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ENGLISH 10 th CLASS Time allowed: 1 hour

1) RINSE means.
a) Washing slowly b) Washing quickly c) Sticky d) none of these
2) Adhesive means
a) Gluey b) Sticky c) A and B d) none of these
3) Tweezer means
a) Pincers b) Scissors c) A and B d) none of these
4) Conquer means
a) Win b) lose c) destroy d) effective
5) Find the correct one
a) Folk b) falk c) fulk d) filk
6) Find the correct one
a) prosperity b) prospirity c) prospurity d) prsoperity
7) Find the correct one
a) Patiance b) Patience c) Patiunce d) Patiense
8) Accessible means

a) Hard to use b) Easy to use c) Conjuring d) Effective

9) Firm means.

a) solid b) definite c) both “a” and “b” d) none of these

10) Find the correct one

a) Analgesic b) Analgasic c) Anelgasic d) Analgesic

11) The holiday is celebrated with.
a) family gatherings b) giving gifts c) festive decoration d) All
12) Change the dressing at least?
a) Weakly b) Twice a day c) Daily d) none of these
13) Band aids are good for dressing small.
b) Wounds b) Burns c) Fractures d) All
14) They rested at sunset; underlined part is?
a) Adjective b) Adverb c) Noun d) none of these
Q# 2: Answer the following questions. (10)

a) Why is it necessary to keep away soap from wound?

b) What can we learn from failure?
c) What do the decorations on doors and windows symbolize?
d) What does the word proclaimed mean?
e) What is the importance of first aid in managing the crisis?

Q# 3: Translate in Urdu: (5)

The products don’t make the wound heal faster but they can help your natural healing
process work fast. Certain ingredients in some ointments can cause a mild rash in some
people. If the rash appears stop using the ointment.

Q# 4: Write an essay which describes the life of Quaid-e-Azam (10)

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