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Personal Essay on Love Is All You Need

Essay about Love: Love Is All You Need

Love is definitely one of the most powerful feelings that people can ever experience in their lives.
Although different people perceive what is love differently, it has been inspiring for everybody, giving
hope and the sense of life for people for thousands of years, and its role has never been diminished.
Apart from this very essay about love, dozens of thousands of literary works have been written in its
honor, and it is still a source of inspiration for people of all ages and backgrounds. Thus, it is not
surprising for us to hear the words “Love is all you need”.

For me, love is definitely all I need. I love my family, my country and my life. I am sure that with time I
will find a beloved husband who will fill my life with joy. And of course, we will have kids who will
make our lives meaningful. This is the reality, for which I live, and for which I try to improve myself
every day. The thought of such perspective brings a smile to my face in the morning and in the
evening, and, of course during the day.

To tell you the truth, I don’t understand those people who constantly complain about their life. To my
mind, they just don’t know what real love is. Yes, they may have experienced it and it can even be
another source of their depression, but to my mind, this kind of love was just not true. The true
feeling makes people really happy. Of course, there are exceptions, but I am sure that in the majority
of cases it is people themselves who are guilty of their misery.

To sum up, I should say that…

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