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Examining the Creed The Airman’s Creed

I am an American Airman: Air Force members are I am an American Airman.

defenders of the nation. Consider the importance. I am a Warrior.
This phrase is repeated throughout the creed.
I have answered my Nation’s call.
I am a Warrior: Airmen employ the world’s
greatest airpower and go "outside the wire."
Establishing air dominance or clearing roadside I am an American Airman.
bombs, Airmen are there. Warriors.
My mission is to Fly, Fight, and Win.
I have answered my Nation’s call: Many enter the
military for various reasons, but most join when
I am faithful to a Proud Heritage,
they discover the pride in serving their country. A Tradition of Honor,
My mission is to Fly, Fight, and Win: Everything And a Legacy of Valor.
we do is to ensure mission success. We as Airmen
will fight for what is right, and fight to win.
I am faithful to a Proud Heritage, A Tradition of
Honor, And a Legacy of Valor: History makes you
I am an American Airman.
Guardian of Freedom and Justice, AIRMAN’S
smarter, and heritage makes you prouder. Heritage My Nation’s Sword and Shield,
is a reflection of our past and shapes us today.
Guardian of Freedom and Justice: A call to the
Its Sentry and Avenger.
I defend my Country with my Life.
Constitution. Airmen swear an oath to support and
defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.
My Nation’s Sword and Shield, Its Sentry and I am an American Airman.
Avenger: Airmen protect while taking the fight to Wingman, Leader, Warrior.
those who threaten the American way of life. As
avengers, they fight for those who have fallen. I will never leave an Airman behind,
I defend my Country with my Life: Airmen stand I will never falter,
tall, and if necessary pay the ultimate price for And I will not fail. Do you understand the
their country and their countrymen.
Airman’s Creed and
Wingman, Leader, Warrior: As leaders and
warriors, in time of war or peace, each Airman, to what it means?
the best of their ability, is responsible for ensuring
the safety and security of their fellow wingmen.
I will never leave an Airman behind, I will never
falter, And I will not fail: As Airmen, no matter
the situation, we all come home together. As
Americans, we will not waiver in our decisions,
and there is no way we accept failure.
Purpose History of the Airman’s Creed

In the Airman’s Creed, we have a

promise to both country and col-
creed us to believe in and advocate the value of
air power. This heritage defined the Air
leagues. It sets the tone of life in the noun \ˈkrēd\ Force ethos—our fundamental character—
United States Air Force by providing A set of fundamental beliefs; and set the stage for the Airman’s Creed.
a value structure by which to live and
work. If you are a member of the Air also: a guiding principle. Following the terrorist
attacks of 9/11, President
Force, you need to learn its creed, not George W. Bush issued a
The word creed de-
just memorize the words. stirring speech that in-
rives from the Latin
credo which means ‘I spired the nation and
believe’. The earliest would later inspire part
creeds were religious of the Airman’s Creed:
based, where a creed "We will not waiver; we
was a brief statement will not tire; we will not
of faith, often drawn falter, and we will not
up at times of conflict fail. Peace and freedom
to distinguish believers will prevail."
dedicated to a particu- On 18 April 2007, General T. Michael
Your service puts you in an elite lar doctrine. Moseley, then Air Force Chief of Staff,
group of Americans—a group who introduced the Airman's Creed. In a let-
Ours is the profession
stood tall and accepted the oath to of arms. We are Airmen ter, General Moseley wrote that one of
serve their country. Military person- Warriors dedicated to his top priorities was to "reinvigorate the
nel make up less than one percent of fly, fight and win for warrior ethos in every Airman of our
the total United States population. our Nation. We are heirs Total Force." Thus, the creed provides
That's something you will be able to to a proud heritage built Airmen a tangible statement of beliefs.
hold to for the rest of your life. by heroic visionaries
The Airman's Creed reflects pride and practitioners such as
in the role of air, space, and cyber- Mitchell, Arnold, Chen-
space power and a commitment in nault, Doolittle, LeMay,
supporting and defending the nation. and Schriever.
It defines who we are, what we stand These pioneers led by example, from the
for, and the fact that if you mess with front, and assumed the full measure of risk
one of us, you mess with all of us! and responsibility. They left a legacy of val-
or, honor, service and sacrifice and charged

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