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Unit 1 Teamwork

Focus on a project: International Finance Centre (IFC) Seoul, Korea

Word Definition Translation

award (v) to officially give something to

somebody, e.g. work, a contract
architectural firm (n) a company that plans and designs
joint venture (n) two companies or people involved in a
business activity
excavate (v) to make a hole in the ground by
digging up soil, rocks, etc.
storey (n) British English a floor or level of a
building [= story American English]
office tower (n) a tall building that belongs to a
company or organisation, with rooms
where people can work at desks
floor space (n) the amount of a room that is empty or
available to be used
complex (n) a group of buildings

elevator (n) a machine that takes people and

goods from one level to another in a
escalator (n) a set of moving stairs that take people
to different levels in a building
moving walkway (n) a path that moves

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