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Support Plans:

Basic: Customer service for account and billing. Free

Developer: Primary contact and technical assistance within 12-24 hours. $29 and
Business: 24x7 support by phone and chat, 1 hour response to urgent support and
help with common 3rd party software. Full access to AWS trusted advisor. $100 and
Enterprise: All features of business support plus a Technical Account Manager (TAM)
who provides proactive guidance. $15,000 and scales.

S3 (Simple Storage Solution): S3 provides dev and IT teams with secure, durable
highly scalable object.
S3: Object storage (IE file storage). 0bytes to 5tb in size for files. unlimited
storage, files are stored in buckets.
Buckets: File storage in the cloud, name must be unique globally.
If the upload is successful you will receive a HTTP 200 status code.
Key: Name of the object.
Value: Data of of the object.
Version ID: Important for Versioning.
Metadate: Data about the data you are storing.

If you write a new file and read it immediately afterwards you will be able to view
the data.
If you update an existing file or delete a file and read it immediately it may
still be the old file.

S3 Gaurantees: Built for 99.9 percent availability. Built for 11 9s durability.

S3 Features: Tiered storage, lifecycle management, versioning, encrypting, secure
your data via access control and bucket policies.
S3 Standard: 99.9 and 99.99999 availibilty and durability, stored reduntantly
across multiple facilities and designed for a 2 facility loss.
S3 IA: For data that is accessed less frequently but requires rapid access when
needed. lower fee than S3 but you are charged a retrieval fee.
S3 One Zone: For when you want lower cost option for infrequently accessed data and
do not require multiple zones.
S3 Intelligent Tiering: Designed to optimize costs by automatically moving data to
the most cost effective access tier without performance or impact overhead.
S3 Glacier: Secured low cost storage for data archiving, retrieval time is
configurable from minutes to hours. Data is encrypted by default.
S3 Glacier Deep Archive: Same as glacier but lower cost and retrieval of 12 hours.

Identity Access Management (IAM): Root user is email address used to setup the
account. This can do anything on the account.
IAM: This will allow you to setup multi-factor authentication, create individual
users, assign users to groups and apply password policy.
3 kinds of user access: Programmatic access, SDK and Management console.
Policies are always in JSON format.
IAM is global and does not care what region it is in.

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