume EVERYTHING will fail sooner or

AWS: Currently 19 different regions and 57 availability zone.

Region: Are geo locations that consists of 2 or more availability zones.
Avaibility Zone: 1 or more datacenters.
Edge Location: Endpoints for AWS that are used to cache content on AWS.

Choosing a region:
Data Sovereignty Laws (laws that require a paticular region)
Latency to end users.
AWS Services (services differ based on region)

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