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The rapid urbanization and economic growth in different places have led to a
drastic increase in plastic production and consumption around the Philippines. Most of
the schools creating programs to reduce the rapid production of plastics to maintain the
good quality of their schools. Everyday many students drink water from packed plastic
bottles and expectedly to be crushed and dropped in a dustbin but it is not practiced
enough effectively. Plastics are roaming everywhere and it should be dispose regularly.
People should practice their behavior to be a responsible citizen for maintaining the
cleanliness of our surroundings. Segregating and recycling the plastic waste may be the
best solution. The basic idea to segregate them properly is to maintain our attitude in
keeping our society clean.

In Northern Mindanao, one of the schools where most of the students are throwing or
leaving their used plastic bottles everywhere is the Liceo de Cagayan University Main
Campus. LDCU is a prime private, non-sectarian university. This university is one of the
university that accept junior highschool completers from public schools.

Basic Literature Foundation

According to Nureen Anisha (2014) she stated that “waste management is
important for our environment and in long term it might affect our climate. Plastic waste
is very critical since it is non-biodegradable and can become toxic for the soil, water and
air. A school should establish in every 100 kilometers of each city that would be called the
“plastic” school and would be run by the youth. The school would collect plastic waste
such as plastic bottles and cellophanes and use these plastic for creating various types of
artwork. The students or youths will be segregating plastic bottles, keep them in the
inventory and supply them to the teachers and faculties for use.
Plastic bottles contain Bisphernol A (BPA), the chemical used to make the plastic
hard and clear. BPA is an endocrine disruptor which has been proven to be hazardous to
human health. Using plastic bottles as tools decreases the hazardous and toxic to our
environment and can make our society a better place. Not only for humans but also for
animals, rivers, seas or ocean. Plastic has found an irreplaceable part to human life.
Human produces plastic wastes continually which result in pollution. We all know that
plastic bottles are made out of a high quality of chemical which we cannot break it down
easily. Some people burn plastics in order to dissolve it easily but it is bad for our
environment. That is why we should segregate and recycle these plastics so we can use it
again, so our environment will not be affected to these toxic disposed plastics. We can
live in our society freely and save our mother earth where no hazardous plastics to be in
our way and can live without any hesitation.

Seriousness of the problem

Based on the observation, the Liceo de Cagayan University main campus has many
solid waste near riverside and other part of the school and affecting the school itself. It
may cause a natural phenomenon to the school and leading to a hazardous environment.
Like plastic pollution, this pollution harms the habitat of the animals like fishes or any
marine organisms. Plastic pollution can afflict land, waterways and oceans, living
organisms can be harmed.

General Objective
With the abovementioned scenario and situation, it is the main objective of the
researcher to determine the good benefits of proper segregation of plastic bottles in Liceo
de Cagayan University main campus. Plastic is inexpensive and durable and as a result
levels of plastic production by humans are high. Therefore, the research findings on that
objective become the solution to prevent hazardous and toxic plastics in our

Overall Purpose of the Problem

This is mainly for the purpose of proper segregation of plastic bottles in Liceo de
Cagayan University main campus. To prevent plastic pollution and to avoid hazardous and
toxic disposed plastics that is harmful to our health. To reduce the plastic waste menace
in our environment, and make our society a better place.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in PR 2

Writing an Introduction Paper

Uzarraga, Nennius Jericho S.

Alquilos, France Russel W.
Obrial, Joemari
Absin, Mickey John
Amper, John Miko
Grade 11 – STEM 8

Mr. Bob Lourence Silagan

Practical Research 2 teacher

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